Chapter 150: Fourth Prince

From a certain perspective, Loki, the God of Deception, was indeed much more charismatic than Thor.

Since childhood, he had always been overshadowed by Thor, not only because he was unconventional but also because the people of Asgard admired valor and had a natural affinity for Thor's violent and testosterone-fueled combat style.

Although powerful mages also played a significant role in battles, in the eyes of Asgardian warriors and people, if Thor represented Odin, then Loki represented Frigga.

It's not that they were a couple or anything...

"It's ridiculous. They think I'm too effeminate. Those idiots who roll around in sweat and mud all day. Thor, who drinks, feasts, and wrestles with them, is worthy successors of the throne in their eyes!"

Under the clear sky with sparse white clouds, gentle sunlight, and a warm breeze carrying intoxicating floral scents, Oaks and Loki were walking on a breathtakingly beautiful emerald green meadow.

This was Alfheim, the most beautiful natural paradise in the Nine Realms.

Scattered tall trees adorned the edges of the meadow, and in the distance, there was a lush forest.

Clear river water meandered through, occasionally hosting peculiarly shaped creatures that came to drink. And in the water, one could often see fish swimming leisurely.

At the end of the river, one could faintly see a cluster of magnificent palaces that seemed to emit a radiant glow—home of the God of Abundance, Freyr.

"If you think they're all idiots, why are you so determined to become the ruler of Asgard?" Oaks asked while experiencing the unimaginable abundance of Nature Energy in this world.

"Because I care about Asgard, not those people!" Loki waved his hand to shoo away the butterflies fluttering around him and snorted with disdain.

"Ruling Asgard with only brute force and valor is impossible. Although the lifespan of humans on Earth is inconsequential, mortal realms that have gone through thousands of years of succession should understand this principle!"

Oaks successfully convinced Loki to accompany him to Alfheim to meet the God of Abundance. So, for now, Loki was temporarily freed from his prisoner status.

Frigga anticipated his atonement and Odin remained silent.

He knew Loki wouldn't be so obedient, but it was different now.

No matter how Loki acted, Odin could directly intervene without any worries.

So Odin wanted to see what Loki, his foster son who is over fifteen hundred years old, truly wanted to do.

The Bifrost transported them to Alfheim, but they had to make their own way to Freyr's palace—

It was the proper etiquette for a ruler of one realm, and even towards the hostile Frost Giants, the Bifrost never directly projected troops into King Laufey's palace.

Moreover, this time it was Asgard seeking Freyr's assistance.

"Indeed, that makes sense."

Oaks shrugged his shoulders. "Ah... I remember a great king once said something to his prince."

Oaks glanced at Loki, who seemed somewhat interested, and cleared his throat.

He put on a serious expression and spoke in a solemn tone.

"You must remember that we have always ruled this kingdom with wisdom and power.

I also believe that you will wield your tremendous power with caution.

But true victory lies in inspiring the fighting spirit within your subjects.

One day, my life will come to an end. And you will be crowned king!"


Loki opened his mouth, feeling a thunderous roar in his mind.

"Wisdom and power... Yes, Odin ruled Asgard with absolute power, while also possessing the wisdom of a king."

After a long pause, he smirked and shook his head, still unwilling to call Odin "father."

"Not only that, Mother... is known as 'the wisest person in Asgard' and Odin's wise assistant. That statement was well said, but it seems to be directed at his only son."

Oaks rolled his eyes. Indeed, the prince only had a sister, and she wasn't even interested in the throne.

But Loki not only didn't know he had a sister, he also didn't know that she insisted on being the rightful heir to the throne.

However, Loki clearly had no idea that Oaks was silently mocking. He continued with a cold smirk.

"Thor lacks Odin's absolute power and the wisdom of a king. He is too reckless and arrogant. Odin keeps proclaiming that I am his son, but he never intended to let me inherit the throne! I am just a prop for Thor, a tool to showcase how 'excellent' and 'popular' he is to outsiders!"

"Heh, you deliberately overlooked the most important part, Second... Third Prince."

Oaks intentionally emphasized a certain number, causing Loki's face to darken.

"Inspiring the fighting spirit within your subjects, Loki, that's where you and Thor differ the most."

He extended his hand, and a beautiful little bird perched on his finger, curiously observing the two outsiders.

"Thor and you undoubtedly both deeply love Asgard, but Thor loves his people and his family, including you. But beyond 'Asgard,' you only love a few individuals..."

"That's enough!"

Loki let out a low roar, he clenched his fists with a grim expression.

"I am not an Asgardian! I am not Odin's son! The real reason Odin won't let me inherit the throne is that I am not his biological child!"

"When the All-Father fell into the Odinsleep, the Queen herself entrusted you with the Eternal Spear and the throne. Without the tacit approval of the All-Father, would she do such a thing?"

Oaks's casual remark made Loki abruptly stop in his tracks.

"I have spent several months in Asgard, and it hasn't been in vain.

I already have a pretty good idea of what you've been up to in Asgard during Thor's time on Earth."

Oaks winked at the wide-eyed Loki.

"After all, there are many Asgardian alcoholics, and as for me... hehehe..."


Loki was starting to regret complaining about his unfair treatment to this guy.

But if it weren't for the pressure from Baldur, would he have been so frank and open?

Originally, he had planned to use his story to sow discord between Thor and his human friend.

Because Oaks was almost destined to be Baldur's savior, and if Loki wanted to vie for the throne, he had to make sure that Thor and Baldur would mutually harm each other. This annoying druid would be an excellent catalyst...

But what is happening now?

Why did this guy seem to understand him even better than himself?!

"As the 'Son of Odin,' you personally killed King Laufey, the Frost Giants' ruler.

Why did you do that after finding out about your true identity?

It all stems from your intense rejection of your Frost Giant heritage—because you deeply love Asgard and only identify with your Asgardian identity!"


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