(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

30 power Stones I will release one extra chapter 

60 power stone I will release two extra chapter

100 power Stones I will release three extra chapters

Within a week so BRING ME POWER STONES)

(A.N: Again, Thanks PaTTeS, cottony, Cadmus_Crow, Ramot, DaoistnPuZ96, and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D)

By the time Kaida had completed his elemental chakra training for all of his three chakra attributes, Yomi had also completed her lightning chakra training

Though it may seem slow compared to Kaida, by normal standards, she could easily be considered a genius, it is just that she only had the help of 5 shadow clones, and lightning chakra in itself is not easy to learn that she fell behind Kaida to such a degree, also Kaida's fire attribute is high so mastered its control very swiftly 

On the next day at 5 AM

"Okay now, that you have some form of mastery over the elemental chakra, let's learn some new jutsu

Since your main chakra attribute is fire we should start with fire-related jutsu, hmm the first one should be easy for you

Let me show you" Yukihiro said

He performed a series of hand signs and a fireball formed in his hand and launched toward a boulder 

The place where the boulder was present had become flat only a crack remained there

Kaida quickly understood why Yukihiro said that it would be easy for him as he already knew how to make a fireball, so the rest of the process should be easy

Yukihiro looked toward Kaida and said 

"You have 3 hours to learn this jutsu, the theory behind it is…" After explaining the theory, he also performed hand signs in slow-motion so that Kaida could memorize it

He made 15 shadow clones and all of them began the training, while Kaida went to meditate, when the training started Kaida could at most make 15 shadow clones but due to the constant draining of his chakra and moulding it in different natures coupled with daily sleep of 10 hours had done wonders for his chakra reserved

He can now make 23 shadow clones at the same time if he has to guess, he has around 230 units of chakra but still, he only made 15 clones so that they will have enough chakra to practice for some time

Only after 20 min one of his clones able to perform the jutsu successfully though its aim was a little off, it dispersed itself and the rest of the 14 clones began working on the aim, by the time 3 hours had passed he was confident that he had successfully learned the Jutsu

He went to Yukihiro and showed him his fireball jutsu, though his destructiveness didn't match that of Yukihiro still he was able to form some crack on the boulder 

"very good, though it is not as powerful as mine but after practicing it some more your proficiency will increase so will the power behind this Jutsu

Now let's go toward the next jutsu, we will practice till you are exhausted as we just have 15 more days, after which I have to go back for a mission, and over a training period of 3 months will end so I have to teach you most I can, you can tell me whenever you want to stop okay" Yukihiro said

"Yes sensei" Kaida nodded his head, and then it clicked to him and he said 

"Sensei, Grandpa said that you are very proficient in Kenjutsu, So if I can learn Ninjutsu early can you please teach me kenjutsu in the remaining time"

Yukihiro had a smile on his face and he said

"Okay if that is what you wish for, you have to learn at least 5 elemental jutsu before we start our training of kenjutsu," Yukihiro said with a smile on his face, as a teacher he was happy to have a student who wanted to learn so much

Yukihiro then showed Kaida how to perform fire breadth jutsu

In this Jutsu, a stream of fire is released from the person's mouth and its length varies on the amount of chakra you put in it was a very destructive jutsu in close-range fights

Kaida swiftly went back to practice and made 20 clones this time as he did not want to waste his time mastering this jutsu he would have enough time for that after 15 days now he just wants to learn as much as he could

After self-depreciation for wasting this much time learning chakra control as he could have completed it in 2 months, he went into 100% concentration mode 2 of his clone sat on the ground and discussed how or what his clone was doing wrong whereas if any of his clones made any progress them will tell that to this clone and they will tell it to all of his clones while discussing to find how to progress further 

Doing this he was able to learn the jutsu in 2 hours he quickly dispersed his clone and went to Yukihiro to show it 

Yukihiro seeing him performing this jutsu in just 2 hours was surprised 

"very good Kaida, but remember to maintain your safety first as we can learn after some time, but life is something we don't get back

Now that you have learned two fire elemental jutsu it is time for wind one"

Yukihiro performed 4 hand signs and a wind blade was farmed which swiftly launched toward the tree branch and branch fell from the tree with a clean-cut

Without wasting any time Kaida quickly went to practice wind blade jutsu

Following the same technique for this one as well he made 20 clones but he was surprised when only after 30 min his clones dispersed themselves because they had already learned this Jutsu

As he was already able to form a wind blade that could bisect rocks, he just had to learn how to launch them and their direction

Yukihiro knowing this was expecting Kaida to arrive early when Kaida showed him his Yukihiro said

"Okay now that you have 3 jutsu under your belt that you can use for attacking lets learn 2 movement jutsu

As out of the village the chances were always high that you may meet someone stronger than you so you must learn some fast movement jutsu so that you can save your life

Always remember till the safety of the village is on the line your life is always the most important thing"

'well for me my life and life of those close to me come before the safety of the village but still, it will try to protect the village in most cases as it had already done so much for me, and not treated me like some monster like Naruto' Kaida thought but didn't say anything just nodded his head

Yukihiro performed a series of hand signs and swiftly his whole body was now covered in wind chakra with a burst of wind from his back he disappeared from his position and appeared 50 meters ahead after making a complete square he came back to his position and showed in slow motion how to perform the hand sign to Kaida 

Followed by the theory behind this Jutsu

Since this jutsu was going to take a very large amount of chakra Kaida just made 10 shadow clones and went for meditation for 1 hour straight his clone continued to practice with no result 

After one of his clones was able to perform the technique its direction was a bit off and it collided with a tree just 30 meters ahead of him, due to the impact it got dispersed 

Kaida was jolted out of his meditative state due to this sudden memory, The rest of his clones also got the memory and proceeded with care, after 3 hours of practice they were able to control their direction somewhat

This jutsu took a total of 4 hours to learn, since it was already, 2 PM Kaida quickly ate nutrient bar and went to Yukihiro to show this jutsu and learn the final jutsu

The last jutsu he had to learn was Earth Release: Earth Military Movement Technique, This jutsu allows the user to enter the ground and "swim" in it for a limited time.

This time Kaida knew that it was going to take time as Earth was not his forte but then also he made 20 clones who began practicing till 5 PM he was not able to perform this jutsu, he was expecting Yukihiro to come and tell him that he can leave, but he never came, Kaida suddenly remembered that Yukihiro had said that they will practice till Kaida is exhausted, Kaida just made a shadow clone and send it toward gate to inform Yomi about this 

He started doing meditation and after practicing till 10 PM Kaida was finally able to learn his fifth and last jutsu, he went to Yukihiro and showed him his last jutsu seeing his dedication Yukihiro smiled and said… 


(A.N: Yes here comes the time to submit your power stones otherwise your chakra will be sealed for eternity *insert maniacal laughter here*)