Training ends

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Again, Thanks cottony, Hsaet_Uchiha, will_c, Patterson PaTTeS, Cadmus_Crow, AdamNovel , Apex_predd and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D)


(A.N: sorry for the delay guys, had some important work)

For the next 2 weeks, Kaida and Yomi followed a similar routine of 4 hours of physical exercise, then 16 missions though if they hurried they could do 24, but since there was no urgent need for money, both of them decided that there was no need to hurry

After that 3-4 hours of ninjutsu training, followed by sleep, of course, there were many kisses in between this schedule

After 2 weeks kaida once again bought 2 soldier pills as well as booked Training Area 33 for 3 days

"You remember the drill, call me if you have any problem ok"

"oh are you free to listen to my problem, I thought now you only talked with Ayame"

"ok come on we have already talked about this, how long are you going to keep repeating this"


This was because on one of a mission, they once again met with the same father-daughter pair, on the way transporting their item Ayame kept on talking with Kaida

Though Kaida found nothing wrong with it, Yomi could smell a rival, so kept on pestering Kaida about him talking to another girl 

Though she was never serious about this and Kaida knew it too

After small bickering Kaida went to a different area and ate his soldier pill, since this time he had to focus on ninjutsu he only made 20 shadow clones after taking some breaks in between, each with 10% of his chakra 

The only goal of the training was to reduce hand sign and timing of his elemental jutsu

The first jutsu he decided on was a fireball, since he already knew how to make a fireball, the only thing he had to learn was throwing it out to make this jutsu sign less jutsu

All of his clones kept on performing that jutsu to get the feel of how to mold their jutsu, so that they could perform this jutsu without a hand sign

By the end of the day while Kaida was doing his weight training a clone dispersed itself, my first signless jutsu, he moved his hand in front of him a fireball formed in 5 seconds and threw out straight to a boulder 40 meters away from him

'Ok, now it's time to move on fire release jutsu'

He once again made 20 shadow clones, who started training fire breath jutsu, this jutsu will be super effective in range fights if he can make this jutsu sign less and fast

This jutsu was a little difficult as he had to work on it from basic but in one and half days he was able to make this jutsu sign less too since only half a day was remaining Kaida focused on wind blade jutsu as it was easiest to learn for him, he already knew how to make wind blade and cut rocks with it

In half a day this jutsu was also learned successfully

'With these 3 jutsu, my offense is enough for now, though I have to work on reducing the timing to perform this Jutsu, it can be done after some training

But the problem is there is always someone stronger than you in this world, so I have to perfectly master the remaining 2 jutsu, other than making them sign less I have to make them as swift as possible

Now that I think about this, it is more important than other training lets complete it first then only, I should work on any other jutsu before anything else'

Kaida had already sent his clone to prepare food, he went toward Yomi 

"Yomi it's enough, lets go back"

"are 3 days already over"

"Yes now hurry we have to go back"


After eating the food, they talked for some time before going to sleep

"So, how is your progress Yomi"

"Not good, I thought that I would be able to reach 30 meters today, but by the end of 3rd day I was only able to reach 26 meters only 4 meters were remaining"

"Don't worry next time you will be able to master it completely"

"how were your results," Yomi asked

"I have made 3 of my jutsu signs less, but I have to work on decreasing the casting time of each

But for now, I am thinking of focusing on my other 2 jutsu, they will come in handy when I am in some dangerous situation, you should also focus more on your defensive jutsu"

"but I am close to fully learning this jutsu, after I complete this one then only I will focus on the water shield"


After that, they went back to their room and fell into deep embrace of sleep

Again, followed by 2 weeks of doing the mission they once again went back to train

"Yomi once you learn your lightning jutsu, focus on the water shield I have a feeling that very soon we will have to go out for missions"


This feeling was not a gut feeling but, due to recent news he heard that many students are ready to be promoted to genin in the academy

As Hiruzen had said, they will be assigned a new teammate when a student graduates from academy 

So Kaida wants to perfect his remaining jutsu as soon as possible 

He went to a different side of the Training area and made 28 shadow clones (once again increase in chakra reserve) with 10 % of his chakra while taking a break in between each shadow clone to recover his chakra

All of them started practising Wind instantaneous movement jutsu, while he continued his weight training

Wind instantaneous movement jutsu was on the harder side compared to other C Rank jutsu, so Kaida had to invest too much time in making the jutsu sign less after 3 days of continuous training he was barely able to make the jutsu sign less

But to activate the jutsu Kaida had to wait 10 sec, in a battle where half a second can decide the difference between life and death, 10 sec was too much time

But since time was already over they went back to their house followed by 24 hours of sleep. But this time they decided to do another 3-day training session as both of them were sure that they did not have much time now for training

Yomi was able to reach 30 meters with her lightning attack as well as make the water shield jutsu sign less, but the time to create the shield was too much and its defensive capabilities were also on the lower side than the water wall so she had to work on those on this session

As for Kaida he just worked on wind instantaneous movement jutsu to make it faster and reduce its activation time, he even stopped his weight training and did this jutsu so that his body would get used to the jutsu

After another 3 days their jutsu reached an acceptable level

Satisfied by this they went back toward their flat

"Finally my lightning jutsu and water shield jutsu are somewhat usable in fights"

"Yes, my wind instantaneous movement jutsu is also ready to be used in fight or flee situations, now we can focus on other Justus"

They ate the food of 8 people all by themselves and went to sleep 

When the sun rose the next day, Kaida and Yomi decided to take a rest for the day and start doing the mission tomorrow 

When they were about to go out an Anbu ninja came at their door

*ding ding*

"lord Hokage had called you at his office at 10 AM" and used body flicker jutsu to disappear from there

Kaida and Yomi looked at each other

"look like our training days are coming to an end now ha"


(A.N: Guys I love much more when you guys comment on chapters or paragraph, or leave a review, much more than power stones, though power stones are important I will appreciate much more if our interaction increases a little 😊