focus pill 

(A.N: We still need 120 Powerstones for the Sundays chapter, come on guys let's reach this goal this week, I don't want another day off (T T) 

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter 

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 2 paid members, and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 😊)



"Yes" Kaida replied

"Then just give me 200 Contribution points," the Receptionist said trying to be efficient

Kaida nodded and gave him 200 Contribution points, The Receptionist put an entry on the register and then went inside to get the pill

After some time he came out with a white bottle, there were various symbols present on the bottle,

"Do you Know how and when to eat this?" the Receptionist asked while giving that bottle to Kaida

"No" Kaida replied

"It is nothing too complicated, just take this medicine one hour before you go to sleep, after taking that medicine meditate for one hour normally and then go to sleep,

And in any circumstance do not use Sharingan after eating this medicine for at least 8-10 hours, your brain will need time to adjust to the effects of the medicine"

"Thank you,' Kaida said and then went toward this home since it was now time for lunch


"Welcome back, food is almost ready, go wash your hands and mouth till I serve the food," Hae said seeing Kaida return

"Okay Aunty," Kaida said and went to Wash his hands, and then went to the dining area where Hae had already served the food

After eating the food Kaida went to his room and started practicing Healing Palm Jutsu, he may have passed the test but it was nowhere near perfect enough

Time flew while he was practicing and evening came, Kaida was circulating his Yang chakra for the Nth time in the same pathway He had learned since he was not taking Out of his body, The chakra expenditure was quite low,

With his chakra reserves and its refiling rate Kaida can continue to do that for eternity without any problem, (except for old age of course)

During the circulation, he heard

"Welcome back Yomi, how was your day"

"Exhausting beyond belief, My sensei is a demon, he doesn't even allow me to rest for some minutes in between the training,

He said that if I wanted to be a good sensor in 2 years I Should practice Like this only, Now I am rethinking my life choices"

"I didn't know You Would get scared by some exercise," Kaida said while coming out of his room

"I never said That I was going To Stop the training, also why are you here don't tell me you got rejected," Yomi asked with a shocked expression on her face

"What can I do, My sensei was very strict and said that I can be anything in the world but a Medical ninja," Kaida said while slumping His shoulders a little

Yomi became worried that Kaida was sad about being rejected and went to pat his back,

"Don't be sad, I will ask my sensei to teach us both he is very nice, and I am sure he will agree to this"

"Hah!, Looks Like the effect of Living with Shisui is much more than I had initially thought, How could you learn from him this much in just 3-4 days" Hae said while shaking her head

Yomi also understood that Kaida was just joking

"You Scoundrel, I became worried for you," Yomi said slapping Kaida on his back

"I am Sorry, but it was such a perfect chance how could I have missed that," Kaida said laughing

"So You got selected So why are you here, Shouldn't you be training" Yomi asked

"I Became exhausted, So my sensei said that I'd come back home, and we could start our training tomorrow"

"You got Such a caring Sensei, why are you So lucky" Yomi said

"What can I do about it," Kaida said shrugging his shoulders

"Enough you too, Yomi you should be hungry, go get fresh a little I will prepare some snacks for you guys," Hae said

"No Aunty you take some rest I will prepare some snacks," Kaida said and went towards the kitchen

He also didn't want Kaida to feel like an outsider So she didn't deny this

"Aunty can you please teach me how to cook," Yomi asked shyly

"Of course, I can," Hae replied understanding Yomi's feeling

Yomi nodded her head and then went to her room

Kaida prepared some French fries with mayonnaise and some simple burgers

After preparing the said, Snacks are ready

Hae and Yomi went to the dining area after listening to this

"This is good, Kaida you have the talent to become a very famous Chef" Hae said

"I agree" Yomi also added

"Thanks but I am happy being a ninja," Kaida said and then continued eating his burger while thinking

'Even a normal burger tastes this good what the one with caramelized onion and barbecue sauce will taste'

"I will make a better version of this when the brother comes back from his mission," Kaida said

"Brother went on a mission?" Yomi asked

"Yes He had to complete one 'urgent' mission provided by the clan head," Hae said

"Oh!, when will he come back?" Yomi asked

"Well he said that he would be back in two days" Kaida answered

After eating the food Yomi and Kaida went to their rooms and Hae went to talk to her friend

Kaida continued his practice while Yomi just went straight to her bed and slept due to all the mental exhaustion from the training

They came out of their room only to eat dinner and then directly back

Kaida was very excited about it because

'the fire room just cost 200 Contribution points and it was that beneficial to me, now we have this a single pill for 300 Contribution points, if the Uchiha clan doesn't swindle their young ones then this pill should Increase my strength noticeably'

He thought while looking toward the red color pill inside the white bottle in his hand

He sat in a meditative position and ate the pill

The pill just dissolved in his mouth leaving a very bitter aftertaste

Kaida endured the bitter taste and started meditating, he felt something hot going in his stomach and then getting absorbed by his body like, a dry foam absorbing water

After meditating for 1 hour he directly went to sleep without even opening his eyes


(Next morning)

Kaida woke up, he was completely relaxed like he didn't have any tension in the world, his mind was completely silent without any thoughts

Then he remembered that he had eaten that pill yesterday

'is this one of the effects of the focus pill, well my focus did increase that for sure, but what about increasing the powers of my sharingan'

Kaida thought and activated his sharingan, but everything still looked the same

'Hah!, it was not like the pill was going to increase the powers of my sharingan, rather it should increase my thinking capacity, and ability to handle the response of Sharingan'

Kaida went to the garden and looked into the sky, he was able to see the bird flying quite high in the sky completely

But this time something was different, from their movements Kaida was able to predict their future movements though just some millisecond of the future, but he was able to do that without even trying

'Shit this is overpowered, if just this is having Such an effect what will other medicine do' Kaida thought with excitement all over his face

After satisfying his curiosity completely he went inside only to find it was already 6:30 AM,

'Shit I Should hurry'



Next Chapter: Medical Jutsu



Next Chapter: Monstrous talent

Next Chapter: Back to Orphanage

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