Chapter 108: I won't let Hikigaya be yours, this is a bond!


"There shouldn't be any need for counseling, right?"

Looking at the completed test questions of Amikura Mako, Hikigaya fell into thought.

Ten questions.

This girl got eight right.

Amikura Mako's liberal arts seem to have been hovering around 70 points.

Although not very excellent.

But this score doesn't need tutoring at all, there is absolutely no risk of dropping out.

In addition.

Amikura Mako's science is a bit stronger than him, but it's also around 70 points, which is quite average.

Although not outstanding, there is no obvious shortcoming.

But it should be enough to tutor him.

Hikigaya had a headache.

This kind of unequal relationship is hard to explain with work, it is obviously entrusted by Ichinose to take care of him.

"How could it be!"

Amikura Mako clenched her pink fist in front of her chest, sounding a bit dissatisfied:

"If it's a normal school, it might be right, but in this school, I also want to contribute more to the class, isn't Hikigaya-kun always working hard for the class in his own way?"

In the eyes of outsiders.

In the uninhabited island exam, Hikigaya took on the hardest work voluntarily, induced Kaneda to make a wrong judgment in his own way, and won the exam for the class.

In the privileged exam, he quickly found the privileged person hidden in the dragon group, and did not forget to ask Ichinose's opinion to cause trouble for the class.

In the sports festival, although there was no brief, he also participated in the competition well, although there was a part of luck, but the performance was also good.

This exam is also the same.

Hikigaya also put forward his unique views,

Although it was not adopted, at least it can be seen that Hikigaya is seriously considering for the class.

This time too.

As soon as the two met, Hikigaya focused on helping her improve her grades.

It's really reliable.

It's just that,

Hikigaya is really too modest, never taking credit for himself, just silently contributing to the class.

And Amikura Mako has been sitting behind Himeno Yuki.

As one of the closest people.

Amikura Mako can see that Hikigaya is working hard for the class, even if he looks pale in every math class, he still listens carefully.

He can face things he hates without flinching.

At least,

In Amikura Mako's eyes, it's a very powerful thing.

"It's not..."

How does it feel that this guy admires him inexplicably, Hikigaya felt a bit embarrassed:

"I just don't want to cause trouble for the class, it's not what you said."

"Here it comes again."

Amikura Mako laughed a bit helplessly: "Excessive modesty, on the contrary, will appear a bit hypocritical, Hikigaya-kun~"

"It's not..."

Hikigaya was really helpless.

The people in Class B are all so disobedient, isn't the thinking of these people too positive?

"Knock knock knock~"

At this moment, the knocking sound of the club rang.

Amikura Mako looked at him with some doubts, and Hikigaya was also a bit puzzled.

This is a fake club, how can there still be people coming here.

Even if it's Himeno Yuki, she's always been a bad-hearted person who wants to scare him, she has never knocked on the door.

Who could this be?

Although he couldn't figure it out, Hikigaya still said.

"Come in!"


The door of the club was pushed open from the outside.

A short-haired blue-haired girl walked into the classroom, and Himeno Yuki followed her like a gentle girl.

That must also be a classmate from Class B.

"Yume-chan, Yuki-chan, why are you here~"

Amikura Mako quickly got up to greet the two, excitedly taking their hands, it was clear that the relationship between the three was very good.

Unexpectedly, Himeno Yuki, who always pretends to be good, has even integrated into Ichinose's core group.

But given Ichinose's personality, there probably isn't a core group.


Yume-chan, who is Yume-chan, can you not call people by their nicknames, it's very impolite, and it's also for people who don't know her to imagine.

Himeno Yuki, who was next to him, glanced at him with a playful look, she could guarantee that Hikigaya definitely didn't remember the name.

She secretly opened her cherry-colored lips and gestured with her mouth.

Kobashi? Kobashi Yume.

Hikigaya understood and breathed a sigh of relief, Himeno occasionally showed such a considerate side.

"What, we can't come~"

Kobashi Yume also took her hand, rolled her beautiful eyes, and said:

"We came to see how you guys are doing here."

Saying that, Kobashi Yume pulled the two to Hikigaya's side and looked at the notes on the table.

Hikigaya had a headache.

Ichinose really likes to worry about nothing, this should be arranged by Ichinose again.

But honestly.

Compared to being alone with Amikura Mako, having Himeno Yuki, a club member, by his side, Hikigaya felt much more relaxed.

Every time school starts.

Those noisy guys, if they arrive at school early, they will look at the entrance of the classroom with a full face of displeasure, eager to see familiar people.

But they never talk to people they don't know.

Wait for friends to arrive.

Those social butterflies will show a plain expression of "you're here".

'So this is what it feels like.'

Hikigaya felt doomed.

In the past, he only thought that those guys were just a group of weak chickens who would dare to be uneasy when their friends were not there, which proved that their hearts were not strong enough.

Now, he feels more and more able to understand the feelings of those social butterflies.

