After leaving the cafeteria we went to our usual meeting place and everyone started talking about different topics, especially the open day. However, all my attention was on the girl sitting on the dock of the lake. I couldn't figure out what was bothering Y/N so much, and it was frustrating to see her so depressed and me without being able to do anything to help her.

-Yoko: Will you tell your parents that you are more about eating fish than meat? - she looked at me funny.

- Enid: What are you talking about? You know perfectly well that we lycanthropes barely eat fish - I said confused.

-Divine: You're not getting it - she let out a giggle - Since you're eating Y/N now, she made reference that maybe you've included seafood in your diet.

- Wednesday: - she glared at me - What have you done to my cousin?

- Enid: I did nothing! - I excused myself while blushing to the maximum - We have not reached those extremes, don't get upset people...

- Xavier: The girls have turned out holy - he smiled - It only remains for you to come out of the closet and tell your parents. Do you think they'll take it well?

- Enid: Ugh, I hadn't thought about it - I sighed as I imagined the situation - They're going to send me headlong to that stupid lycanthrope camp as soon as they find out.

-Wednesday: I don't think so, Y/N wouldn't allow it - she smiled - And seeing the strong bond you have developed, that would be like condemning you to a slow and painful torture. Maybe Y/N will enjoy it, but I'm not so sure how you would spend it.

- Enid: Torture? I have a feeling Y/N is going through one lately - I turned my eyes to the kitsune on the dock - What could we do to cheer her up?

-Yoko: I propose that we undress you, put a little red bow on you and put you in her bed - she joked - I bet that will trigger her animal instinct to the clouds.

-Divine: Not only the one from Y/N, look at Enid's claws - she pointed at my claws that had grown at that idea - You are too obvious - she started laughing along with the others.

-Enid: You are cruel, seriously - I pouted - I really want to do something for her, I want her to be her usual self again and not a soul in sorrow - I looked at Wedns - Can you think of anything?

-Wednesday: She will like any kind of weapon, but she already has several at home - she became thoughtful - I do not know if something material would be the right thing really - she looked at me - We could try to contact my uncle Fester and have them spend some time together.

- Xavier: Is Y/N like this because she misses his father?

- Wednesday: No, Y/N hates her father actually - she said without further ado.

- Divine: Wasn't the idea to make her happy? Why would we bring in someone she hates?

-Wednesday: Because Y/N seems to need answers, and I can't think of anyone better than him to give them to her - she looked at me - What do you think?

- Enid: You are the best! - I hugged her excitedly but she pinched me and pushed me slightly - Sorry, sorry... I think that will make Y/N very happy - I smiled - After that she will probably be her usual self again and she will want to meet my family.

- Yoko: Guys, get ready, we have a wedding right now - she said sarcastically.

After a while I got bored of listening to others and decided to approach Y/N who was still sitting on the dock. What was she doing spending so much time alone? When I arrived next to her I noticed that she had removed the bandages from her arm and was scratching the bite on her skin with her claws. I stopped it quickly because it had started to bleed and that wasn't going to help the wound heal.

-Enid: What do you think you're doing? !! - I frowned and started to bandage her wound - You are spoiling all the doctor's work.

-Y/N: No matter what the doctor does, this is not going to be cured - she looked into my eyes but her gaze was empty - The pain in my arm helps me stay sane, I think I've started to lose my mind - she said in a voice that made her sound exhausted.

- Enid: In what way? - I sat down next to her - Is there anything that worries you?

-Y/N: My mother is still out there and she is very powerful, if she wanted, she could attack you again - she looked at me with crystal clear eyes that threatened to shed tears - My mother could harm you again and I don't have what it takes to protect you - she mumbled.

- Enid: Is that what you're worried about? - I sighed and forced a smile - Let me tell you that you don't have to do it, if at some point your mother came to appear again, I would take care of taking her away from you myself - I looked at her and rested my head on her shoulder - I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I'm going to protect you from everything and everyone, always - I said with confidence in my voice - So don't think about something that's not going to happen anymore, because nothing is going to hurt me more than seeing you this depressed.

-Y/N: I'm not depressed- - she sighed - I guess I can't fool you.

-Enid: You are my mate, I feel everything you feel - I smiled proudly - A few fake smiles are not going to convert me. You know?

-Y/N: Wow, that mate thing is really powerful - she let out a giggle and looked at me - I love that we are so connected, somehow it's like sharing everything.

-Enid: That's the idea of having a partner, silly - I smiled and sat up to look into her eyes - Although we're not officially anything yet.

-Y/N: What do you mean? - she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

- Enid: Have you invited me on a date? Have you asked me to start dating formally?

-Y/N: No and no, but-

- Enid: No buts at all! - I laughed - I want to do things right - I pouted.

-Y/N: Even though we've already kissed and everything?

- Enid: What do you mean "and everything"? - I smiled flirtatiously - There's a lot more besides kissing, you know? - I blushed when I remembered what I had talked about with my friends earlier - But before we get to that stage, we have to pass the preliminary stages - I leaned a little towards her - Now that you have no activities with the club, we could devote ourselves to advancing a little in our relationship. Would you like to?

-Y/N: - she rolled her eyes and smiled - Shit Enid, if you look at me that way I can't find the way to tell you no - she let out a giggle again - Let's take care of those preliminary phases you say - she came even closer to me - And then, you'll show me that "and everything" what it means - she smirked and placed a kiss on my neck - The truth is that you've managed to arouse my curiosity, and foxes are very curious and playful, so... Take over later - she said getting to her feet and extending her hand to help me up.

-Enid: Don't worry - I wrapped my arms around her neck and bent down to kiss her but stopped a few millimeters from her lips - I always finish what I start.

-Y/N: Good girl - she said before joining her lips with mine in a short but passionate kiss.