Chapter 201: Turmoil of emotion (part1)

After drinking the tea, Shisui went out of the house since it was now time for the meeting with his new team. He arrived at the designated location, where three of the fastest Anbu Jonin were waiting for him.

This elite team had been handpicked from his previous team for their speed and combat skills, making them the perfect choice for this high-stakes mission.

Their combined strength would be more than enough to handle the Root base, which only housed Chunin-level ninja. The team also included Shingi, who, while not as fast as the rest of them, was necessary due to his fuinjutsu expertise.


"Good morning, everyone," Shisui greeted, his voice calm but resolute.


"Good morning, Shisui-san," the three Anbu Jonin responded in unison, each of them nodding respectfully.


"Everyone read the plan Shikaku-sama had sent, right?" Shisui asked.


"Yes, sir," everyone said.


"We have a clear objective: remove the Root base in Kumogakure and eliminate everyone inside. So this mission is going to be an easy one, since the base only has 12 Chunin and 15 Genin. This should be quick work for us," Shisui said, wasting no time.


"Yes, sir, but we have to go to the Land of Lightning, so I think the danger is still very high," one of the Anbu ninja said.


"This is an A-rank mission. Of course, this is going to be difficult, but if we maintain proper alertness, this will be a piece of cake for us. And what to worry about? We were able to complete a mission in the Land of Iron without getting detected. The Land of Lightning is not going to be that difficult," Shisui said.


(A.N: The Land of Iron has Samurai, and Samurai are much higher in number than Ninjas in any single ninja village. Also, the Land of Iron is much smaller in area compared to the Land of Lightning, so there is a larger density of Samurai in the Land of Iron than the density of ninja in the Land of Lightning. That's why Shisui said those things ^~^)


"Any more doubts?" Shisui asked.


"No, sir," everyone said.


"Great. Then we will modify anything needed in the plan after reaching our destination," Shisui said.


The team set off immediately, their movements swift and silent. They traveled at top speed, reaching the outskirts of Kumogakure in record time.


"From here on, we will remain on full alert. Even though the patrols are very relaxed in this area, there is still some risk of us getting detected. So follow my lead without making any sound," Shisui said, activating his Sharingan, though only to the 3-tomoe level. There was no need to tire himself before any major incident.


They once again started moving. Luckily, this base was also on the outskirts of the Land of Lightning, quite far away from Kumogakure. There was no way Danzo was going to take such a big risk of sending his ninjas, even though they were Chunin, very deep into enemy territory.


As they approached the Root base, they quickly assessed the situation. The base was well-hidden and was guarded by a ninja in Kumogakure's uniform. If not for their prior knowledge, Shisui and his team may have guessed that this was one of the safe houses of Kumogakure.


After checking that the initial information was correct, Shisui gave his final orders.


"Positions," Shisui commanded, and the team spread out, each taking up a strategic point around the base.


Shisui signaled the attack, and in a matter of minutes, they had breached the defenses. The Chunin inside barely had time to react before they were overwhelmed by the swift and deadly strikes of Shisui and his team. One by one, the Root operatives fell, their attempts to mount a defense proving futile against the Anbu Jonin's superior skills.


The mission was unfolding exactly as planned. The attack team had taken their positions around the Root base, ready to strike. After confirming everyone was at their designated position, Shisui gave the final command, which also became the last words those Root ninjas heard before they died.




Shisui and three Anbu Jonin moved with blinding speed, their movements synchronized like a well-rehearsed dance. Shingi, while not as fast, provided essential support with his fuinjutsu. The base was covered in seals, and it was his job to make sure the team didn't fall for any traps and also to remove as many seals as possible.


As the team advanced, they encountered a group of Chunin-level Root ninjas. These operatives were experienced and disciplined, but they were no match for Shisui and his elite team.


One of the Root ninjas lunged at Shisui, kunai in hand. Shisui sidestepped effortlessly, his Sharingan predicting the attack with ease. He countered with a swift kick to the side, sending the ninja crashing into the wall. Before the ninja could recover, Shisui was already upon him, delivering a precise strike to his neck with his katana.




Meanwhile, the other Anbu Jonin engaged the remaining Root ninjas. One Jonin, specializing in Taijutsu, weaved through the enemy ranks with fluid grace. He delivered a series of powerful punches and kicks, each strike landing with bone-crushing force. The Root ninjas tried to mount a defense, but their efforts were futile. The Jonin's speed and strength were overwhelming, and within moments, several Root operatives lay defeated at his feet.


Another Jonin specialized in Kenjutsu, wielding a sleek, razor-sharp blade. She moved with the precision of a seasoned swordsman, her blade cutting through the air with deadly accuracy. A Root ninja attempted to block her strike, but her blade easily deflected the weapon followed by a swift and clean strike that sucked the life out of the enemy's body.


Shingi, though not directly involved in the melee, played a crucial role from the background. He skillfully removed pre-set fuinjutsu traps, ensuring that none of his teammates faced any unfortunate accidents.


Shisui continued to cut through the ranks of Root operatives, his Sharingan allowing him to anticipate their every move. He moved with unparalleled speed and agility, his strikes precise and lethal. As he dispatched the last of the Chunin-level ninjas, a group of Genin-level operatives attempted to regroup and mount a counterattack.


"Not so fast," Shisui muttered, dashing towards them. With a series of rapid hand seals, he unleashed a powerful genjutsu, ensnaring the Genins in an illusion. They froze in place, unable to distinguish reality from the nightmare Shisui had created.


"Finish them off," Shisui commanded, and his team swiftly moved in, incapacitating the remaining Root ninjas with practiced efficiency.


In the span of a few minutes, the battle was over. The Root base lay in ruins, its operatives defeated and incapacitated. Shisui and his team regrouped, taking a moment to catch their breath.


"Status report," Shisui said, scanning the area.


"All targets neutralized, no casualties on our side," the Taijutsu master reported, his breathing steady despite the intense fight.


"Good work, everyone. Let's secure the area and complete the task," Shisui ordered.


The team moved quickly, searching the base. This time, the mission was to just shut down the base. There was no mention of bringing back the survivors to Konoha since the experiments were done on some Kumo Ninjas. Also, this was not particularly a scientific base. There were a handful of captives in the base who were neutralized swiftly by Anbu Ninjas.


After that, they cleared all of the seals and buried the base after destroying it completely.


"Mission accomplished. Now, let's proceed to our next location," Shisui said, his voice calm but resolute.