Connections Are Everything

A few months later.

The banquet of the Sword Seeking Sect officially began.

Almost all the guests had already arrive, most of them at the peak of Foundation Establishment Realm while quite a few of them in the Acquired Realm. Some of them were even in the later stages of the Acquired Realm.

Tian Yongheng was naturally also present there. Cui Ming introduced him to everyone, and most of them acquainted themselves with him.

After all, it was better to have more friends than enemies in the ruthless world of Cultivation. There were also some people who did not think much of it because of their confidence in their strength, most of them being Acquired Realm Cultivators.

This also included the Disciples of the Yan Immortal Dynasty's Three Sects.

Suddenly, Tian Yongheng spotted Yan Jingfei and another young man besides her walking towards him. The Young man was naturally Yan Jingfei's brother, Yan Guo.

Yan Guo cupped his fists and introduced himself, "Fellow Daoist, I'm the Second Prince of the Yan Immortal Dynasty, Yan Guo. I believe you've already met my sister."

He looked over at Yan Jingfei from the corner of his eye, and then again at Tian Yongheng.

No wonder Fei'er was urging me to meet him.

He's so handsome!

In the end, even he was mesmerized by Tian Yongheng's looks.

Yan Jingfei had told Yan Guo about him, and thus he went forward to greet him. She had already told him about their encounter, althrough she obviously did not mention any other details expect for them meeting each other beforehand.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Fellow Daoist. I'm the Founder and Master of Eternal Peak, Tian Yongheng." He also introduced himself politely.

[Yan Guo's has developed Favorability towards you.]

[Current Favorability: 2-Stars]

He had received many such system notifications in the past few days since the beginning of the banquet. Even a person who he had never talked to before and only seen would develop Favorability towards him because of his face.


At this moment, an old man who looked to be in his 80's came flying directly into the hall. His appearance stunned everyone, while the ones who knew him quickly went forward and greeted him with extreme respect.

"Greetings, Senior Gao!"

"Greetings, Senior Gao!"

Just as some people called out to him, the entire hall fell into an uproar as more and more people went forward to greet him, even the arrogant Acquired Realm Cultivators were very courteous towards him.

Yan Jingfei only briefly greeted him half-hearted, while Yan Guo was excited. Tian Yongheng on the other hand only stood at the corner of the room and didn't even bother to greet him as he quietly checked his information.

[Gao Fusheng: Ninth Stage of Acquired Realm.

Supreme Elder of Heavenly Spirit Pavillion.]

Ninth Stage of Acquired Realm...I wonder if I can defeat him with my current Cultivation at Ninth Stage of Foundation Establishment Realm?

Yan Jingfei quickly noticed Tian Yongheng looking at the group of people trying to please Gao Fusheng.

"Senior, I don't know if you already know about it, but that person is Gao Fusheng, the Supreme Elder of Heavenly Spirit Pavillion. He has a profound Cultivation base and has lived for around 2,000 years, almost reaching the end of his lifespan as an Acquired Realm Cultivator. He's one of the most experienced and oldest Cultivators in this area." She explained.

Tian Yongheng narrowed his eyes without showing any emotion, "I can only deduce so much Heavenly Secrets with my current Cultivation, so I can't calculate everything about him. But from what I can see, the reason why he's surrounded by even people from the Yan Immortal Dynasty's Three Sects isn't so simple as him having a high Cultivation and experience, is it?" He said, looking at Yan Jingfei.

"You're indeed correct, senior. The actual reason why he's so respected is because the Founding Ancestor of Heavenly Spirit Pavillion was a Personal Disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect, so the Heavenly Spirit Pavillion can be called a subsidiary force of the Spirit Sword Sect." She hurriedly explained further.

"Spirit Sword Sect?"

"The Spirit Sword Sect is a Golden Core Faction more than a million miles away from here, Senior. It's one of the many subordinate forces of the Qingyun Sword Sect, althrough no force below the Golden Core Realm should know that, i myself found out about it in my past life after reaching the Golden Core Realm."

Qingyun Sword Sect!?

Hearing the name of Qingyun Sword Sect, Tian Yongheng was stunned for a moment in his mind, though he was as calm as ever on the surface.

Qingyun Sword Sect, The absolute Ruler of the entire Qingyun Region which has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. No one in the entire Qingyun Region doesn't know about the Qingyun Sword Sect, who's higher ups are all Mighty Figures beyond the Golden Core Realm.

Even their Supreme Elder is rumored to be an ancient Mighty Figure in the Nascent Soul Realm who has lived for more than 20,000 years.

One had to know that a single Void Refinement Realm Powerhouse above the Golden Core Realm could wipe out thousands of Golden Core Realm experts as if taking a leisurely walk in the park. This was the difference in major realms. One could imagine how powerful a Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator would be.

Tian Yongheng knew this very well because he himself originally hailed from a Golden Core Realm Family. Thinking of the past, he couldn't help but feel sorrow.

Deep down in his heart, he knew that this feeling of Sorrow may as well become his Heart Demon in the future and prevent him from attaining Immortality. That was why he had to dispell it completely, and to do that, he had to cultivate quickly and increase his strength.

He turned his gaze to Yan Jingfei and asked in a calm tone of voice, "What else do you know about the Qingyun Sword Sect?"

"Senior, as far as I can remember, there will be a major event hosted at the Qingyun Sword Sect in a few hundred years. Althrough at that point of time, I was only at the later stages of the Acquired Realm and thus wasn't invited. That's all I know about the Qingyun Sword Sect, since I left the Eastern Continent after reaching the Golden Core Realm in the next couple of thousand years, though i do know that the Qingyun Sword Sect is a subordinate force of the 7-Star Sword Sect." She replied, seemingly lost in thought for a moment.

They even have connections with one of the 24 Major Factions in the expected, connections are everything.

Tian Yongheng had expected it already, as the 7-Star Sword Sect was located in the Eastern Continent along with the Grand Sun Sect and the Great Path Holy Land.

He didn't say anything and looked over at the crowd gathered around Gao Fusheng, with the other party being uninterested in all the flattery and having an Ethereal temperament of an expert.

"But I don't understand, why did someone like Gao Fusheng come to the banquet of a small sect such as the Sword Seeking Sect? He could also send a Personal Disciple or any of the Heavenly Spirit Pavillion's Elders, he didn't have to come personally." Tian Yongheng looked at Yan Jingfei.

"Senior, Gao Fusheng is actually an old friend of the Sword Seeking Sect's Founding Ancestor. The reason why he's here must be because of that." She answered casually.

An old friend, huh?

Tian Yongheng was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by someone.