Chapter 200: Peace

(A.N: YooHooo 200 chapters complete ^~^, thanks For all Your support till now guys, I was only able to write this much, only because of Your support and Invaluable Comments and reviews)


After discussing everything, Shisui went back to his house.


"Welcome, brother," Kaida said. He was sitting in the hall, and Shisui could easily see how vigilant Kaida was.


"You don't have to be so alert, Kaida. No one is going to attack our house, and Fugaku-sama has also made arrangements for our protection," Shisui said, remembering how he had instructed Kaida to protect everyone when he was going out on the mission.


"Don't worry, brother. I also know about those two Jonin; they came to introduce themselves," Kaida said with a smile.


It was not that he was tense because of the situation. With the mess he had created for Danzo, it was almost impossible for him to come out of this. But the reason he was worried was because of how this whole situation started. He just decided to improve the image of the Uchiha, which Danzo was purposely ruining. It was a simple move, checking and curing some patients for free, just to improve the image, but that somehow escalated to Danzo coming after his life and the complete removal of the Root organization.


Even though this was a good thing, the implications were what worried Kaida for his future. The knowledge of the future was such an overpowered cheat for Kaida that by just using that, he was able to make such an impossible feat possible. But if a single small move could make such a big impact, there was no way things were going to remain the same in the future. The Uchiha massacre was not going to happen, Konoha was not going to face a sudden loss of strength, and Sunagakure would not be able to attack Konoha like in the average story. Or it would not be Sunagakure alone, as other villages might get wary of the increase in Konoha's strength and may attack Konoha way before the Chunin exams.


There was also a chance of a fourth great ninja war starting due to the rise in Konoha's strength. In the original story, due to the Uchiha massacre, the general strength of Konoha was not that high. That's why other villages focused on increasing their strength and not on attacking Konoha to keep its strength in check. But now the situation would change. With Shisui, Itachi, and Fugaku, three Kage-level ninja in the future, and so many Uchiha, the strength of Konoha would be enough to make the other four great ninja villages move. And with this, the most powerful cheat Kaida had would be for nothing.


'Would I change any of my actions if I got a second chance? … NO. Then there is nothing to worry about. Even if the future may change, what I get in return is worth it,' Kaida thought and let go of his worries and went towards Shisui.


"So, how was your mission, brother?" Kaida asked.


"It went well, though I have to go on another mission in 12 hours," Shisui said with a smile.


"Are you going alone?" Kaida asked, knowing fully well what Shisui would want to do at this moment. Shisui understood why Kaida asked that.


"No, this is an official mission. We have to close a Root base in Kumogakure. After that, I will bring back father to our home," Shisui said. Kaida could feel an immense amount of sadness and anger in Shisui's voice.


"Aunt Hae was asking about you when she woke up. She is super duper angry about how you went on a mission without even telling her," Kaida said, trying to change the topic. Even if he had become much more intelligent and sharp after getting the three tomoe Sharingan, he still didn't know how to console a person effectively, so changing the topic was the best he could do at that moment.


Kaida's attempt to change the topic worked, and Shisui let out a small, genuine laugh. It had been a while since he felt at ease, and he appreciated Kaida's effort to lift his mood.


"Well, I guess I better prepare myself for mom's scolding," Shisui said, a faint smile lingering on his face.


"Yeah, good luck with that. You'll need it," Kaida said with the same smile.


After their brief exchange, Shisui took a moment to appreciate the tranquility of his home. The Uchiha compound, usually bustling with activity, felt unusually quiet and peaceful. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil he had just experienced. Shisui headed towards Hae's room. He knocked gently on the door and waited.


The door swung open, revealing Hae's weary face and swollen eyes, proof of the sadness she had felt.


"Shisui, where have you been? You had me worried sick!" she scolded, pulling him into a tight hug.


"I'm sorry, Mom. It was an urgent mission," Shisui replied, hugging her back. "But I'm here now." Both of them didn't mention anything to open the slightly closed wounds.


After some time, they pulled back. "Come inside, and let's get you something to eat. You look exhausted," Hae said.


Shisui followed her inside, the familiar scent of home-cooked food comforting him. He took a seat at the table as Hae busied herself in the kitchen. The simple act of being home, surrounded by family, was a balm to his weary soul. After finishing his meal and spending some quality time with his mom, Shisui made his way back to his room. He needed to rest and recharge before the next mission. But getting sleep was a totally different thing; the anger and frustration were not allowing him to get the sleep he needed.


While Shisui was trying his best to get some sleep, he suddenly remembered the time he had spent with his father, how they played together, how his father used to train him and teach him to be loyal to the village. With a peaceful smile on his face, Shisui went to sleep.




The next morning, Shisui woke up feeling a little refreshed from all the tenseness he had felt during the mission. He went out of his room only to find everyone sitting in the hall enjoying tea.


"Good morning, brother," Kaida and Yomi said.


"Did you sleep well?" Hae asked.


"Yes, Mom, and good morning to both of you," Shisui said while sitting on the sofa and taking a cup for himself.


"Mom, I have to go on another mission, but this one will be the last one for some time," Shisui said.


"Shisui, you are my whole world. I know you will go on this mission no matter what I say, but understand that if anything happened to you, I would not be able to live," Hae said.


"Don't worry, Mother. I will be careful," Shisui said with a smile.


"You are needlessly worrying, Aunt. There is no one in Kumogakure who could even catch brother, let alone harm him," Kaida said.


Though it was not true, and Raikage could easily catch Shisui in his lightning cloak, there is no way someone as important as the Kage of a village would be roaming around.


"I know, after all, whose son is he," Hae said.


After drinking the tea, Shisui went out of the house since it was now time for the meeting with his new team.


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