Chapter 214: Bound by Fate

The next morning

"I don't think it's good for you to do this!" Xu Lao-Ying frowned, speaking seriously to Tang Luo.

"What's wrong with it?" Tang Luo asked casually, his head bowed and a large food box in his hand.

Xu Lao-Ying pointed to another large food box on the ground and spoke earnestly, "Even if you can't stand the taste of Lao Bai's cooking, you can eat less. You are a martial artist of the Mortal Realm, what does it matter if you have one less meal? But isn't it insulting to him if you bring such a large food box?"

He regards Mi Bai as a friend and Tang Luo as a brother. He certainly doesn't want a small matter like eating to cause their relationship to grow cold.

Holding two food boxes that were half a person's height, Tang Luo carefully scrutinized Xu Lao-Ying, as if trying to see right through him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You consider him your brother." Tang Luo sighed, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.