Something Happend To Carlos (Part 1)

Most people might consider this as a coincidence, but Amalia wasn't entirely convinced. Her gaze fell once more on the man. Who was he? Why he appearing in such a place? Was he related to the two people engaged in the fight?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" The man noticed her gaze, turned his head, revealing his handsome profile, seemingly bathed in a silver-white glow that carried a dreamlike hue, making him appear unreal.

Amalia averted her gaze. "Nothing. Why were you there?"

"Are you referring to the battle between those two just now?" The man asked

"Well, i'm just watching the fun."

As soon as Amalia spoke, she felt it wasn't right. She seemed to have no position to questioned him, but he actually answered. His response left her momentarily silent. "Are you always like this?"

Amalia was somewhat curious. Such a character seemed quite inconsistent with this man. Despite his striking and dashing appearance, it was really hard to imagine it.

The man smiled but remained silent, adding an extra layer of mystery at this moment.

After two seconds of silence, Amalia said, "I'm leaving."

The man reached out to grab her again.

This time, Amalia was prepared. She swiftly evaded his hand. "The same move won't work on me again..."

As she turned away, she caught the man staring fixedly at below her waist. "What are you looking at?"

The man's hand extended once more, and Amalia, wide-eyed, attempted to dodge, but shockingly found herself unable to evade his grasp. Her astonishment was so overwhelming that she didn't notice the man's gaze fixed on her pocket.

"So, this is why you haven't called me," the man said, wearing a cryptic expression.

Confused, Amalia finally noticed his gaze, lowered her head, and glimpsed a corner of the White Rabbit milk candy peeking out of her pocket. Then, she looked up to see the man's pleased expression, realizing the misunderstanding. "It's not what you think."

"What is it then?" the man countered.

Amalia fell silent, suddenly feeling the odd turn of the conversation. Why was she standing here, discussing this topic with him? It seemed utterly meaningless. "I'm leaving. Please excuse me."

The man followed behind, "I understand your love for milk candies. I love them too. We're similar people."

Brother, your definition of 'similar people' is way too shallow, Amalia thought to herself, though her feet didn't stop.

The man continued followed behind her, and muttered a few more worda, saying how delicious white rabbit milk candies were, claiming no other milk candies could compared with things like White Goat milk candies or White Cow Milk candies. Every time he went to the supermarket, the salesperson always recommended these candies, despite their flavors is not the same at all.