choosing specialization

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday 

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Thank you, you all are supporting this novel, and I am very grateful for that, I hope you guys will like this chapter ^~^)

So your sensei and I have come up with another idea for you, well technically it was previously discussed a plan that you guys will now focus on a specialization for at least 2 years, you can select any specialization and village will provide all the resources for your learning, so do you guys have any specialization you want?"

Hiruzen asked expecting them to ask for some time to think about it but

"Yes lord Hokage I want to specialize in Sensing and tracking technique, but since my clan specializes in this, I want to go with ninjutsu specialization," Ryota said after sometime

Hiruzen was impressed by this, it was a nice decision since Ryota was from an Inuzuka clan, he will undoubtedly learn about his clan technique which is one of the best in Sensing and tracking

Other clans that are famous for this are the Hyuga and Uchiha clan 

And since Ryota can't learn their techniques because he doesn't have their dojutsu there is very little the village can provide to him that he already doesn't have if he wanted to learn sensing and tracking technique

But since Ryota chose ninjutsu village can help him in a much better way by providing experienced teachers and techniques not choosing ninjutsu was the best choice 

Hiruzen smiled and said 

"Good I will arrange everything for you, you can come back here after 2 days to receive all the details"

"Thank you, lord Hokage," Ryota said while bowing a little 

After nodding his head Hiruzen looked toward Yomi and asked 

"So Yomi do you also have something planned in your mind, about the specialization"

"Yes Grandpa but first I want to confirm something, by chance we three will have to do missions as a team or with someone else in the future" 

"yes my child when you reach the level of the chunin from then on you will have to do many missions with various other people to get experience, and when you are promoted to jonin there may be many missions where you have to go alone" Hiruzen answered Yomi's doubt with elderly patience 

"then I also want to learn Sensing and tracking techniques"

"Can you tell me the reason for this?" Hiruzen asked with an amused smile on his face, as it was beneficial to have at least basic sensing techniques learned, but Hiruzen wanted to know Yomi's reason for choosing this Specialization 

"Grandpa when we were coming back from this mission Kaida told us that we were able to safely complete this mission just because Ryota was able to sense the ninjas beforehand, so according to this we would have been in serious trouble if Ryota wouldn't have been able to sense enemy ninja 

That's when it came to my mind 'What will happen when I am in a similar position but don't have someone as good as Ryota in sensing and tracking technique' This is the reason why I want to learn this"

"very good, even though you can't learn the same techniques as Ryota you can still become a very good sensor ninja maybe even better than a Ryota if you put enough practice into it, you will have to come here after 3 days, as doing an arrangement for you may take some time" 

"Thank you, Grandpa"

In a perfect mood, Hiruzen turned toward Kaida and asked 

"Do you also want to learn Sensing and tracking techniques Kaida"

"No Grandpa, I know that Sensing and tracking techniques as extremely important and beneficial for a ninja, but I have seen Yukihiro Sensei using this technique and also read about them in the library, by I realized that I could learn that technique myself if I put enough practice into it,

The Specialization I want to do is something I am sure I can't learn without any help"

"OH what is that" Hiruzen asked thinking that Kaida may ask to master his Sharingan like a Uchiha

"I want to learn medical ninjutsu Grandpa"

"What are you sure, you have such good potential for becoming such a powerful ninja why do you want to be a medical ninja" Hiruzen asked with a slightly higher voice 

"That's what I thought when I first heard about this" Yukihiro said while shaking his head 

"Umm, Grandpa I think you are misunderstanding something, I don't want to be a medical ninja I just want to learn some medical ninjutsu also you can't say that one can't be a powerful ninja if he or she is a medical ninja, after all, we have a lady Tsunade, she is both"

This was the logic both Hiruzen and Yukihiro can't deny, also Learning medical jutsu will help Kaida to get better chakra control which will ultimately help him in the future also

Kaida was just less than 9 years old he had so much time, So he did have some time to try different things and choose the best one for him 

"Hah! Now this will be difficult, I can't provide you with a personal teacher like these two, you will have to go to the village hospital to learn, also the medical ninjas there are a little angry because after Tsunade left their workload increased by more than two-fold, so you will have to be in your best behavior all the time

Also, they may refuse to teach you if you are untalented in this field" Hiruzen said …


(A.N: Sorry for a little shorter chapter, also we now have 73 power stones, and we still have 27 more to go for the Sunday chapter so come on guys GIVE ME POWERSTONES)