Fooling The Chosen One, Looming Danger

Even Yan Jingfei, who was once at the top of the world, was completely defenseless against Tian Yongheng's godly charm because of his Connate Providence of Ethereal Looks.

But the next sentence he said snapped her back into reality, making her scalp tingle.

"A former Immortal Ascension Realm Powerhouse is actually so humble? What a surprise." He said calmly, though his words were clearly mocking her.

At that moment, many thoughts flashed across her mind. He knew her secret!

At one point, she even considered attacking him with all her might, but she quickly came back to her senses. There was no way she could do anything with her current strength.

"Don't worry, I don't get anything out of killing you right now, nor will I go around saying that you regressed from the future to the past. But I'll only say one thing, and that is, don't cause unnecessary trouble. The future that you know of is definitely not going to stay that way now with me here." He continued, even though he was not so sure about what will really happen.

He was actually pretty confused himself.

Did I not exist in the future timeline where Yan Jingfei came from?

Or was I...not even supposed to exist in the original timeline?

He thought about it really carefully, and still couldn't get any answers. He could only come to the conclusion that the 'System' of his and his special Reincarnation were things far more unfathomable than what they seemed to be.

In any case, he couldn't even imagine about comprehending these things, so he decided to put them aside for now and focus on the Chosen One in front of him.

Even the reason why he was acting so brazenly was because he knew that Yan Jingfei didn't know a single thing about him from her reactions. He could easily mislead her and increase his chances of escaping from troubles brought by her.

Yan Jingfei, on the other hand, was baffled by his words.

Just who is this Supreme Mighty Figure to be able to see through all these things?

It doesn't matter who he is, but one thing is for sure. He is definitely far stronger than me. I don't think even me in my prime would be a match for his true strength.

She subconsciously believed that Tian Yongheng was the Reincarnation of an Allmighty big shot Immortal God from the Upper Realm who had fallen to the Lower Realm after an accident and his Cultivation had decreased.

In her opinion, he definitely surpassed the concepts of time, space and such. Thus, he was easily able to see through her situation at a single glance.

Opportunity, it's a great opportunity!

If he had any bad intentions, he would've killed me easily right from the start. He didn't kill me, he won't get anything from me if he leaves me alive too since he can see through everything himself!

This great Righteous Mighty Figure, I have to get on his good side!

She was naturally overjoyed. She knew that the Cultivation World was a ruthless place, and she should not trust anyone easily. But then again, if the other party was as great as the person in front of her, what bad things could happen?

[Yan Jingfei has developed Favorability towards you.]

[Current Favorability: 4-Stars]

Tian Yongheng quietly looked at the System Notification in front of him and couldn't help but feel good inwardly.

Phew, now I don't have to worry about her going around causing trouble all day.

He thought, and looked at Yan Jingfei, who was still staring at him in a daze.

"From now on, don't make any big movements till I say so. The world is not as simple as you think it is. There are people like you everywhere who have great Providence and are special in their own way. It will be bad if you get involved with them." He said, making her look at him with a complicated gaze.

"There are...others like me?" She asked slowly, a slight shock could be heard in her voice. Her reaction wasn't as big as before.

Immortal Cultivators' mind and senses were very sharp, so it was normal for her to quickly adapt to any kind of situation. Thus, she was no longer as enthusiastic as before after hearing about such things.

Tian Yongheng nodded at her question and continued, "That being said, you should go back to your brother's side now. We'll meet again after a few months when the banquet begins."

With that, he went back to his courtyard. Yan Jingfei bowed with her fists cupped in the direction Tian Yongheng left and didn't stay any longer, and went to look for her brother.

On her way back, she couldn't help but think about all the events that happened today.

Is this really not a dream?

She shook her head, a faint smile blooming on her face.


On the other hand, Tian Yongheng heaved a sigh of relief back in his room.

Phew...I managed to fool the Chosen One for the time being...I have to be really careful in the future in these kind of things.

But still, I don't have to worry about Yan Jingfei affecting my Cultivation because of the troubles caused by her for now at least.

With that, he started to focus on his Cultivation once again.

If I can increase even a little bit of my strength during this short period of time, then it's still worth it.


Meanwhile, tens of thousands of miles away from the Sword Seeking Sect, in the same dense forest near the Willow Leaves Town.

A terrifying aura burst forth from the same small Daoist Temple, instantly covering a radius of a hundred miles. All the animals and Demon Beasts present in the forest shivered with fear as they began to flee crazily.

The commotion was huge, but fortunately, the forest was still a little more than 150 miles away from the Willow Leaves Town, thus no Mortal was injured nor was the Town effected.

However, a Acquired Realm Cultivator who was on the outskirts of the forest immediately noticed the violent fluctuations of rampant Spiritual Energy.

"Huh!? Someone made a breakthrough in this place? No..wait...this presence and aura..its familiar doesn't belong to the Acquired Realm!?"

As soon as he realized that the Spiritual Energy fluctuations didn't belong to the Acquired Realm, he started trembling in fear and was incredibly shocked.

"I-Innate...Innate Realm!?"

But it was already too late for him to realize that, as a 30-feet palm made up of Spiritual Energy landed on him, completely crushing him and turning his body into a bloody meat paste.

"Ahahahahaha! You pest! That's what you get for chasing me for over a hundred years!"

At this moment, a hysterical laughter came from the Daoist Temple as a figure flew out into the air, looking at the pool of blood left of the Acquired Realm Cultivator who he had just killed with disdain.

That's right, he was Gong Jian. He bore a deep hatred towards all the factions of this area of the Qingyun Region. His Sect was destroyed by the seige of various forces, and the Sect Master who was also his Master, was killed by the Founding Ancestor of the Sword Seeking Sect.

At that time, he, who was only in the Foundation Establishment Realm swore to take revenge on all the factions which were a part of the seige that day, and completely annihilate them, specially the Sword Seeking Sect.

Only after he escaped did he come to know that the mastermind who ordered that attack was actually the dominating force which had ruled over this area for 3,000 years, the Yan Immortal Dynasty.

That was why he ran away and hid till he reached the Innate Realm.

"Just wait a few more years, you bastards! After I stabilize my Cultivation Base at the Innate Realm, I'll destroy all you Acquired Realm ants! And the Yan Immortal Dynasty will also fall under me!"

He shouted looking at the sky, his voice filled with hatred.