A Boy All Vendors Feared

This action immediately broke Toby's resilient attitude. 

"I rebuke any fear out of you. Go and get me some sales." Eva said pushing Toby towards the stands with a grin. Toby began to doubt that she was actually trying to comfort him.

The two commenced their plan and began walking up to multiple shops. With a little bit of Toby's magic, and Eva's plan they obtained massive discounts. Their procedure was: go up to a stand that sold medical supplies or the supplies needed for a cast, then the vendor would tell them a price. These prices would range from $5 to $10, then Eva would put a small amount of money on the stand and Toby would depict the act of starving children, or whatever would make someone feel sympathy. In response to this "inspiring" act, the poor vendors would sell things to the kids at prices that would cause them to lose a profit. Who would say no to two small kids with puppy dog eyes?

Toby stood close to Eva throughout this, and despite the crazy low prices, they weren't able to get everything they needed. They had $5 left, but they needed some type of medicine, they already had everything for the cast. 

"Why do we need medicine?" Toby asked.

"We need it because if we don't have it then it'll hurt for the parrot." Eva responded.

"Why would it hurt for the parrot?" 

"It's wing is broke-" 

"You mean its-" Toby said cutting off Eva, but he paused after seeing Eva's glare. 

"Wing..." Toby said weakly and Eva continued walking.

'Is it a universal girl thing to be angry all the time, or is it just her.' Toby thought as he caught up to her.

Toby and Eva were heading to one of the shops that sold medicine. Since there were few medicine shops, there would obviously be a lot of people there, but because of the extra crowding today, there were much more people. 

"As I was saying, the bird's wing is broken. If your arm was hurt and someone randomly put something on it, would it feel good?" Eva continued.

"No it would hurt." Toby said looking down at her. 

"Exactly, that's why we need the medicine. With that the parrot's wing wouldn't hurt for a while, and then we could put on the cast." 

"You sound like a doctor." Toby said happily. 

"I know right." Eva said proudly. 

"And I know a lot more than you think."

"Really?" Toby asked doubtfully. 

"Yea, I know more than you." Eva said as she turned around teasing Toby. But before he could respond they reached the shop so Toby just crossed his arms. Eva saw the horrendously long line and normally she would've gone on a tirade, but instead she seemed calmer than usual, while Toby was tenser than normal. 

The line and crowd for this shop was large and Toby didn't want to go but Eva dragged him. She pulled him into the crowd but as they were running Eva's hand started to slip. Toby lost her hand and saw her running but he was too disoriented to identify the direction. 

He searched the crowd trying to find her with his heart racing, he tried evoking his memory but it didn't work. All he saw were people around him, in this moment they seemed as tall as skyscrapers, his anxiety shot up. He didn't like being in crowds and now he was in the middle of one. He lost the only person he knew to this crowd, he was helpless, and didn't know what to do.

disoriented- out of order

resilient- able to withstand or recover quickly

tirade- a long angry speech of criticism

evoke- bring or recall to the conscious mind

depict- show in a picture, painting, photograph, etc