
(A.N: We still need 120 Powerstones for Sunday chapter, come on guys let's reach this goal this week, I don't want another day off (T T) 

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter 

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 2 paid members and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 😊)


The receptionist took the money and went inside a room and then came out with 2 pages, giving them to Kaida

"This is a list of all of the resources you can get using Contribution point"

"Thanks" Kaida took the list and started reading it, The First page consisted of all the consumable elements with their price, which were

1. Chakra Enhancing Elixirs: (80 CP) Potions or elixirs crafted from rare herbs and ingredients that naturally boost chakra reserves and increase physical strength temporarily. These elixirs could be brewed by skilled medical ninjas and consumed before battles or training sessions to enhance performance.

2. Endurance Tonics: (150 CP) Specialized tonics formulated to improve stamina and endurance without causing fatigue or exhaustion. These tonics contain ginseng, royal jelly, and special mushrooms known for their energy-boosting properties.

3. Muscle Enhancing Salves: (120 CP)Topical ointments or salves infused with herbal extracts and chakra-infused compounds that stimulate muscle growth and increase physical strength. Applied directly to the skin, these salves could temporarily boost strength during combat or training.

4. Focus Pills: (300 CP) Concentrated Pills or extracts derived from rare plants or animals that enhance mental focus, concentration, and reaction times. These Pills could improve combat prowess and strategic thinking without any negative side effects by sharpening the mind and heightening awareness.

5. Adrenaline Stimulants: (120 CP) Synthetic compounds or extracts derived from natural sources that mimic the effects of adrenaline, increasing adrenaline production in the body to enhance strength, speed, and agility. These stimulants could be administered through injections or inhalants and provide a temporary surge in physical performance.

6. Regenerative Elixirs: (100 CP) Healing potions or elixirs infused with regenerative properties that accelerate tissue repair and recovery from injuries. By speeding up the body's natural healing processes, these elixirs could allow ninjas to train harder and recover faster, ultimately increasing their overall strength and resilience.

7. Enhanced Nutrition Supplements: (60 CP, 30000 RYO) Specialized dietary supplements fortified with vitamins, minerals, and chakra-infused nutrients that promote muscle growth, bone density, and overall physical health. These supplements could be tailored to the needs of ninjas undergoing intense training or combat situations, providing them with essential nutrients for optimal performance. CAN BE EATEN DAILY

8. Vitality Infusion Brew: (150 CP) A potent brew crafted from rare herbs and chakra-infused ingredients that revitalize the body and boost vitality. Consuming this brew before battles or intense training sessions replenishes energy reserves, increases physical strength, and enhances overall performance without any negative side effects.

9. Spiritual Empowerment Tonic: (500 CP) A mystical tonic brewed from sacred plants and imbued with spiritual energy that fortifies the mind and body. Drinking this tonic heightens spiritual awareness, strengthens mental resolve, and amplifies chakra flow, resulting in a significant increase in strength and resilience during combat or meditation practices.

10. Harmony Restoration Elixir: (250 CP) An elixir formulated from harmonizing herbs and energy-balancing compounds that restore balance to the body's internal energies. By aligning chakra pathways and harmonizing the body's elemental affinities, this elixir enhances physical strength, agility, and elemental control, allowing ninjas to unleash their full potential without risk of imbalance or strain.

After reading the list Kaida turned to the Receptionist and asked

"Why are these two resources so expensive" pointing toward Spiritual empowerment tonic and focus Pill

"You Know why the Uchiha clan is So powerful right, It is because of our Sharingan, and The power of your Sharingan depends on 2 things your Spiritual energy which increases with an increase in chakra, as well as mental power

The problem with mental power is that it increases very slowly, and if your mental power is weak, your brain will be damaged from all of the extra information Sharingan provides

Now as you can see these two medicines help in increasing that said mental powers, So obviously they are going to be expensive"

Kaida nodded his head in understanding and then once again shifted his focus to the list

With some consideration, he asked

"Is there a limit on how many times we can take these medicines"

"Yes every medicine that is consumable and only has a temporary effect Should only be used once a day

Then the medicines that have permanent effects on your body strain your body a little so everyone mostly eats them twice or thrice a week

But those medicines you asked me before are very potent and you should only eat them once a week

Then comes Harmony restoration elixir, this medicine is not something you would want to miss, because after eating all those medicines the balance in your body will start to Shift So, you have to eat it once a month if you are planning to take other medicines, it helps in maintaining the balance in a different type of energy in your body"

