Training is important

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Again, Thanks cottony, Hsaet_Uchiha, Valos , Luomaze, Michael_Olson_8900 , will_c, PaTTeS , Cadmus_Crow, and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D)

(A.N: somehow I was able to complete the chapter today only, so here is a new chapter)

He hugged Yomi and both of them sat like that for quite some time, and went back to their house after enjoying a beautiful sunset

Kaida just went to bed and laid there after reaching his house and thought

'Till now I was only focusing on getting stronger so that I could live a happy life this time I was quite happy getting a second chance 

My first life was … miserable, I was a burden on my parents, they could have lived happily if they didn't have to pay my constant hospital bills, also living with constant pain in my whole body was worse, 

I am sure Mom and Dad would have been sad after hearing about my death, but it was good for both of them,

When I got a second life, no matter if it was in a world where you can be killed just because someone's mood was off, still I was happy to get a second chance

That's why I wanted to get stronger so that I can live a happy and long life this time, but I think 'living in the moment' is something I have never done in my both lives hahaha

Yomi is now my girlfriend right, should I treat her differently, I never had a girlfriend, and even is even right to have a 7-year-old girlfriend 

Even if it is acceptable in this world we are still children, so we can't do any naughty things surely not, but since we already kissed, kissing should be all right, right'

While kaida was having such thoughts Yomi was doing the same, 

'I was planning to say this for so long and I said it in such a way, who says I love you when they are angry, what will he think about me

And now that we are in relation, will we do all those things in ICHA ICHA Novel'

They both slept that night with a blush on their face

Next morning

"Huy Kaida"

"Huy Yomi"

… awkward silence

"Yomi let's remain like we were before till we grow up, we are just 7, let's wait till we become adults before doing anything," Kaida said in one breath

"But we already kissed," Yomi said looking away

"Yes…, but let's just stop till kissing, we will not do anything else till we are adults ok"

"Means kissing is ok," yomi asked, and just after asking her face went beet red

"I guess," Kaida thought

At least I am not the only pervert here'

After reaching an agreement that they would wait till they were at least physically older than 18 years, they once again started their daily routine

After a 4-hour long physical exercise session they went to take missions from the mission assignment desk

After completing 16 missions of the day, they didn't come back to their house but rather went to search for new houses, without any discussion it was already final that, they were searching for one house, not two

Though for sake of it, they were searching for a house with 2 bedrooms, after searching for some time they found a 2 BHK flat ready to move in at 4000 Ryo, though the price was still the same this flat was a lot better than their previous house and had a cozy feel to eat, they decided this flat and moved in at the end of the month

This flat other than having a nice feel was also at a nice location 15 min walking distance from the academy where they have to go continuously to take missions as well as had a Training area near it

Training areas were normally free and anyone could use them till someone booked them for their training, it was much better than some small forests where they used to train

On the morning of the first day of the next month

Kaida woke up and made up 5 shadow clones each went to do a different chore from cleaning to cooking breakfast, while he went to complete his morning routine, Yomi woke up after some time she also made 2 shadow clones to clean her room and went to do morning routine

After taking care of their bathroom need and brushing their teeth, they both went to the hall to eat breakfast

After kissing each other for a good 5 minutes, they started eating breakfast

"Yomi I think we should take our training seriously"

"But we are training daily?" Yomi said

"Yes, but the training we did after eating the soldier pill was many times better than this

All I am saying is that let's take 4 day break from mission 2 times a month and do training after eating a chakra pill as the rate we are earning money we can make 200,000 Ryo a month which is a lot, we don't need that amount, heck even 100,000 Ryo is too much for us for now"

"Wookk, high doon…"

"First eat then speak," Kaida said

"Okay, I don't have any problem with this, but where will we get soldier pills" Yomi said, and again filled her mouth with more food

"Oh! don't worry about them, they can be arranged at the mission assignment desk, I had seen him giving them to other ninjas"

After eating their food, they did their morning exercise, then took a bath and went to take the mission 

"Sir I would like to buy some soldier pill"

"Why do you want soldier pills" the mission distributer asked

"I would like them to use it for training"

"Oh! OK, which one do you want"

"Are there types of soldier pills?" Kaida asked confused

"soldier pill comes in a range between 1500 Ryu to 50000 Ryo, it depends on the amount of chakra you have as well as your need"

"Sorry sir, but I don't know which one I should choose can you please recommend me" Kaida said while trying to hide his shock after listening to its price

"Ok come here" The distributor placed his hand on kaida chest and tried to sense his chakra, needless to say, he was surprised by the amount

'how does such a small boy have so much chakra that's why lord Hokage shows him favor this boy is surely a genius'

"Seeing your chakra you at least need to buy the one with the cost of 3000 Ryo, though 2000 one will work too, but the exhaustion will be worse"

"Ok sir I would like to have 2 soldier pills then"

"ok wait a minute"

He went in and came out with a box containing 2 soldier pills, Kaida took the pill as well as the mission deciding to take the soldier pill tomorrow in a fully active state

"How much are booking fees for Training Area 33 for 3 days," Kaida asked

"It is 10,000 Ryo"

"Then I would like to book it for 3 days from tomorrow"

"ok I will make the paper ready till you come back from mission"

Kaida and Yomi completed 16 missions, then did their training and went to sleep 


(A.N: Hey if you liked this story, I came up with please leave a comment, I like it when you guys share your views with me:-D)