Chapter 207: A Time to Heal

Might Guy was on a mission before he was sent here, and due to that, he had not slept for four days, but he still sat there doing nothing for his friend. Truly, having someone like Might Guy as a friend was the best thing that had happened to Kakashi. Guy nodded his head and went back, but only after seeing Kakashi reach his house.


It had been three days, and Kakashi was still sitting in his house. He had cut all of his connections from the outside. Only Guy was able to talk to him in the past couple of days, and even then, the conversation was quite short. Kakashi just told Might Guy that he was fine and just needed some time to think things through. Guy was not someone who was very good at this kind of conversation. He just nodded and told Kakashi that he could call him anytime he needed and left.


Due to the condition around Konoha, Hiruzen couldn't allow two of his best ninja to take a rest at the same time. Yes, Kakashi couldn't take any missions, and Hiruzen was not going to give him one, but Guy had to go on a mission. That's why Kakashi was truly alone now.


But then he heard about the funeral of Kagami Uchiha. His son had brought his body back, and now the funeral was going to take place. This was the problem with being a Jonin-level ninja; even if he wanted nothing to do with the outside world, his senses easily picked up anything that happened near his surroundings, like the conversation between the people who were passing by his house.


Then Kakashi remembered how Danzo was responsible for Kagami Uchiha's death too. 'Who was his son… Shisui Uchiha, and Danzo is going into their custody. I can't take Danzo from them even if I want to, and there is no benefit in talking to Fugaku. But I have someone in the Uchiha clan who I have helped. Maybe the chance for revenge is still not zero,' Kakashi thought, and life returned to his eyes.


He quickly changed his clothes and went to the funeral. Everyone was grieving for Kagami, but Kakashi was searching for a single person. With a quick sweep of the area, Kakashi found Shisui as well as Kaida. 'Both of them are really close, but this is not the right time for the talk,' Kakashi thought and sat at the end of the area.


After everyone left and only Shisui and Kaida remained, Kakashi still didn't go ahead for the talk. At that moment, Shisui would most likely be feeling the same thing he was feeling; there is no way he's going to let anyone else touch Danzo other than himself. 'I will talk to them tomorrow,' he thought and left the area using body flicker jutsu.



(Next day after Kagami's funeral)


Shisui and his family were still sleeping, even though it was already 8:00 AM. It was unusual because these were people who usually woke up by 5:30 daily for the last couple of months. But today, the silence of the house was a little saddening. Kaida finally woke up. He was sad for his brother and aunt, but he was more terrified about the future.


'The future is going to change rapidly. I don't want to think about it, but even the Fourth Great Ninja War may happen way before Obito starts a war for capturing all the tailed beasts, and if that happens, everything will get messed up.


I am sure that will still take some more years to happen since the five great villages are still recovering from all the bloodshed that happened in the Third Great Ninja War. In a sense, it was the most devastating ninja war because villages took nearly two decades to build their strength back, while all the other times, only a single decade was enough.


So, even if other villages get wary of Konoha for its increase in strength, that still doesn't change the fact that it will take at least five more years for them to build their strength back, and I will have that much time to increase my strength. It looks like it is now time to start some real training,' Kaida thought. But there was no way he could do anything for the next couple of days, other than meditation and getting familiar with his three-tomoe Sharingan.


But even that is a step forward. After thinking all that, Kaida went to the bathroom to complete his morning routine and then went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. After some time, Yomi also came down.


"Good morning."


"Good morning, Yomi."


"Do you want some help?" Yomi asked, seeing Kaida making all of the breakfast alone.


"Oh! Yes, can you please bring Aunt to the dining area? I will bring Brother; otherwise, I don't think they are going to come for breakfast on their own," Kaida said.


"Yeah, how is Brother?" Yomi asked.


"He is fine, don't worry about him. He is an elite Jonin. Even though he is sad, this is well within his mental capacity. He should be fine in one to two weeks," Kaida said.


"I can't say the same for Aunt Hae. She is very depressed. Even after coming back from that funeral, she cried a lot," Yomi said.


"That's why we are here for her, Yomi. We have to make sure she can cope with this," Kaida said.


"Yes," Yomi said with a smile. She could see Kaida becoming more mature day by day, and she was very happy about that. By now, she had forgotten about the little competition of strength she was having with Kaida.


She understood that there was no way she would be able to match someone with the best qualities of both the Uchiha and Senju clans. There was a reason they were once the best clans in the world. Now she was just focusing on increasing her own strength, but then this whole situation took place, and she knew how well Kaida was handling things.


Even when Shisui was gone and Aunt Hae was also on the verge of depression, Kaida tried his best to cheer her up and make her mood a little better, from bringing various herbal teas to spending time with her and going on walks.


Whereas she was just following his footsteps, looking at him from behind, and it was not a bad feeling at all. So, following the pattern, she went to Hae to bring her for breakfast, while Kaida went to Shisui's room to bring him too.



"Brother, breakfast is ready," Kaida said from outside of Shisui's room, but no reply came out.




Kaida opened the door, only to find Shisui sitting on his bed looking at the diary Kaida had given him, the one which contained many torture methods.


Kaida sighed in his mind. This was the world where ninjas killed on a daily basis; it would be a fool's errand to tell someone to forget the past and forgive. Kaida went to Shisui and placed his hand on his shoulder.


"Brother, breakfast is ready," Kaida said.


Shisui looked up from the book and asked, "Kaida, are you sure that if I applied all of these methods on Danzo one by one, he will not die if I give him your medicine?"


"Not at all. He would die after the fifth or sixth method, I guess. A normal Jonin can barely take three of those torture methods, even with the medicine," Kaida said.


"Then why did you even give me these many methods?" Shisui asked.


"Oh! I just meant that he would die if he got no medical treatment, but we can't let him die early until he gets what he deserves, right?" Kaida said.