073 Proposal from the Princess

[You have entered the instance [Goblin Uprising·2]!]

With the refresh of the system prompt, Dean McKenzie opened his eyes, his face filled with the joy of surviving a disaster.

"I escaped!"

However, the joy on his face didn't last; Dean's complexion soon changed.

"It hurts!"

Currently, he was like someone emerging from unconsciousness. His bodily functions were sluggish at first, but after a delay, all sorts of pains welled up like a flood.

Dean had never encountered such a situation before.

Next, Dean noticed his current state and found his hands and feet were bound by heavy iron shackles.

Moreover, he couldn't mobilize the Mana within his body for some reason.

Looking around, he found himself in a dank and dark environment. Obviously, it was a dungeon.

Just as Dean was confused, the system message refreshed again.

[Instance Plot Synopsis:

Three months ago, you left the Goblin Tribe and ventured towards the human world in search of the Necromancer's legacy.