072 Start 【Goblin Rise·2】

On the convoy of the Skywind Commerce Guild.

Dean McKenzie was in a hovering off-road vehicle created by a mechanic, suitable for mountainous terrain, heading out from Spring City.

Usually, exploring a new map with this kind of technologically advanced vehicle should have excited McKenzie.

However, his mood wasn't exactly soaring at the moment.

He felt a weight in his heart.

The urgency in Anthony's insistence that he leave gave him an unsettling feeling.

But he couldn't quite put his finger on what was wrong.

The only thing he was sure of was that leaving couldn't be bad for him; Anthony wouldn't harm him.

Even disregarding Anthony's character, his influence and power would make it unnecessary to go to such lengths to harm McKenzie.

But still, leaving like this left McKenzie feeling uneasy and unsettled.

"This isn't how I imagined leaving, but oh well, not everything in life goes as planned. This isn't too bad either!