Chapter Fifty-Four: Winning Strategy

Tang Luo glanced briefly at the three students from Cultivation Ground No.2 on the stage, only to feel a splitting headache.

Chai Pengfei 999 (1516), Fang Xinghan 999 (1002), Teng Liyan 999 (788).

All of them were at the peak of the Mortal Realm, especially the gatekeeper Chai Pengfei. He was halfway to breaking through the Mortal Realm within the next year or so. How could they fight against that?

In spite of the fact that the modified martial arts did have a lot more power, the problem was that Tang Luo had already submitted many of his improved techniques to the Martial Hall when taking Yellow Rank techniques from the library room.

These students of Cultivation Ground No.2 were undoubtedly beneficiaries of the improved techniques.

At this point, Tang Luo truly felt as if he had bound himself in his spin.

Their realm fell behind, and the advantage in martial arts techniques had been levelled.