More effort, more reward

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Again, Thanks cottony, Hsaet_Uchiha, will_c, Patterson PaTTeS, Cadmus_Crow, and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D)

Next day…

"Pack your nutrient bar, Yomi we are not going to come back to eat food"

"Really, can't we just take some time off even to eat"

"No, it will break the flow and concentration, and we can eat all we want after training is over, now hurry up"

"Okay coming"

They went straight to Training Area 33, at 3 AM, since they had booked the Training area, only they were present in the Training area 

"here's your soldier pill, eat it and start your practice, you can call me if you have any problem Ok"

"yes," Yomi said

Kaida went to a different part of the Training area and consumed his soldier pill, 

'This is the same soldier pill that Yukihiro sensei gave me, but I do wonder what will be the effect of 50,000 Ryo soldier pill

Well, I can always find it in the future now let's make as many shadow clones as I can'

He started making shadow clones when he made the 24th shadow clone, he got a feeling that he could make more so he made one more, and one more, and one more

He made 27 shadow clones, and in just 1 month time his chakra reserves grew once again, happy with this discovery, Kaida started his training

'Since I have 2 things to train, and we are going to train 2 times a month, let's train kenjutsu one time and ninjutsu other time'

Kaida sent one of his clones to look after Yomi, with the remaining shadow clones half used transformation jutsu to transform into swords made of chakra metal, other half took the sword and started kenjutsu training seeing that one shadow clone had no partner as there was 13 shadow clone Kaida dispersed that clone

And made a new one with more chakra

"you will fight with 2 shadow clones at the same time so that we can have the experience of fighting multiple opponents at the same time"


Kaida himself didn't go to spar as he decided to use this time differently 

He coated his whole body in chakra from head to foot and started increasing the weight of the seal 

Every 10 min he increased the weight by 10 kg and was running at the same time, he increased the weight to 120 kg he finally stopped there and continued to exercise with that weight 

After 3 hours of continuous exercise, he lay on the ground and started circulating chakra in every part of his body while maintaining the coating of chakra on his body

Since he had pushed his body far beyond its capability, he was sure the time he stopped his chakra coating and circulation, the pain would be unbearable 

Due to this, he continued his chakra coating and circulation for 1 hour straight till now all of his clones had been dispersed some due to damage and others due to chakra exhaustion 

Kaida once again made 27 shadow clones and they started their sparing session again, while Kaida once again started his weight training 

This time with a weight of 130 kg, while Kaida was doing his torture cum training, his clones were sparing with each other with maintaining chakra flow in the sword

Due to the lethality of the attack in such a state, the clone will be dispersed even with a scratch from the sword, even though shadow clones can take some damage unlike normal clones

So Kaida's clones were instinctively using a very advanced technique of kenjutsu in which you have to spread your chakra around you and feel through it, it somehow works as a sixth sense

Normally a ninja has to master kenjutsu and become a good sensor ninja to learn this technique, but due to necessity Kaida learned a tamer version of this technique 

Due to this his clone was able to dodge most of the attacks and Kaida's defence kept on increasing, for full 3 day Kaida kept on repeating this same pattern,

 When only 4 hours were remaining Kaida stopped his training and focussed on recovery, since the damage was too much and he knew that after 4 hours he would be unable to do anything he stopped his training and focused on recovery

He sent 4 shadow clones to make food for them

When Yomi first started her training, she only did it because Kaida had said so, she was satisfied with her growth, as they have to continuously go to the academy to take missions

Yomi was able to find out that many of her previous classmates in the so-called elite class were still on 2nd part of their training and here she was already a genin

But Kaida is never satisfied, so she also decided to train with him, aside from this the other reason she didn't want to train was that lightning jutsu was fucking hard 

She was only able to learn 1 lightning jutsu in 3 days all the other 4 jutsu were water jutsu, her sensei told her that first, she would have to master this jutsu then only she should go for other lightning jutsu

This Jutsu was nothing too flashy just throwing a spark from her hand, she was able to do that, but to master this jutsu, her attack should travel more than 30 meters, while she was only able to reach 5 meters 

Yomi decided to focus on this jutsu only and learn other jutsu afterward, she is only able to make 14 shadow clones at max, but since she had to practice jutsu that required too much chakra she made 10 shadow clones and started practicing 

At the end of the 3-day training, she was able to attack 12 meters away from her, it was a major achievement, and decided to take this training seriously as during daily training her growth was fractional compared to this

"Yomi let's go 3 days are almost over" Kaida called Yomi


They both went back to their flat, after taking a much-needed bath… alone, they ate the meal already prepared by kaida's clone till this moment Kaida had not stopped chakra circulation fully devoted to healing his body 

After eating they went to sleep

This time Kaida slept for fucking 24 hours, the exhaustion was too much due to such training when he woke up, he stretched his body a little

*tat tat tat tat tatat*

A very relaxing sound of bone cracking came from every stretch, his body was so stiff after that torture cum exercise 

By the end of 3 days, he was doing exercise while maintaining the weight of 230 kg, he decided to check whether it had any benefit or none, so he increased the weight of the seal from 0 to 35 and was able to do things without much difficulty slowly he increased the weight by the time he reached 180 it became too difficult to move, seeing the improvement he was very satisfied

He made 10 shadow clones to clean the house and cook food, after completing his bathroom needs and brushing his teeth, he went to the hall to eat breakfast and found already waiting for Yomi at the dinner table

"good morning Yomi"

"Good morning, now move faster I am dyeing here due to hunger"

"Hahaha, ok"

After that, They ate their dinner in silence

"So was there any improvement after the training," Kaida asked after eating

"Yes, this training session are more useful than I initially thought, I think in the next 2 sessions I will master my lightning jutsu"

"oh!, that's great" Since they had already done enough training Kaida and Yomi skipped their morning exercise and directly went to take missions at 6 AM after resting some more

That day they completed 24 missions, followed by some light training, after which they went to sleep


(A.N: Hey if you liked this story, I came up with please leave a comment, I like it when you guys share your views with me:-D)