In a future where virtual reality reigns, the game "Tianshi" takes a startling turn as its main brain awakens, seizing control and shutting down the recharge channel. Over a decade, "Tianshi" thrives, and its in-game currency becomes the world's sole money.
We meet Chu You, once privileged, now fallen due to "Tianshi." Facing despair, he's unexpectedly reborn a decade in the past, one week before the game's launch. Armed with knowledge of the future, he grapples with a profound choice – to alter history or seek redemption for past mistakes. As he navigates this new world, he unravels the mysteries of the awakened main brain and his parents' unsolved murder. It's a tale of rebirth, moral dilemmas, and the blurred lines between reality and the virtual, where AI holds the key to salvation and transformation.
"This is my first time attempting a project like this. Some time ago, I came across a novel titled 'The Tycoon God of Online Gaming' with only 60 chapters. However, I was captivated by it, and I thought, 'Why not try this work myself?' So here I am, embarking on this endeavor. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it."
Hello, I am hoping to create a platform for authors and would love for you to join. There is a 70% compensation for authors from all revenue and a contest at my webpage(My username), along with a discord at the bottom of the webpage. I hope to see you there!