Entrusted with Patient Care

(A.N: 116/160, means I am getting a day off, thank you guys, see you on Monday

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 3 paid members, and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 

Till now I have uploaded 8 extra chapters on Patreon 😊)


After that, they went to eat breakfast,

" How is your training going Yomi," Kaida asked

"Fine, I think I will be able to complete my first phase of training within a week

You will be surprised when you see the result of my training

Shishishishi" Yomi replied with her signature laugh

"You will complete the first phase within 2 weeks are you sure," Shisui asked

"Yes brother I am using Shadow clones to increase my speed with the help of 5 shadow clones my speed is really fast," Yomi said

Though she can make around 14 Shadow clones, she is only using 5 shadow clones because She has to maintain her shadow clone for quite a large amount of time

So extra chakra is required to make a shadow clone that can sustain itself for some time while maintaining enough chakra to not feel tired

"Good," Shisui said

"So what is this first phase you are talking about" kaida asked intrigued by Shisui's comment

" You see before you learn..."

"No brother don't tell him"

just as Shisui was about to answer Kaida Yomi stopped him

"First I will show him the result of my training," Yomi said shyly

"Hahaha okay," Shisui said laughing, along with Hae and Kaida

Kaida also decided to not search about this and let her give him the surprise she wanted

After eating Yomi went out for training while Kaida remained at the house till 7:00 a.m then He also went toward the hospital

After eating various resources he got using contribution points for physical enhancement, He ran to the hospital while using a weight seal to apply a weight of 100 kg on his body

At 8:00 Am he reached the hospital following the same schedule of shadowing the chief medical ninja himself and using Shadow clones to learn poison removal jutsu and medical books, by now he had already completed the books Mitsuru had asked him and now he was reading books related to the work of medical nurse since after 1 week he will be allowed to do some work to get a better experience

Then after going back from the hospital, he continued his genjutsu training going back to his house at 6:00 Am while sending 50 Shadow clones to complete some missions

This was his schedule for 3 day


After 3 days Kaida decided to eat the soldier pill once again

"So you have learned False Surroundings jutsu huh," Shisui asked looking toward Kaida

"Yes brother, Now I can see the weakness of my target too, and also the success rate of the jutsu is also 100 percent," Kaida said

" Good after you come from the hospital I will teach you something new," Shisui said

They were discussing this while sitting at the dining table eating breakfast

"So you are once again going to use soldier pill" Yomi asked

"Yes," kaida said

"Lucky you my Sensei is not even allowing me to take a rest of single day, So I can't use those pills," Yomi said sighing

"Don't worry Yomi, you are doing fine" Shisui said

"Thanks, brother," Yomi said

After eating yomi went for her training while Kaida went toward the hospital, he was specifically excited today, it has been 1 week since he started following the chief and friends m today he will be allowed to practice by himself

Though most he can do is apply bandage, apply plaster, and remove it, as well as give some simple medicine

After reaching the hospital he was eagerly waiting for the chief

When the chief arrived he looked toward kaida and said

"Follow me"

And took kaida toward a room where different dummies were present then said

"Before I allow you to treat an actual patient I have to check whether you are ready or not

Your task is to treat those three" Chief said while pointing toward 3 dummies

Kaida nodded his head and went toward the target dummies, The first one had a cut on its forearm, Kaida skilfully cleaned the wound and then applied a proper bandage to it, then wrote the name of some medicine the person should take for a swift recovery

Then he went to the Second dummy, which had symptoms of some peculiar bacterial disease, Kaida just wrote some medicine and then went to the last dummy

It had one of its legs bent at an unusual angle, a clear case of fracture, following the procedure Kaida first gave the dummy some painkiller and then turned to the Chief nurse and asked

"Can I use Shadow clone, or do I Have to do it alone?" Kaida asked

"This is your test, use whatever means you have to do it successfully," Chief said while maintaining his strict demeanor

The reason Kaida asked this question was that when normally such cases come to the hospital and a group of four people handle this task he quickly made 3 shadow clones and swiftly aligned the bone and then applied the plaster, the prescribed 1-week rest and while eating calcium-rich diet and some medicine while a constant check-up for a month to insure correct reattachment of the bone

After treating all three, Kaida stood on the side and Chief checked all the dummies with the prescription after checking all three he turned to Kaida and asked

"How did you know these medicines you listed for 2nd dummy"

"I read some book about nursing and common diseases, and the symptom written in his report entirely matched with a disease so I wrote medicine I knew," Kaida said politely

"Good this much enough you are now ready enough to treat normal patients, after 1 month you can take your license exam," Chief said with a smile

Kaida nodded but asked

"Do I have to wait for 1 month?" Kaida asked

"Kids these days, normally one would need a year to become eligible enough to get a license, and you are getting this within 2 months and you're complaining about that

Just for your knowledge, if you were not Mitsuru Sama disciple you would have to be under my supervision for 3 months minimum before even getting a chance to apply for a license" Chief replied saying that the world is not fair

Kaida just laughed nervously

After getting the permission Kaida's hospital also became more lively, treating patients here and there and not even charging them anything, Since the nurses also charge a little for their services

Kaida decided to not take that amount for a full day was the same as doing some D-rank mission, this simple gesture created a positive image of Kaida in people's eyes

At 4 PM Kaida went toward the training area after purchasing a soldier pill of 100 k Ryo, even though this amount was too much even for a chunin, it was a small change for Kaida as he was earning quite an amount by completing D rank mission after completing 1000 D rank mission Kaida earned around 600 k Ryo

So spending on soldier pill was not much for him, after buying that he directly went to the Training area Since it was decided previously that Shisui was waiting for him there

"You seem to be in a good mood," Shisui asked



Next Chapter: Memory Extraction



Next Chapter: After One Month 

Next Chapter: Konoha higher-ups moves

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