Memory Extraction

 (A.N: 12/160, let's complete it this week, I don't want another day off :D

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 3 paid members, and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 

Till now I have uploaded 8 extra chapters on Patreon 😊)


"You seem to be in a good mood," Shisui asked

"I sure am, I am finally allowed to treat patients, now I am feeling like a medical ninja" Kaida replied

"Good for you mate, do you want to take a rest or start this training," Shisui asked

"Training of course," Kaida said taking out the soldier pill and then eating it

"Okay Since you have learned false surrounding jutsu you must know that you can use genjutsu to find information about enemy

This Jutsu finds out the weakness or fear of the target they may be unaware of, Similarly, you can use this genjutsu to find information about enemies, but it is mostly not used since it is way easier to just hypnotize your enemy and ask them

But if you can master this your mastery over genjutsu will increase, of course, I will also teach you how can you hypnotize your opponent but only after you learn this" Shisui said

"Do I have to once again use rats for this," Kaida asked

"Of course, you have to because taking memories from the shadow clone is way easier so even if you learn how to do it without dispersing the clone you will be nowhere near the level of the actual thing," Shisui said

"Normally this jutsu is much more perfect if you have a humanoid target like a monkey, but since you use so many clones and I don't want a population of monkeys to decrease stick with using rats for now," Shisui said but there was a reason why he mentioned using humanoid target

And since Kaida had a history of removing many bandit camps from Fire Country he easily understood what it meant

Seeing a wide grin on Kaida's face Shisui thought

'I should also teach him how to mask his emotion' and then asked Kaida

"do you have the mouse you captured before"

"No brother since they were already a nuisance, I disposed of them," Kaida said but since they helped him in training he made sure that they would not feel any pain

"No problem go and catch more of them," Shisui said and then used body flicker jutsu and appeared on the tree taking some rest

Listening to Shisui's command Kaida made 60 shadow clones and sent them on a mission to find mouses

After half an hour many of them returned with one or two mice seeing this Shisui came down and said

"Since what we are going to learn, includes searching into the brain So try not to force your way through this jutsu and make your target brain dead"

Kaida nodded his head listening to this, seeing this Shisui continued

"Good now do you remember how you were able to get the information about the fear of your target through false surrounding jutsu?" Kaida asked

"Yes brother, my chakra went to a particular area of the brain, and then after it engulfed that part of the brain after a particular circulation I got the memory, and the target also saw the same memory" Kaida replied

"The circulation you are talking about is the key here, you see our memory is stored in the hippocampus and other related structures in the temporal lobe of the brain, So your goal is to completely cover that part of the brain with your yin chakra and then circulated your chara around that part 

Different type of circulation gives you different memories, I will teach you some of the basic ones first," Shisui said 

"Okay brother," Kaida said while activating his sharingan, Seeing this Shisui divided his chakra in yin and yang till Kaida's max capacity that is 91:9 for now 

Then directed that chakra toward the brain of the rat and circulated his chakra in many ways, while explaining the use of every circulation to Kaida 

After repeating this some more time Shisui asked if Kaida had any doubts 

"No brother," Kaida said and began his training, Shisui supervised for some time and then went back to the house 

Since he had eaten a soldier pill Kaida had new plans for the training he trained using 60 shadow clones for 2 hours after getting the hang of this technique he sent 50 shadow clones on the duty of completing the missions 

The remaining 30 shadow clones were tasked to learn the memory extraction part of genjutsu 

As for Kaida himself, he decided to use his excess Contribution points now, since he had 30 thousand Contribution points Kaida booked the fire room for a full 10 hours 

While his shadow clones were doing missions Kaida was training his chakra nature, 

In the morning he went to the Training area where most of his clones were low on chakra due to training for 10 hours, while the clones went to complete missions were already dispersed due to low chakra 

In 10 hours, Kaida had completed 312 D rank missions, this speed was more than enough to complete 2000 D rank missions by the end of 3 days, he once again made 50 shadow clones and sent them to complete some missions 

Then he dispersed the clones training Genjutsu, 

'So I can get the latest memories of my target, but whenever I try to get the memories which are quite old their brain get damaged 

I have to be very careful with how I circulate my chakra, since I don't have much use of shadow clones in the hospital let's just leave some of them for genjutsu training' Kaida thought and then made 10 shadow clones who continued training while Kaida went back toward his house 

Normally he would eat nutrient bars because of their efficiency, but now that he knows that he knows his aunt would worry about him even though she knows he is fine, Kaida decided to eat breakfast at home 

At 6:00 AM, he went to his house only to find all of his family sitting and drinking tea, he also joined them

"So were you able to make any progress" Shisui asked while taking a sip of tea,

"Yes brother I was able to read at least recent memory, but the farther I try to get the more difficult it becomes" Kaida replied 

"Can you guys not talk about training at least for some time?" He said 

Then they discussed small things after that Kaida was forced to eat a very hearty amount of food since he was not going to come back till tomorrow's breakfast 

After eating breakfast Kaida went toward the hospital after eating physical supplements, at the hospital he treated many patients this time too, since Kaida was not charging any fees the number of patients he had to treat was increasing 

After 4:00 PM he went back to the fire room after dispersing old shadow clones and making new one 

This was his schedule for the next three days, since Kaida was training ninjutsu he didn't have a clear idea of how much his fire jutsu increased he just focused on increasing it and not measuring it, by the time he got to know the chakra in his fire chakra not only he but everyone around him will be shocked, but that is for future 

(3 Hours before the effect of the soldier pill ends)

The Shadow clone in charge of taking missions came to the Training area and said 

"2000 missions are completed, do you want us to continue" 

Hearing this Kaida said 

"No this much is enough" and dispersed all the clones who were responsible for completing missions

Then, he went to clan headquarters to claim his Contribution points, 

There he also found out that Fugaku has considered his idea and after a month the land may be included in the reward list 

Kaida was very happy about that, and since only 3 hours were remaining he went back to the Training area and made as many shadow clones as he could

For 2 hours 83 shadow clones were practicing genjutsu after 2 hours one by one every shadow clone started getting dispersed 

Since they had a similar type of memory Kaida didn't have to face any headaches due to that 

After that, he went back to his house and ate the food already prepared for him 

Then, it took a rest 20 hours

The next day Kaida woke up at 5:00 AM

He completed his morning routine and then meditated till the time to enjoy morning tea 

After eating tea and breakfast he went to the hospital only to find…



Next Chapter: Spiritual Empowerment tonic



Next Chapter: Konoha higher-ups moves

Next Chapter: General Practitioner (part 1)

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