"Thanks," Kaida said and then started making plans about resources gathering

'I don't have any need for consumables, So I don't have to focus on those, then comes these two,

Endurance tonic, which costs 150 Contribution points and Should be eaten once every two days then enhance nutrient supplement which costs 60 Contribution points and can be eaten daily

With these two I can increase My physical power, and focus on Taijutsu more, but for every two days it will cost 280 Contribution points, I can earn around 250 Contribution points in two hours by doing D-rank missions So this is not a major problem the major problem come with these two

Focus Pill – 300 Contribution points and Spiritual empowerment tonic – 500 Contribution points a total of 800 Contribution points per week, and from what I heard I can miss their benefits So these are mandatory

So if I calculate, I can earn 250 Contribution points per day, that is 1750 Contribution points per week

I will need around 870 Contribution points for physical Supplements and 800 for mental supplements after which I will have around 80 Contribution points left

With this I can't use the fire room even once, my only option will be the meditation room, but when I use the mediation room my clones can complete Some more missions and by using that contribution point I can use the Fire room at least once a week

So along with Medical jutsu and genjutsu, I have to complete at least 25 D rank missions daily, and take out some time for Physical workout I have so much to do"

Kaida sighed after thinking about the number of things he had to do daily, but then with a wicked smile he thought

'but if I can follow this routine for just one year, I am pretty sure I will be at least at the same level as elite jonin,'

With his workload increased by this much from just the first page Kaida didn't even look at the second page fearing that if he found something more interesting, he may have to say goodbye to his sleeping hours

Kaida folded the list placed in his pocket and left the counter

"I still have to complete 5 more missions to meet today's requirement, you know what let's do 10 more, then I try this focus Pill and see if this is worth the effort or not

So Kaida chose 10 more missions he could do though to complete this mission he had to wait as he had promised Hae to come back at lunchtime

So after choosing all 10 missions, Kaida was waiting for his clones to come back, he had to wait for 1 hour more as normally any D rank mission takes 2 hours at least

But to his surprise, all of his clones returned in 1 hour only

"What happened why are you guys here this early"

"We completed our missions, so what do you expect us to do, play?" One of his Shadow clones replied

"That extra chakra was very helpful, we were able to spam many jutsu and complete those missions early" Another clone said

"Oh! That's good now we can complete these 10 more missions before lunch" Kaida said with a smile

"Aren't you being too greedy now?" One of the clones asked

"You will become too when you get to know about the resources we can get with this Contribution point," Kaida said and then dispersed all 50 of his clones

With the chakra, he got from clones and the chakra restored in 1 hour, his reserves were now almost full

This time he made 20 Shadow clones with 60 percent of his chakra, his intention were clear which clones also knew since they had his memories

'complete the missions as fast as you can'

All of them got divided into teams of two and went to complete their respective missions Kaida went to submit the reports about mission completion

The Receptionist took the list gave the reward to Kaida and then asked

"Are you just planning on doing D-rank missions only?"

"Yes means at least for now," Kaida said

"Since you are new so you might not know, but if you continue to do D rank for the rest of your life you will still be a c rank in the clan, to get promoted you should at least have completed 100 C rank missions"

Kaida nodded his head and said

"I am not in any hurry for rank up, I am just completing these missions to get those resources" Kaida replied with a smile

"Oh!, Good choice" the Receptionist said while nodding his head in approval

"Can you tell me where I can get the focus pill," Kaida asked

"You are at the correct place for that boy, do you want one, Not right now, I only have 200 Contribution points, So have to wait for Some time to purchase that," Kaida said

"Okay, take your time," Receptionist said with a business smile

Kaida went out and sat, he could have gone with the clone to complete the mission but it wouldn't have mattered much so Kaida decided to wait for them

This time they were back within half an hour

'So the more chakra I invest in my clone the faster they can complete the missions' Kaida thought and then dispersed his clones, when he got the memories of the clones he understood how they were able to complete those missions that early

'So they used wind instantaneous movement jutsu to reach the location and then enhance their strength with Chakra to do all that physical labor

Heck one of them even Used wind instantaneous movement jutsu to move the item and client together to their location, luckily they were not angry about it, but rather happy to save that much time

Though this approach may be fast it consumes too much of my chakra, well I have so much time to choose between this method and the previous one' Kaida thought and then went to take the rest of his reward

Before giving a Contribution point to Kaida the Receptionist asked

"Do you want Focus pill now?"



Next Chapter: Focus pill 



Next Chapter: Poison Removal Jutsu Potential

Next Chapter: Monstrous talent

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