Chapter Fifty Five: Delivering the Human Head

Bao Zuo, wielding a blunt sword, stepped onto the stage, facing Teng Liyan, whose condition was almost completely intact. Nevertheless, he brimmed with confidence.

"You have a great advantage," Tang Luo told him before he stepped on the stage.

As Bao Zuo looked confused, Tang Luo patted his shoulder with a sense of finality.

"Just aim for his legs. His mere flesh and blood are no match for iron."

"Besides, your Abyssal Flame Blade is incredibly powerful. Just aim for his legs, push him to the edge of the ring and then use the Mysterious Moon Slash to knock him off the stage."

Seeing Bao Zuo's incredulous face, Tang Luo continued to encourage him.

"Don't be afraid, just hit his thighs. Don't bother defending yourself. If he attacks you with his arms, just fight back and hit his thighs."

"Haven't you realized yet? This Teng Liyan hasn't trained in any hand-to-hand combat at all. His arms are as useless as if they are disabled."