Chapter 235: Sensor Ninja

(A.N: Hey guys I found out that there are not much sensing and tracking jutsu for normal civilian, or at least not mentioned in the anime so I used some I though may have been possible, so I will list them here, I you want you can skim through them ^~^)


1. Ember Vision Technique

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire-based)

Description: The user ignites a small flame on the ground, which then spreads out in a wave of embers. The embers attach themselves to the chakra signatures of any living beings in the area, allowing the user to see glowing outlines of these individuals through obstacles and darkness. The embers are attuned to chakra, so they only stick to people or creatures with active chakra signatures, making it difficult for anyone to hide. This technique can also be used offensively by intensifying the embers to cause minor burns.

2. Wind Whisper Technique

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind-based)

Description: The user creates a subtle, continuous breeze that carries sound waves over long distances. By attuning their hearing to this breeze, the user can listen in on conversations or detect the slightest movements within a designated range. This technique is particularly useful for long-range reconnaissance or tracking moving targets over vast distances. Additionally, the user can send out small pulses of wind to "ping" the environment, receiving echoes that help them map out the area, similar to sonar.

3. Earth Pulse Technique

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth-based)

Description: The user places their hands on the ground and sends a pulse of chakra deep into the earth. This pulse resonates with the natural earth currents and bounces back to the user, providing a detailed "map" of the surrounding area, including the location of any people, animals, or underground structures. The technique is especially effective in rocky or mountainous terrain. Additionally, the user can disrupt the earth currents to create small tremors, which can disorient enemies or reveal hidden traps.

4. Water Mirror Reflection Technique

Type: Ninjutsu (Water-based)

Description: The user creates a thin layer of water that spreads out over the ground or any surface. This water has the ability to reflect the chakra signatures of anyone within its area, creating a "mirror" image of their movements and positions. The reflections are visible only to the user, allowing them to track multiple targets simultaneously, even through walls or other obstructions. The technique is particularly useful in misty or rainy environments, where the water can spread unnoticed.

5. Lightning Pulse Technique

Type: Ninjutsu (Lightning-based)

Description: The user sends a brief but intense pulse of lightning chakra through the ground or air, which interacts with the natural electromagnetic fields. The pulse bounces back to the user, allowing them to detect the presence and movement of any living beings within the area. This technique is especially effective against metallic objects or in environments with high humidity, where the conductivity of the air is enhanced. The pulse can also temporarily disable electronic devices or disrupt enemy communications.



"No need. Also, you are not in good shape to continue. The array you have created is enough. I will teach you the correct one now because, from here on, it is not about creativity, but time and trials. You have to try many combinations to find the best one. That will do nothing other than take more of your time, so it is better for me to teach you," Sora said.


"Okay, sensei," Kaida said, and one by one dispersed all of his clones, though it increased his headache some more.


Sora then began teaching Kaida how to combine the seals he was working on perfectly—well, near perfectly. When Kaida asked whether it was the best way to do it, Sora said, "No, Kaida, this is the best way we know. There is a very high chance that a better way exists, and we just haven't found it yet, but this one is at least twice as effective as yours." Kaida wasn't sad about that at all.


The upgrade was done by many fuinjutsu grandmasters through years of research. There was no way he could have reached that level in just three days. But even reaching half of that level was impressive. With Sora teaching Kaida how to make the array in the most optimal way, Kaida was able to master his last seal by the end of the duration of the soldier pill.




While Kaida was giving his all in fuinjutsu training, a small forest area around Konoha had been unusually busy for the last two days. Yomi was standing on a tree, her chakra signature completely hidden. One minute passed, two, three…. After ten minutes, she turned her head to look around the area when an air current passed around her, and then many kunai were thrown, targeting the center of her head.




She just clicked her tongue, threw some paper bombs in the direction the kunai came from, and then used a smoke bomb around her location. When the smoke cleared, she was not in sight anymore, once again hidden. This time, instead of moving her body, she used a chakra field to sense her surroundings. But the results were the same this time as well.


The area around Yomi was skewered by tens of kunai, some even containing paper bombs, though of less potency. Yomi, expecting this, had already changed her position, but this time she was able to get the location of one of her targets. She then threw a kunai in that direction while using a smoke bomb once again. Though this time she was still traceable because she was running after a ninja in brown clothes.


