Chapter 209: New level of Haterade

 (A.N: Sorry, I was really sick yesterday, and couldn't publish this, this is yesterday's chapter ^~^)***

After listening to all of this, both Shisui and Kaida developed a new level of hatred for Danzo. Shisui then looked toward Kakashi and said, "I will still say the same thing: I will not give Danzo to you... but this is what I am going to do to him." Shisui handed the book Kaida had given him to Kakashi.


Even though Kakashi didn't like the second refusal, he still took the book, just out of curiosity. With each turn of the page, Kakashi became more and more shocked.


"He will die before you could even perform 3-4 of these 'operations,'" Kakashi said.


"This medicine will improve his pain tolerance—well, more likely, pain-bearing capacity. He will be able to feel twice the amount of pain that could kill a person. Do you know what that means?" Shisui said.


"He will feel pain worse than death," Kakashi said with a glint in his eyes.


"But those methods are hard, and I may need help with them," Shisui said, resting both hands below his chin.


Kakashi understood what Shisui was implying. Giving Danzo to Kakashi was not an option because the anger he was feeling would cloud his judgment, and he would surely kill Danzo. But this much was fine—they both deserved the chance to take revenge.


"Thanks, I will be in your debt," Kakashi said. Shisui was going to say it was no big deal, but Kaida interrupted him.


"Well, we can talk about this debt thing afterward," Kaida said. Shisui just shrugged his shoulders; he didn't want to have anything to do with that.


Kakashi just nodded his head, and Kaida poured another drink for all three of them. After drinking the second drink,




Kakashi's belly started making sounds. He had not eaten anything for the past couple of days; in his anger and grief, he was not able to eat anything even when he tried. But now that he got his chance to get revenge, along with the calming effect of the tea, his body and mind went to a more normal state, and he started feeling hungry.


"We have a lot of breakfast left, and I was feeling hungry too. Do you want to have some?" Kaida asked.


"Sure," Kakashi said. He was not some 10-year-old who would go all shy because of something like that.


All three of them once again enjoyed some breakfast. Of course, Kakashi was the only one who ate the most. After eating, they talked a little more about how they would proceed further, and Kakashi told them that he was going to stay in the village and that they could call him as soon as they got custody of Danzo. Kaida and Shisui agreed with that. Also, Kakashi and Shisui decided that they would later decide who would get the chance to kill Danzo.


But for what they were planning to do with him, death would not be a punishment for Danzo. After discussing some more things, Kakashi left.


"When the hell can we get that fucker, and just how many bases has he built?" Shisui grumbled. Even though he rarely cursed, many people experience a personality change during periods of intense anger or frustration.


Something similar was happening with Shisui, but Kaida knew it was just temporary behavior, as Shisui was able to remain cheerful until the end of his life in the anime.


"No matter how many bases he has built, from what I know, either all of the bases are closed already, or even if some of them remain, they must be closed within 2-3 days. Since we only had 2-3 weeks to handle the bases, I am sure someone like Lord Third and Shikaku-sama will not take chances and will close those bases well within one week before the deadline," Kaida said.


"And how do you know about 'Shikaku-sama's' personality?" Shisui asked with his eyebrow raised.


"You told me about previous missions, and he is Jonin Commander of Konoha. Obviously, he would be smart; otherwise, Konoha would be doomed to perish. No Hokage will make the mistake of making someone incapable the Jonin Commander of Konoha," Kaida said.


"Okay, smartypants, now can you stop acting all smart?" Shisui said, ruffling Kaida's hair.


"I am not acting," Kaida said with a little pout on his face. Kaida knew this little moment was only because of the medicine, but now that Shisui was a little more normal, he would not go back to his depressed self.


Even though he would remain angry, his mind would not become clouded with emotion, as it had now gained clarity. Kaida was happy because of that. Shisui then stood up and said, "I am going to headquarters. Maybe Fugaku-sama will have some news about this matter."


Kaida nodded his head. After Shisui left, Kaida checked on Hae and was relieved to see her sleeping peacefully. Yomi was also sleeping near her. Kaida knew that she had also been awake last night, sitting with Hae.


She was the reason why Kaida could go back to his room and sleep. After seeing that both of them were asleep, Kaida went to the garden and activated his three-tomoe Sharingan. Then he started making continuous hand signs.


Shadow Clone Jutsu


Even though he could make it without the hand seal, the timing would increase. Also, it was more tiring mentally than using hand signs. After performing the jutsu, there were three Kaidas standing in the garden. He could have made more, but the garden was quite small, and any more would make the space congested.


Since those clones had Kaida's memories, they knew what they had to do. They simply took out their swords and started attacking Kaida. Yes, Kaida was going to train his Sharingan's reactive and predictive capabilities. From the time he had gotten his new Sharingan upgrade, Kaida had not been able to train. One thing after another kept on happening, but now that he knew about the possible major changes in the future, Kaida was now more motivated than ever to increase his strength.


With his Sharingan activated and chakra flowing to make his perception faster, his clones appeared like they were moving a degree slower than they actually were. If their actual speed was 10 m/s, Kaida was seeing it at 5 m/s. They were moving too slowly. He just sidestepped the stab through his heart while also moving his shoulder to the right to dodge the attack from the second clone.


Due to the sudden movement, the clones went past Kaida. If they were enemies, this was a perfect chance to attack them, but he wanted to sharpen his reactive power, so he just dodged. To make things a little difficult for himself, he put his hands in his pockets. Seeing that, the clones got a little angry. Even though they were the same person, it felt like their enemy was making fun of them.


They started attacking Kaida with more power and speed than before. Aside from anger, they also knew that, unless Kaida got a fatal wound, he could heal himself. One of the benefits of having great medical knowledge.


Even though the clones were attacking with their full power, Kaida could easily dodge their attacks. They were only able to tear Kaida's clothes using everything they had before their chakra ran out.


'This is the gap between someone who has a kekkei genkai and someone who doesn't. Both my clones and I have nearly similar physical strength, but they were not even able to land a single attack on me, even when I gave them such a handicap. It is a good thing that I have this Sharingan. The difference of having it and not having it can only be felt by someone who can compare their difference firsthand,' Kaida thought.


Kaida then made two more shadow clones, and the training continued.