Goal to accomplish 

(A.N: 100/160, What do you guys think will we be able to achieve the powerstones goal of this week for Sunday's chapter?

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 4 paid members and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 😊)


While Kaida was resting Hiruzen got the first report about Kaida after he had sent Anbu after him

"Are you sure?" Hiruzen asked looking toward the Anbu guard


"Yes sir that boy is just training, I believe that he is talented in Genjutsu as well as hard-working

He has used soldier pill to train and used all the time very efficiently, in case of potential threat I will rate him a d rank (LOW), his future potential can be rated as A, bordering S rank" the Anbu replied 

"Has he used any particular jutsu in front of anyone?" Hiruzen asked 

"No Sir, he did use shadow clones in a very peculiar way, for completing many D rank missions as well as increasing his learning efficiency 

And due to his high chakra reserves it was feasible, he was called by the Uchiha clan head, but I think it was mainly because he had completed an unusually high amount of D-rank missions 

and when the meeting ended he increased the number of missions he was completing" the Anbu replied 

"Good You may go back and keep an eye on him for some more time, I will tell you when you have to stop," Hiruzen said 

"Yes sir," The Anbu said and disappeared from the office using body flicker jutsu 

Hiruzen remains alone in his office thinking 

'Look like I don't have to dispose of him, even bear was able to see his potential, he will at the very least become an elite jonin, and from what the Mitsuru said he will most likely be a great medical ninja too'

Then he remembered how Mitsuru barged into his office 

(Two days ago…)

"Old man, My disciple should be a medical ninja he is too talented in this field just to be sent to his death on some mission," Mitsuru said while directly coming inside Hokage's office


"I know he is talented, this is the reason I recommended him to be your disciple," Hiruzen said while maintaining a calm demeanor, all too familiar with Mitsuru's nature 

"I don't think you know about his talent in this field. He's even slightly more talented than I am, but not by much." Mitsuru said 

Hiruzen eyes became a little wide for a split second, He knew Mitsuru too well. She is too prideful to accept someone more talented than her, there are a handful of people she will acknowledge to be more talented than her in the medical field including Tsunade 

And Kaida was able to make his place at this least 

"So you can directly ask him to become a medical ninja, why are you asking me about this," Hiruzen asked 

"Do you think I had not tried that, he is just stuck up on becoming an elite Jonin, saying something like strength is more important in this world than respect and position" Mitsuru replied frustratedly 

"Well as much as he is talented in this field of medical jutsu, the same goes for fighting, he is already powerful enough to go toe to toe against a Jonin," Hiruzen said

"But if he became a medical ninja he will be able to save multiple jonin what is the loss of exchanging the life of many jonin for the career of a particular ninja" Mitsuru said with her frustration increasing

"I am the leader of this village Mitsuru, I would not control the life of ninjas of this village…" Hiruzen said but after seeing the accusing gaze of Mitsuru he continued

"… until necessary"

"Okay do what you like," Mitsuru said and then left the office, she knew that she would not be able to make Hiruzen do what she wanted, her main goal was just to give Hiruzen a relative idea of Kaida's potential in the field of medical Jutsu

(Present time…)

One day passed after the effect of the soldier pill ended, Kaida slept for 20 hours, since he used some of the resources to enhance his physique during his training, which also helped him reduce the burden on his body so he was not out cold for 24 hours like before

As soon as he woke up, Kaida looked toward the clock it was showing 2:47 and since it was dark outside Kaida knew that it was the morning time

'I needed much less sleep this time, which means Those resources were not a waste of Contribution points

Now that I know that this training is going help me strengthen myself I can make my plans

First I need to find ways to increase the image of the Uchiha clan in Konoha, for now, the only thing I can think I can do is become a medical ninja and help the poor people of Konoha for free,

Also during that process, I should try to make it clear that Uchihas were not behind the tail attack, it Should be relatively simpler Since the doubt of people is still in its early phase

Also, I can't let my knowledge of the future go to waste I know some talented individuals, who were on the wrong side because of circumstances, and I can add them to my team and use them to increase my power it will not only increase my chance of stopping Uchiha massacre, but also help in future events like Konoha crush, pain attack, or 4th great ninja war

The people who come to mind are, Karin Uzumaki, Haku, and Kimimaro Kaguya these three were mighty and are still not under anyone since Naruto Was just 4 years old their age should be also around that

I should quickly 'rescue' them' Kaida thought then got out of bed making a mental note of things he had to do shortly

After completing his morning needs, he went to the kitchen to find something to eat, only to find a meal present on the table

This is for you Kaida, Eat it when you wake up, I don't want anything to be left behind, your Aunt

Kaida smiled and ate all the food present there, and then went to the meditation room and fire room for one hour each, with enough Contribution points in his hand the only thing he had to worry about was time

Since he still had 2 hours before everyone wakes up he decided to use it efficiently

(At 6:00 AM)

Kaida went back to his house

"The first thing you did after waking is training, don't you think it is a little excessive," Shisui said looking toward Kaida

Hae, Shisui, and Yomi were enjoying morning tea waiting for Kaida

"I woke up quite early so decided to meditate a little, I didn't do any hard training," Kaida said while sitting next to them

"Okay, here is your tea" Hae said while giving Kaida a cup

"you missed yesterday's training at the Hospital, will you face any problems due to that" Yomi asked

"No I already asked for a leave for yesterday, So I don't think I will face any problem," Kaida said while taking a sip

"Are you going to use another soldier pill again," Shisui asked

"No brother, even though it is known that soldier pills have no side effects other than fatigue I don't want to take any risk So I am planning to only use soldier pills once a week for training," Kaida said

"Good choice," Shisui said nodding his head



Next Chapter: Entrusted with Patient Care



Next Chapter: Harmony Restoration Elixir

Next Chapter: Kenjutsu Spar (part1)

You can read all of them on Patreon (^~^)

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