Disciple Privilege


(A.N: Hey Guys we have finally reached 100 chapters on Webnovel, Yay I am so happy I was able to write this much and got so much love and support from you guys, please keep supporting me and this novel like this 

80 power stones for Saturday's chapter 

160 power stones for Sunday's chapter,

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It never clicked in his mind that Mitsuru was a very experienced medical ninja and he couldn't reach her level in just 1 hour


(After 1 hour of continuous Practice)

Kaida was practicing the jutsu for the last time, he passed his chakra in the scroll and an injured fish came out of the Scroll,

Kaida placed his hand on the fish and started circulating His yang chakra, his eyes were red (The white part) because of all the veins that had pooped up due to overuse of Sharingan

If not for his Senju bloodline which had made his body stronger than average Uchiha he would have bled from his eyes by now

After circulating the Yang chakra he directed it toward his hand, his hand started to glow with soft green light

With accurate precision he kept on passing only the required amount of chakra in the fish, fully concentrating on not producing that lump one more time

After some time the fish was healed, and due to continuous hard work and training there was no lump on the belly of the fish, though there was a hideous-looking scar

'This much should suffice, I don't think I can accurately replicate what She (Mitsuru) did,' Kaida thought and went toward Mitsuru's office


*Knock knock*

Hearing the knock on the door Mitsuru looked toward the watch

"come in"

Kaida entered the office

"So are you ready now" Mitsuru asked

"Yes mam"

"Then what are you waiting for, Show me what progress you have made," Mitsuru asked, but her expectations were low this time, Kaida was able to heal the fish in just two tries, though it can't be said that the fish was healed, but at least it was alive

Improving after that is a matter of time and practice which Kaida didn't have, So Mitsuru decided to accept him as her disciple even if he had not made any new progress

Kaida just nodded his head and placed the scroll on the table a little away from where Mitsuru was sitting

He passed the chakra in the scroll, an injured fish pooped out of the scroll

With accurate precision Kaida began circulating his Yang chakra, with his eyes still red he had not deactivated his sharingan because he knew that with the amount of exhaustion he was feeling in his eyes

If he deactivated his Sharingan now, he would not be able to activate them any time soon, So Kaida decided to keep them activated till the end of the test

After circulating his chakra, he directed it toward his hand, with a soft green glow emitting from his head Kaida placed his hand over the belly of the fish, and with the help of Sharingan he began healing the fish

After some time, the fish was healed completely

Mitsuru was sitting on her chair with a shocked expression on her face after seeing the result thinking

'He more or less reached the level of general practitioner in just one Hour, if those guys find out that a boy had reached the same level as them in just one hour whereas they had invested years of their life into it

I wonder what type of face they will make,'

"Good job, you passed the test," Mitsuru said with a smile on her face and then continued

"Though I don't think you have any stamina left to learn something new, So go back and rest we will start your training tomorrow morning"

"Yes mam," Kaida said completely agreeing with her statement

"You are my disciple from now on, So from today call me Sensei okay"

"Yes Sensei," Kaida replied with a smile on his face

"Okay You can go back now," Mitsuru said while again going back to completing her mountain of paperwork"

Kaida did a 90-degree bow and said

"Thank you for Choosing me as your disciple Sensei" and then left the office

'With the talent, he also has modesty a rare combination' Mitsuru thought


Kaida deactivated his Sharingan As soon as he came out of the office, he went to the receptionist and asked

"Can I have a pack of Ice for my eyes please"

"Yes just wait a sec," She said and then told a nursing Ninja to bring an ice pack

"So did you get selected," Receptionist asked with anticipation in her eyes

"Yes" Kaida replied with a smile

"You got selected, Congratulations You don't know how many people have tried to become her disciple but all of them were rejected," the Receptionist said

"Why, She was not that strict," Kaida said

"Well there were different reasons like some were not talented enough, while those who did have some talent were too arrogant for their good" the receptionist replied

Kaida nodded his head in understanding, till then the ice pack was delivered to them

Kaida gratefully took the ice pack and placed it on his eyes feeling a little relieved after placing it on both of his eyes, Kaida asked

