Chapter 213: Judge Others by Oneself

With all matters settled, Tang Luo turned to look at his younger brother, whose face was flushed with shame and eyes still traced by tears. He reached out his hand, causing the young boy to shudder.

The martial skills of those who have ascended from the Mortal Realm are too powerful for Mortal Realm martial artists, even more so for a prepubescent boy.

Tang Luo had no intention of striking his brother again, but merely dusted off the boy's abdomen, asking, "Does it hurt?"

"No..not at all!" The young boy stubbornly responded, his head thrown back, coughing out a trace of blood.

Tang Luo shook his head, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket to hand to him. "Not only does it hurt you, but the young girl is also in pain."

He had not held back with his punch and kick, and any ordinary Mortal Realm martial artist would have coughed up more than just mouthfuls of blood.