Chapter 234: Preparation Complete

"Do as you wish then. Just make sure you don't overdo it," Hae said. By now, she had come to terms with Kaida's tendency to train super hard daily.


"Okay, Aunt," Kaida said.


"I will also do the same. Sensei said that I am finally ready to take the final test. My sensing and tracking training is almost complete. Sensei is now just going to teach me some jutsu to improve it a little, so I am also planning on using a soldier pill," Yomi said.


"That's great, Yomi. With this, you could even become an Anbu ninja if your strength improves a little more," Shisui said.


"Thanks, brother," Yomi said.


"What's so good about becoming an Anbu ninja anyway?" Kaida asked.


"Nothing, but if a ninja is not from any big clan, then being in the Anbu is the best way to gain both training materials and connections," Shisui said.


"But she has us. There's no need for her to join the Anbu anyway," Kaida said.


"I said 'could,' not 'should,'" Shisui said.


"Oh! Understood," Kaida said, then focused back on his tea.


"So, you two will not come home for the next three days, and I will be busy with the bathhouse too. Who is going to take care of Naruto then?" Hae said.


"Mom, I think you are forgetting there is one more member in this family. I can take care of Naruto for three days," Shisui said.


"That is what I am worried about the most," Hae said, getting a chuckle from both Kaida and Yomi


"I don't need anyone to take care of me. I will be able to manage on my own, Aunty, believe it!" Naruto said with his small fist up in the air.


"Huh! I wish my son was also this mature. How are you even less mature than a toddler?" Hae asked.


"That hurts, Mom," Shisui said, holding his chest like someone had shot an arrow through it, followed by another chuckle from the three other family members.




Kaida had taken leave from the hospital to completely focus on fuinjutsu for the next three days. He went to Sora's house and began practicing the last seal, the complex array seal.


The problem with this seal is that there is no defined function for it like other seals. It just forms an array using various seals and connects them to create something more powerful and effective than normal seals.


There are many ways to make an array, like the one Kaida had already learned, the perfect concealment array, formed using various types of concealment seals like sound concealment, smell concealment, light distortion, and seal concealment seals. With all of these combined, finding the array was difficult, and the array itself made finding the person difficult too.


However, it could not be used well in the day, since the light distortion seal wasn't perfect and could leave traces, but at night it was almost impossible to find the person in the array unless the one searching was a fuinjutsu grandmaster.


Similarly, there were other arrays as well. One just needs the ability to combine various seals to make them. Kaida's next goal was to combine a storage seal, a barrier seal, and a healing seal in a way that the storage seal stores chakra, the barrier seal protects it from dissipating into the environment, and the healing seal can take chakra from the storage seal and perform healing.


This array, in itself, is a weak—very weak—version of the Mitotic Regeneration Jutsu. According to Mitsuru, Kaida should figure out how to do it himself. She herself was a sealmaster and knew how important it was for someone to figure things out on their own.


It would be much more important for them in the future if they learned to combine various seals by themselves. Kaida had been practicing this for the last two days without taking any rest at all.


"This is going to be tough," Kaida said as he saw one more of his clones get dispersed due to the blast from the seal. Luckily, Sora's house had many arrays, one of which prevented large blasts, limiting the explosions from Kaida's experiments to a small range.


Luckily, he was making huge progress as well. Each clone that got dispersed found a way he should not combine the seals.


He had made hundreds of clones in the span of two days, but now the rate of explosions had gone down a lot. He was at the last part of the array, making it stable and concise.


The last and most important part—until now, he had made an array that required a continuous stream of chakra to remain active.


He was trying to add an absorption seal so that the seal could absorb chakra from the surroundings and supply it to the array rather than relying on the person.


It was not going well, to say the least. Since he was so close to learning the seal and then starting to learn the jutsu from Mitsuru, Kaida had become restless and had started doing extreme experiments, which mainly resulted in explosions. Other times, it was just a failed attempt where the seal simply dispersed.


"Calm down and think. What are we doing wrong?" one of the clones said.


"We are trying to make the flow of chakra from the absorption seal constant, but those three seals absorb chakra at different speeds, so a single absorption seal is not doing the job."


"We can make three different seals for each of them."


"No, it will increase the size of the array too much," the real Kaida said.


All of them sighed, and one of the clones looked at the sky to clear his mind. He noticed the electric cables and then an idea came to his mind.


"Why don't we make something similar to an electric circuit? The absorption seal will provide chakra, and then we will add resistance in between the path to each seal so that they will receive the required chakra only."


"This is actually a very good idea. Let's try this," Kaida said, and all of the clones began doing that. To their surprise, they found even the crude version to be very stable, and not a single blast happened.


'Looks like I can start learning Mitotic Regeneration Jutsu once I wake up from sleep,' Kaida thought, knowing he would need much-needed rest after the effects of the soldier pill ended. His head was aching so much that Kaida even took a pill from the hospital for it, but he didn't stop making clones.


As for the headache, some medicine and meditation did the trick, helping him not fry his brain from all the information coming from the clones.


At the end of the third day, Sora came out to check on Kaida's progress, only to find five clones working on seals and Kaida sitting in a lotus position, meditating, with a vein popped on his head.


'Don't tell me he actually practiced for three days straight using so many clones,' Sora thought. Even he would need many breaks when using shadow clones for practice because of the information overload when his clones dispersed.


In Kaida's case, he often received clone memories without any notice because of the blasts, which increased his headaches.


If not for his three-tomoe Sharingan, which had enhanced his mental capacities, he might have even bled from his nose and ears because of all this.


"You guys can stop now," Sora said as he inspected the seal Kaida had created. Saying he was impressed was an understatement.


Almost everyone who made such seals would use many absorption seals to stabilize the array, increasing its size too much.


What Kaida had done was not something new, but it was also not something everyone did on their first try. Most of the time, their sensei would teach them how to reduce the size of the array after they created a crude version themselves.


'I was correct—he is great at fuinjutsu,' Sora thought before going to Kaida and saying, "This much is enough, Kaida. You can stop your training now."


Kaida opened his eyes, halting his meditation.


"But sensei, I still have three hours left before the effects of the soldier pill end," Kaida said, wanting to keep improving the array further.


"No need. Also, you are not in good shape to continue. The array you have created is enough. I will teach you the correct one now because, from here on, it is not about creativity, but time and trials. You have to try many combinations to find the best one. That will do nothing other than take more of your time, so it is better for me to teach you," Sora said.