"How much for this"

"Hahaha, you are joking right," the Receptionist asked, but getting no laugh from Kaida she said

"You are now a disciple of Mitsuru Sama, you may not know, but you are the same level as a general practitioner in this hospital, also you will get many perks like full access to the hospital library, many training materials, etc, So there is no way you have to pay for such thing"

Kaida nodded his head too tired to continue the conversation

"Okay I will see you tomorrow," Kaida said and then left


(Uchiha Clan, Shisui's house)

"So You finally can't control yourself and want to go on the missions again, I thought I made myself clear that you were going to take a rest of 1 month at least," Hae said angrily

"I was also planning to do the same Mom, but the Clan leader personally gave me that mission, Don't worry this mission is not going to take much time, I will be back in 2 days," Shisui said reassuringly

"It's not like I can stop you know, Just be safe"

"Okay mom, Bye, tell Kaida and Yomi that I will be back soon," Shisui said

"Where are you going brother," Kaida asked entering the house

"Oh! You are quite early, Don't tell me they rejected you" Shisui asked dramatically

"No, Brother now I have a very famous sensei for medical jutsu," Kaida said with a mischievous smile

"Oh!, and who is he" Shisui asked intrigued

"Chief medical ninja of the Emergency Rescue Department, Mitsuru Nara," Kaida said with a proud look on his face

"What you got accepted by that devil of women," Shisui asked


"Congratulations Kaida," Hae said while smacking Shisui on his head

"Thanks, Aunty, Brother do you know my sensei"

"Yes She treated me one time, I don't want to remember that, just my condolences are with you for your happy life," Shisui said

"Hahaha, That aside, are going anywhere brother?" Kaida asked

"Ya clan head had given me one urgent mission, I will be back in 2 days"

"Oh! Okay best of luck brother"

"Same to you"

And Shisui left while Kaida thought

'why do I feel like a brother was not joking at the last part, anyways there may have been some misunderstanding, Mitsuru sensei was quite nice today and unlike other Nara clan members She wasn't lazy but rather a more hardworking maybe she was adopted in the clan?'

"So Kaida Why are You home this early"

"Oh actually Aunty, I overexerted myself during the test So Sensei said to take a rest for today and we will start our training tomorrow"

"Oh! That's great do you want to eat anything" Hae asked

"No aunt I would like to take a short nap," Kaida said still feeling a little pain in his eyes"

"Okay go and take some rest I will wake you up at lunchtime"

"Thank Aunty," Kaida said and went into his room

After an hour's nap, Kaida's eyes have recovered

'I still have 2 hours before lunch, I should complete Some mission to use those resources, it will be a waste to be in the clan and still not use them'

Kaida thought and went toward clan headquarters after informing Hae about that

Kaida directly went to take D rank mission

Even though D rank mission only gives 10 contribution points while C rank missions give 50-80 contribution Points, Kaida still chose D rank mission because they were easy and fast to complete and he could spam Shadow clones to complete those missions

Kaida directly took 25 D rank missions and made 50 Shadow clones, even though he can make nearly 90 shadow clones now Kaida still decided to take it easy, and made shadow clones with more than the required chakra

Now he only had 10 % of his chakra left, which meant he was once again exhausted so Kaida decided not to do and hard labor for now and went to the Receptionist and asked

"Can I get a list of resources and their price I can get with contribution points"

The receptionist looked around and not seeing much crowd said

"looks like I am free for some time, So yes I can give you that list but is not free"

"Do I have to pay you in contribution points"

"No normal money will suffice, the list will cost you 2000Ryo, and with an extra 500 Ryo I will tell you all of the doubts you may have about those resources"

"Okay here" Kaida directly paid 2500 Ryo, the price was similar to the reward of any low D rank mission, So Kaida had no problem paying that price

The receptionist took the money went inside a room and then came out with 2 pages containing the list of resources and their price 



Next Chapter: Chapter 100: Resources 



Next Chapter: Future Medical Ninja?

Next Chapter: Poison Removal Jutsu Potential

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