Elemental Training Ends

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

30 power Stones I will release one extra chapter 

60 power stone I will release two extra chapter

100 power Stones I will release three extra chapters

Within a week so BRING ME POWER STONES)

(A.N: Again, Thanks PaTTeS, cottony, Cadmus_Crow, Ramot, Josh_Deakins, and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D

"Very Good, your fire chakra control has improved to a satisfactory level now we can start with wind chakra control

It will be a little more difficult than fire one because your major affinity is fire, not wind still, it's more than enough to make it your major element 

It is very rare for someone to have 3 elemental affinities and of such a high degree too, it can even rival some kekkei genkai power, though first, you have to master all three elements, but I am sure you can do it easily as you were able to learn fire chakra control in 1 week, even I had to train for 2 months for that" Yukihiro said

"OK sensei, what should I do for the next exercise"

"It's simple you just have to do this" 

Yukihiro picked a leaf and suddenly it got bisected from the middle

"This exercise is different from the previous exercise of burning the leave since at that time you just had to release fire chakra and the leaf will start burning due to the burning nature of the fire chakra

On the other hand wind chakra in itself is not sharp, but it can easily be moulded into sharp blades though you have to learn that by yourself"

"Sensei, what does wind chakra feel like?" Kaida asked as it is important to know how you have to mould your chakra

Yukihiro nodded his hand and made a ball of chakra over his hand 

"pass your hand from this ball"

Kaida did as instructed, what he felt was something similar to a morning wind breeze with a soothing effect, he passed his hand multiple times to and from the ball to get a proper feel of the wind chakra

After that, he went to his practice area and once again made 10 shadow clones and started meditating after 30 minutes, he made 5 more shadow clones 

While his clones were trying to mould Normal chakra into wind chakra, Kaida spent 3 hours meditating then one by one dispersed his clone the intervals of 10 minutes and made a new one, this helped in 2 things other clones got memories and ideas about how to proceed further and new clone of more chakra were formed to continue the practice when his all clone was replaced with a new one

The new clone was nearly able to mould the chakra into wind chakra it was just a matter of time before they would be able to mould the chakra, just when Kaida was going back to meditate one of his clones dispersed itself since it had successfully moulded its chakra into wind chakra

Kaida quickly dispersed all of his clones and his chakra was back to 80 %, he then made 3 shadow clones and they began trying to mould their wind chakra in wind blades

 He went to meditate again, though just after 1 hour one of his clones dispersed itself as it had successfully made a wind blade Kaida dispersed his other 2 clones he picked 1 leave and it got bisected in two but one thing clicked to Kaida why should I make blade of wind chakra can't it be made of normal chakra

He tried to make a blade from normal chakra, but the problem was the blade was very dull and passed through a leaf without cutting it, seeing this he thought 

'Wind chakra is easy to mould into the sharp object as for normal chakra it is not suitable for attacking due to its ethereal nature'

He then picked a leave and threw it in the air before it could reach the ground it got bisected into 2 pieces with a smile on his face he went toward Yukihiro and showed him that he was successfully able to bisect the leave 

"Sensei, I have completed the task you had given me"

Saying this Kaida picked a leave and bisected it from the middle, expecting the second step to be the same as the previous one he was happy that he had already completed the second step too

But Yukihiro's words completely crushed his expectation

"Very good Kaida, Now You have to Bisect a piece of wood"

"But sensei where will I find this much wood so that I can practice with my shadow clone"

"Don't worry, I got you" Yukihiro laughed and placed a bag full of wooden pieces 2cm thick and 15*15 cm in length and breadth, Kaida picked a wooden board half expecting that he would be able to bisect it now only

But when he tried to bisect it using a normal wind blade the most it did was a small scratch

"Hahaha, did you think that you would be able to bisect it now, Kaida to bisect it you have to make your wind blade more sharp and tough

But I am sure you will be able to do it with enough practice as it is not something different from what you did with leaf just a 'little' more powerful"

Kaida just nodded his head and went back to training using his shadow clone he once again began training till 5 PM

After that their training time normally ends, returning home Kaida and Yomi discussed their progress repeating the same thing for 3 more days Kaida was able to bisect the wooden plates too, but when he went to Yukihiro to tell him about his success

His target was changed to stone plates of the same size, and bisecting them took nearly 10 day

But when he was able to bisect the stone plates Kaida was sure that he could easily kill and a normal person without him having a chance of reacting as he could project a wind blade powerful enough to bisect stone though his range was not much only 5 meter still, they were enough for any civilian, though ninja was a different story altogether 

After 10 days of continuous practice, he went to Yukihiro to show the completion of the third and last step of the wind chakra control exercise

After bisecting the stone plate in front of Yukihiro, his wind chakra control exercise was also over, now only earth chakra control remaining

"Very good, Kaida now we are at the last part of your elemental chakra control training, and Earth chakra control is not divided into three parts but, only one

In this you just have to mould earth into various shapes, your training will be over once you can make you can make a replica of yourself"

Then he picked some mud from the ground and it transformed into a sculpture of Kaida,

Kaida once again demanded to feel the earth's chakra

This time it felt like a hard object almost solid, though it was also soft and malleable at the same time

After that, he went back to training and after a full day of practice, Kaida was able to mould the normal chakra into Earth chakra after that he took one step at a time at first he made simple shapes from mud like spheres, cubes, cuboid,

But from the third day he started making complex objects like star shapes or wheels after 2 weeks Kaida was finally able to make a sculpture of himself 

With this, his chakra control training was finally over


(A.N: Yes here comes the time to submit your power stones otherwise your chakra will be sealed for eternity *insert maniacal laughter here*)