She then took out a unique ball from her pocket and threw it at that man, painting him in red color, but she didn't stop there. She released a brief but intense pulse of lightning chakra through the air. Sensing the approach of many projectiles in her direction, she quickly used Body Flicker Jutsu to dodge them. Unluckily, someone was waiting for her at the place she appeared after using the jutsu.


"And you are defeated once again," Isao said as he tapped Yomi's head with his fist.


"Now, now, Isao, don't be so harsh. She was able to find all of us, and only you were left this time. I think she did well even in this absurd scenario," Riko Yamanaka, a 25-year-old Yamanaka clan member, said as he wiped off the red paint from his face.


"Thank you, sir," Yomi said, bowing slightly.


The situation Riko mentioned was simple: Yomi was stuck in enemy territory, and a team of sensors was deployed by the enemy village to find her. The team had five members, each focusing on a different type of sensing. Yomi had to hide herself and her chakra from those sensors while also eliminating them one by one. Though the chances of encountering such a scenario are 1 in 1000, it's still possible and was a perfect test to see if his student was really trained enough.


"But I still lost," Yomi said after thanking Riko.


"That's because this brat used Yamanaka clan's sensing technique to find you. Otherwise, you would have done better. There's no way enemies will have something like our sensing technique on their side," Riko said, patting Yomi's hair.


"Yeah, you did great. It's a shame you can't learn our clan's sensing technique; otherwise, I would have taught you at any cost, even if I had to adopt you for that," Isao said with a brotherly smile on his face.


He was naturally gentle by nature, and now that he had spent so much time with Yomi, teaching her many things daily, he had started to consider her his little but talented sister. That's why he even tried to teach her the Yamanaka clan's sensing technique, but her brain wasn't the same as that of a Yamanaka.


She passed out after attempting the jutsu Isao was trying to teach her. After waking up, she tried once again to practice the jutsu, but Isao stopped her and ordered her to practice the basics first. He promised that once she was ready, he would teach her his clan's sensing jutsus.


Isao thought that Yomi's brain wasn't powerful enough for now but would become stronger with training. So, after two months of training, Isao once again tried to teach her, but the results were the same. Fortunately, by then, Yomi didn't need the clan technique. Even with normal sensing jutsu, she was doing very well, so Isao decided to focus on that, and now Yomi was finally ready.


"So, are we going to try this once again?" Yomi asked.


"No, this much is enough. You are now an official sensor ninja of Konoha," Isao said, giving Yomi a headband with the same symbol as her current one—Konoha's symbol—but the cloth of the headband had a camouflage design.


"Thank you, sensei," Yomi said with a smile so bright that others felt their fatigue vanish just by looking at it.


"So, now her training ends, huh?" Riko asked.


"Yes," Isao said.


"Then you'll have nothing to do from now on for quite some time. Looks like you're going to join the barrier maintenance team this time for sure," Riko said.


"Only her training ends; I'm still not done teaching her. I will be taking some missions from now on to get her real-life experience of what it means to be a sensor," Isao said.


"It's just an excuse to evade the duty."


"You can prove nothing," Isao said, turning his face to the side. Yomi just shook her head. From what she had learned about Isao in all this time, he hated the job of the barrier maintenance team for some reason. According to him, it's like a civilian job, from 8 to 6, and not something a ninja would love to do anyway.


"You can go back now, Yomi. The effect of the soldier pill will end in 2-3 hours, so go get a hearty meal and then sleep tight. You'll have a month off to rest and spend some time with your family because when we start going on missions, you will have less and less time to meet them."


"Okay, sensei," Yomi said, thanking everyone who had helped her in the last three days, and then headed toward her house.




"Hey Yomi, how was your training?" Kaida asked as he met her on the way home.


"It was great! I am now an official sensor of Konoha," Yomi said, pointing toward her headband.


"That looks so cool, and even better on you," Kaida said. From what he had learned so far, no amount of compliments is enough for a girl unless they are not said with love. So, whenever he got a chance, he threw one or two compliments her way, mainly to see the small blush on her cheeks.


"Thanks… How was your training?" Yomi said, trying to change the topic.


"It was great. I can finally start learning the Mitotic Regeneration Jutsu," Kaida said. Yomi could feel the relief in his voice, and she was happy for him. She had seen how much Kaida had trained to learn this single jutsu.