Spiritual Empowerment tonic

(A.N: Thank you for your patience, this took longer than I had expected, Also thanks julien for supporting me buddy, I will release an extra chapter tomorrow ^~^ )

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 3 paid members, and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 

Till now I have uploaded 8 extra chapters on Patreon 😊)


(A.N: Double release since we got a new paid member Bigbowser ^~^)

After one day of rest, Kaida went to the hospital, when he went to the area where he normally treats patients which was also the place where Chief treats the patients he was shocked to see the line of patients waiting for him

Sure there were many professional Nurses in the hospital, and Kaida was just a new one not as good as them, but since he was not charging much fees, the number of people coming to him was not small

And since he took a day's rest the line only increased further, seeing the chief smiling toward him Kaida smiled wryly and greeted him and then made 3 shadow clones to treat so many patients

The day can be said to be the most hectic day in the hospital for Kaida 

After treating the patient till 4:00 PM Kaida went back to the Uchiha compound, there was doubt in his mind 

'Why the hell have I not tried all the spiritual medicine till now'

Kaida went to clan headquarters and bought all of the spiritual medicines like 

Focus pill, spiritual empowerment tonic, and harmony restoration elixir 

For the focus pill and spiritual empowerment, tonic Kaida just had to take the before sleep, but for the harmony restoration elixir he had to take a medicine bath after taking the elixir 

Though medicines came with the elixir

For today he decided to go with an old and trusted focus pill, so after some light training and dinner he went to bed after eating the focus pill and meditating for 1 hour, 

The next day he woke up at 6:00 AM, feeling great

After completing his morning routine he went to the garden to check whether he had made any improvement or not 

Satisfied to see that the efficiency of the focus pill was not reduced and his mental capacity had increased, he went back to get his tea and breakfast and then toward the hospital

With his rise in popularity, the number of patients he had to treat daily was increasing some of them even just came to get a free regular check-up or small injuries

Without the option of free treatment, these individuals wouldn't have considered seeking medical care at all

But since Kaida's main goal was not earning money but increasing his reputation he treated every person who came to him

But just to save some time and energy he made a shadow clone to treat the patients who didn't have any major problems 

While he treated patients who needed his attention, While typical nurses handled approximately 10-12 patients daily, Kaida found himself treating over 70 patients each day

After treating the patient till 4:00 PM, Kaida went back to his house

He found Shisui training in the garden, he was using body flicker jutsu many times seeing this Kaida remembered a famous saying from his past life 

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times

Kaida went to the garden and sat there

"Do you have something you want to ask?" Shisui asked after seeing Kaida sitting and watching him practice 

"Yes brother, I wanted to ask if you still use supplements like focus pill and spiritual empowerment tonic," Kaida asked 

"No, they don't have any effect on me now, though there was a time when I used them every week like many Uchihas

Though I still use harmony restoration elixir, that helps in increasing the coordination between mind and body," Shisui answered 

"After how much time did those medicines stop having any effect on you" Kaida asked 

"Maybe around 2 years, though their effect started to reduce after 10 times I think, why are you asking me these questions are you starting to use them" Shisui answered 

"Yes brother till now I have just eaten a focus pill, today I am planning to drink spiritual empowerment tonic," Kaida said 

"Oh! Then you will get quite a surprise tomorrow" Shisui said laughing mysteriously 

Kaida knew he would not get any answer out of Shisui even if he asked him about that, so just decided to find it afterward and then went to his room to take some rest leaving Shisui behind to train 

Since his main focus was on genjutsu Kaida had made shadow clones on his way back to train Memory extraction 

He medicated in his house till night 

After eating dinner he went back to his room and drank a spiritual empowerment tonic

After meditating for one hour Kaida went to sleep 

The next morning Kaida woke up and felt something different around him just like… his Sharingan was active 

'Why does it activate on its own,' Kaida thought but then he remembered Shisui's words 

'you will get quite a surprise tomorrow'

'Does that mean due to the increase in my spiritual power my Sharingan was activated on its own, well since to activate it I have to do something similar to increase the spiritual power around my eyes this does make sense, but now how can I deactivate it' Kaida though as no matter how much he tried it remained activated 

At last, he went toward Shisui's room, since it was just 5:00 AM, he should still be in his room 

knock knock

"What happened Kaida" Shisui asked with a mischievous smile on his face 

"You already knew about this right, right can you please tell me how can I deactivate my sharingan," Kaida asked 

"There is no such way, just give it some time to adjust after some time it will get deactivated automatically" Shisui replied

"Are you sure?" Kaida asked 

"You are asking a professional, don't question my advice" Shisui replied like he was angry about Kaida's doubt 

Kaida shook his head and then thanked Shisui for helping and went back to his room 

And began meditating so that his body would get used to the increase in spiritual power but was surprised once again 

'My chakra reserves have also increased huh, this medicine is great' Kaida Thought feeling the increase of both chakra reserved and mental capacity 

After meditating for 1 hour Kaida's sharingan got deactivated on its own, So he went down after completing his morning routine 

"You can stabilize your sharingan this early, looks like starting late has its benefits," Shisui said 

"What do mean," Kaida said taking his cup 

"Well when I first took that medicine I had one tomoe sharingan and it remained active for 4 hours, it was active even when I was feeling pain in my eyes, you sure had it easy," Shisui said sighing 

"Oh! Did you use spiritual tonic" Hae asked listening to their conversation 

"Yes Aunt" Kaida replied 

"Then you should be quite hungry, let me make you something nutritious," Hae said and then went to the kitchen early, to prepare something extra 

Kaida knew he couldn't stop her so he didn't even try 

"So are you planning to take harmony restoration elixir today" Shisui asked 

"Yes brother, I asked Receptionist about that and he said that it will not cause any problem" 

"Problem? it is recommended to use it after spiritual empowerment tonic, it will be most beneficial now" Shisui said 

"Then I will be sure to take it after coming back from the hospital" Kaida Said

"Great," Shisui said





Next Chapter: Harmony Restoration Elixir



Next Chapter: General Practitioner (part 1)

Next Chapter: General Practitioner (part 2)

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