False Surroundings Technique

(A.N: 77/160, What do you guys think will we be able to achieve the Powerstone goal of this week?

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 4 paid members and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 😊)


(A.N: Extra Chapter since we got a new member, welcome Davieon Balthazar, and thanks for the support ^~^)

Kaida just made one more shadow clone and kept on practicing, after 2 hours Shisui said

"Since it is just repetitive training, I am going back, come to me if are successful in learning this or face any problem"

Kaida nodded and kept on practicing

Due to an imbalance in his chakra, it was tough to control it since it was not inside his body,

'The rate of progress is quite slow, at this rate it will take days to get it done… alone' Kaida thought and then made 5 shadow clones each with 20 percent of his chakra, and then 5 shadow clones with just 5 percent of his chakra

Then all of them began the training

Kaida had to take a break to make a new batch of shadow clones who were responsible for completing missions since they were low on chakra due to completing missions throughout the day

'We have completed 348 missions till now combined with our missions completed before we have completed 600 missions roughly

Now I just have to complete 400 more missions to take a reward from clan head Kaida though after getting a report from the clone in charge of taking the mission

After making 50 more clones he went back to his genjutsu training, since it was new for him and required significant time Kaida decided to focus on this for the time being

'luckily I have 2 more days, I am sure I can learn the basics till then' Kaida thought and continued his training for the night

For the next two days, Kaida's routine was from 8 AM to 4 PM to learn medical knowledge in the hospital, and from 5 PM to 7 AM to train genjutsu

With the help of his shadow clone, he was able to meet two of his requirements, he was able to complete 2000 missions means he could take an extra 30000 Contribution points from Fugaku, whereas he had also completed his training for basic genjutsu meant he could make his shadow clone see the thing he wanted to

Since he still had some time before the effect of Kaida went to the Uchiha clan headquarters to claim his rewards

"good evening Fugaku sama," Kaida said while bowing a little in front of Fugaku

"How the hell were you able to complete the 2000 D rank mission in just 3 days," Fugaku asked

"Since I had eaten Soldier pill, I could spend a little more chakra in my shadow clone, since they used many just necessary to complete the mission the tasks were completed very swiftly

Hence I was able to complete so many missions" Kaida replied


"Here is the promised reward, this is the maximum amount I am going to give you this week," Fugaku said while giving Kaida 30,000 Contribution points

"Thank you Fugaku sama," Kaida said while taking the stack of paper signifying Contribution points

"Fugaku sama, I wanted to ask something" Kaida continued after taking Contribution points

"What is it"

"Since we have so much amount of unused land, can't we also use that for a reward we can get using Contribution points?" Kaida asked

When Uchiha was reallocated to the outskirts of Konoha they were given the land of the equal amount they had at the center of the village

Due to the price difference, Uchiha now had four times the land they needed, which was mostly unoccupied,

(A.N: As for sudden interest in land will be explained later in the story :P )

"Most ninja have their own house in the Uchiha compound, why would you think they would need land" Fugaku asked since for so many years no one even tried to buy that land it was just lying there

"I don't know, but there is no loss in adding it maybe some will find some use for it," Kaida said

"Do you have some ideas for that land?" Fugaku asked sensing the reason behind Kaida's question

"I do have some ideas, but nothing major," Kaida said nonchalantly

"I will think about it, is there anything else you want" Fugaku asked

"No sir"

"Then you may leave," Fugaku said and went back to completing his paperwork

Kaida took his leave and went toward his next destination

"Brother I have learned the basics," Kaida said to Shisui who was resting in the garden after a training session

"Good how much more time do you have" Shisui asked

"4 more hours" Kaida replied understanding what Shisui was talking about

"That is enough time, let's go" Shisui used body flicker jutsu to reach the Training area, while Kaida followed using wind instantaneous movement jutsu 

"This is a simple D rank jutsu but its use is nowhere small, if not for being easily detected this may even have been B or even A rank Genjutsu," Shisui said

Kaida nodded his head

"It is known as the False Surroundings Technique, its uses is that it creates a horrifying illusion in the victim's mind, typically tailored to exploit their fears or weaknesses, in some cases this weakness is something even they were unaware of,

The reason I am teaching you this jutsu is So that you can understand how to alter the information, and even find information from the brain of the enemy" Shisui continued

Listening to the explanation Kaida thought 'Isn't this just the same one Kakashi used in Sakura during the bell test'

"Are you ready?" Shisui asked

"Yes," Kaida said and made a shadow clone

"No, this time you are not going to use Shadow clones, use them for training," Shisui said while pointing toward the rats

"Why is there any problem with using Shadow clones," Kaida asked

"Yes never used any genjutsu that requires a hand sign on your shadow clone, it may damage your eyes due to a loop formed due to your chakra," Shisui said seriously

Kaida nodded his head and then caught a rat for training, after killing people Kaida never felt something about using rats for training as it was necessary and should be done

First Shisui showed the hand sign to Kaida and then once gained used them to use that genjutsu on the rat

Seeing rats horrified expression on the rat's face Kaida understood that the jutsu was successful

"Do you want to show it once again?" Shisui asked

"No, I can continue on my own, thank you, brother"

"Okay, come find me if you have any doubts, and also come back before the effect of the soldier pill ends, otherwise I will have to come and find you," Shisui said while riffing Kaida's hair a little

"Okay brother," Kaida said

Shisui used body flicker jutsu to go back to his house,

'since I only have just 4 hours, let's make it count' Kaida thought and started making shadow clones

After making 80 shadow clones each clone went to search for a rat to practice this Jutsu

after four hours of practice Kaida had achieved two things, a partial mastery of D rank jutsu and gratitude for reducing the amount of rats in the Uchiha compound after that he went back to the house

Since Hae already knew that Kaida would be coming back after 3 days of training she had already prepared food for him

Also, the amount was not something Kaida had ever eaten, it was enough to feed 6-7 people

While Kaida was resting Hiruzen got the first report about Kaida after he had sent Anbu after him

"Are you sure?" Hiruzen asked looking toward the Anbu guard



Next Chapter: Goal to accomplish 



Next Chapter: Spiritual Empowerment tonic

Next Chapter: Harmony Restoration Elixir

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