Hierarchy of hospital

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday 

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Thank you, you all are supporting this novel, and I am very grateful for that, I hope you guys will like this chapter ^~^)

 Also, they may refuse to teach you if you are untalented in this field" Hiruzen said

"I don't have any problem with this Grandpa if I am untalented in this field then it will be better that I don't waste my time in learning this field," Kaida said 

"But remember I will arrange only one chance for you to learn a specialization if for any reason you are not given another chance to learn something else, and you would still have to wait for at least 2 years still as a genin, now are you fine with selecting medical ninjutsu as your specialization," Hiruzen asked to check if Kaida is serious about this 

After two minutes Kaida said 

"No problem Grandpa, I am serious about learning this, and even if I am rejected I can focus on other things for 2 years so I don't think it will be a bad deal to choose this Specialization"

"hah!, well if you are this confident in your decision then go to the hospital after 4 days I would make them at least give you a chance," Hiruzen said and then dismissed all three of them 

After three of them left Yukihiro looked toward Hiruzen and said 

"lord third are you thinking about asking the Senior doctors to take Kaida as their apprentice" 

"Yes, you may not understand but normally all Uchiha focus on Sharingan and ninjutsu and genjutsu so no one understands how much a sharingan can help a medical ninja, he can see things more clearly and follow small movements with the help of Sharingan 

Also, Sharingan will help in increasing his chakra control which will also help in medical ninjutsu, with his already monstrous talent and Sharingan he can become a very great medical ninja, maybe even comparable to Tsunade, but I don't want to make my expectations to high so I will be happy if he can become a Specialist in that two years"

"Aren't even expecting him to become a specialist medical ninja in just 2 years still a high expectation for someone who doesn't even have a basic level of knowledge in this field" Yukihiro said with an awkward smile on his face 

"Well when you say someone to be a Jonin level ninja before they reach 9 years of age then they will call you mad right" Hiruzen said with a knowing smile 

"Hah, if you put it like that then I don't have anything to say, now 

Since you have now taken all my students in your care what should I do, do I have to go back to doing solo missions" Yukihiro asked thinking about his daughter 

"No need, since you were able to bring them to such a level this early you can take a break for 2 months but after that, you would have to continue going on the mission, you know we still have a shortage of ninjas so I can't give a break larger than that," Hiruzen said 

"Thankyou lord Third" Yukihiro said with a cheerful smile on his face, he was very happy to have some time with his daughter and he also knew the condition of Konoha even though it was stable right now, it was nowhere near its former glory so Yukihiro was very happy some time spend with his family 

After that Yukihiro also left the office and went toward his home 


Kaida decided to research the ranks in Konoha Hospital so that he would not be completely clueless when he got there, so he sent one shadow clone with 30% of his chakra to Konoha library to search for this 

Normally the books which was available for the general public don't have much detail but if you go to the section for ninjas then they do have details about the basic hierarchy of the Konoha Village hospital 

After reading for quite some time his clone was able to get the basic idea of the Hierarchy, which was 

Hospital Director: Tsunade 

-> Responsible for the overall management and administration of the hospital.

->Oversees all medical and ninja personnel.

->Reports directly to the village's leader or council.

Chief Medical Ninjas:

->Head of the medical ninja staff.

->Leads medical research, development, and training programs.

->Coordinates with the Hospital Director on operational matters.

->Expert in advanced medical ninjutsu and surgery.

Medical Ninjas:


->Surgeons: Perform complex surgeries using medical ninjutsu.

->Trauma Specialists: Handle emergency cases and critical injuries.

->Diagnostic Specialists: Conduct in-depth medical examinations and diagnostics.

->Genjutsu Specialists: Treat patients affected by genjutsu-induced illnesses.

General Practitioners:

->Provide primary medical care to patients.

->Treat common ailments, injuries, and illnesses.

->Administer basic medical ninjutsu and herbal remedies.

Nursing Ninjas:

->Assist medical ninjas during surgeries and treatments.

->Monitor patients' conditions and administer medication.

->Provide emotional support to patients and their families.

Rehabilitation Ninjas:

->Design and implement rehabilitation programs for injured ninjas.

->Utilize physical therapy and specialized ninjutsu to aid in recovery.

->Help patients regain strength, mobility, and combat readiness.

There were also additional staff present in the hospital like 

Support Staff:

Administrative Personnel:

->Manage appointments, medical records, and billing.

->Coordinate hospital logistics and resources.

Maintenance Ninjas:

->Maintain the hospital facilities and equipment.

->Ensure a clean and safe environment for patients and staff.

Security Ninjas:

->Protect the hospital from external threats and intruders.

->Maintain order and safety within the hospital premises.

Then come the division Where those who don't have sufficient skill to perform medical techniques on actual ninjas then they come in division

Medical Research Division:

->Researches new medical techniques, treatments, and medicines.

->Collaborates with other medical institutions and ninja villages.

-> Develop strategies to combat new illnesses, poisons, and injuries.

At last, there is a division that Specializes in the field of medical ninjutsu and normally takes part in everyday operation but is trained to handle emergency problems like an unexpected attack or war, they are also trained in fighting so they can be mobilized to the battlefield 

Emergency Response Team:

->The specialized unit is trained to handle medical emergencies and disasters.

->Mobilizes quickly to provide aid during natural disasters, ninja conflicts, or large-scale emergencies.

->Equipped with advanced medical ninjutsu and emergency supplies for rapid deployment.

After getting all the details clone got out of the library and went toward the training area, the reason he simply didn't disperse himself was that it was carrying his identification card of Kaida so that he could enter the library 

After reaching the training ground clone went to Kaida handed him his identification card and then dispersed itself 

'So I would most likely be trained as a General Practitioners or Nursing ninja in the starting and I have to gradually increase my rank from specialist to chief medical ninja 

Well training is sure going to be fun Kaida thought with a smile on his face 

After that, he went back to train his body flicker jutsu 

After training for 2 days, they made some improvement but it was not something very massive just the time to use the jutsu reduced a little and they got better control over where they would appear after using this Jutsu

Kaida was now able to appear on top of tree branches and uneven rocks easily due to his sharingan, Yomi and Ryota were still unable to do that but on the ground, they were easily able to decide the exact location they were going to appear

But Kaida was facing a problem…


(A.N: with this chapter, we have exceeded 100,000 words, so with this, I am going to launch my Patreon account tomorrow where you guys can read 5 chapters ahead, also you guys can support me so that I can continue this novel,

So my expectation from you guys will be as high as Hiruzen has from Kaida, and I am sure you guys will be able to meet them"