Has his heart degenerated?

"Eh? This is done very well."

Kobashi Yume was a bit surprised, and Himeno Yuki, who was looking at the notes on the table, was also a bit surprised and a bit upset.

How could this guy get along so smoothly with Amikura Mako.

"Thanks to Hikigaya-kun."

Amikura Mako pulled the two to sit down, and the four of them just filled the square table.

Hikigaya was on the left of Himeno Yuki, and Kobashi Yume was on his right, with Amikura Mako sitting opposite.

"Hikigaya-kun is really reliable, he arranged ten questions of different difficulties for me to confirm the level at the beginning, so the progress is very fast."

Amikura Mako showed the notebook in front of the two.


Kobashi Yume looked at Hikigaya in astonishment.


Hikigaya felt a bit uncomfortable being stared at.

"I'm sorry."

Kobashi Yume quickly waved her hand and said, "It's just a bit surprising, because Hikigaya seems to be always sleeping in class, I didn't expect him to be such a serious person."

"Not really..."

It's over, it feels like another person who doesn't listen to people, Hikigaya explained a bit helplessly:

"It's just that Ichinose arranged it like this, I had no choice."


He had no choice.

Why don't these people believe it?

"Is that so?"

Himeno Yuki said softly, "I thought Hikigaya-kun would hate this."

For some reason.

Hikigaya shuddered suddenly and quickly glanced at her.

Although he couldn't hear any hidden meanings, it was normal for an observer to have such an impression of him.

But it just felt like Himeno Yuki's words were somehow threatening.

This girl is really too scary.

"Because, I was threatened by Ichinose, to let the class come here for a study meeting, which I hate even more."

Hikigaya quickly explained, "And if it's work, there's nothing I can do."


Amikura Mako and Kobashi Yume both became serious.


Amikura Mako said in a somewhat serious tone, "Honami-san is not threatening, she is just worried that you will face the risk of dropping out if you continue like this, and you always avoid contact with people, which is also worrying for the future."


"Isn't it a bit too much to say that??? Honami-chan is just caring about you?"

"Oh... oh, I'm sorry..."

Hikigaya quickly apologized.

As expected of Ichinose's hardcore fan, she can't speak ill of Ichinose.

And, Ichinose's actions are completely out of kindness without any malice or teasing, indeed she can't speak ill of her because of this.


Don't I have the right to choose?

Hikigaya was a bit confused.

He should have been used to being ignored before.

But there is a difference in this kind of disregard.

People in the past never took him seriously, but now they ignore his opinions because they care about him seriously.

It's just that this kind of disregard feels even more uncomfortable.

"Yes, and it's not work."

Kobashi Yume clenched her pink fists in front of her chest and quickly corrected:

"Class B is not a company, and we are not corporate slave, we all help each other, grow together, and create beautiful memories together."

"This time should be called a bond~ Yes, a bond~"

"Oh... oh..."

Hikigaya was startled.

Are you guys from Konoha? But Ichinose is not Naruto.

..... ....

They haven't even spoken a few times, where does the bond come from?

It's over.

He doesn't seem to be good at dealing with Kobashi Yume's enthusiastic personality.

There are three beauties in front of him, but Hikigaya feels that they are all types he is not good at dealing with.

Speaking of which.

Since they are here to see the progress, shouldn't they be able to go back now?

If these three women stay, Hikigaya feels that his future will inevitably be physically and mentally exhausted.

At this moment, Kobashi Yume also took out study tools from her schoolbag.

"What are you..."

"Of course it's studying together! Don't worry, we won't disturb you, and if there are more people, studying will definitely be more efficient, and Yuki-chan and my grades are not bad either."

Sorry, it seems we can't study together

And Himeno Yuki on his left also took out stationery from her schoolbag in a gentle manner, and glanced at Hikigaya without a trace.

Are you scared?

This is the terrible thing about Class B,

Although the atmosphere has always been very good, no one can resist Ichinose's majesty.

Feeling Hikigaya's gaze, Himeno Yuki said softly:

"Yes, and if it's not a special investigation, not many people know about this club, and Class A has been watching us, so we can study more at ease here."


Himeno Yuki stood on the other side without hesitation, this guy is pretending to be good again!

Although his relationship with Himeno Yuki was not very good in the first place.

But Hikigaya still felt a bit lost.

Damn it.

Speaking of which.

Although he really didn't stalk, Sakayanagi's pressure still didn't stop, it should be a retaliation.

It feels like a quarrel.

Further intensifying the offensive feels a bit petty, after all, the matter of stalking doesn't exist in the first place.

Taking a step back, Sakayanagi feels uncomfortable, so she defaults to Class A continuing to exert pressure.

Why does Hikigaya feel that little loli Sakayanagi is a bit cute?

In that case.

The study environment in the library definitely can't compare to here.

Although it's all Sakayanagi's misunderstanding, and it has nothing to do with Hikigaya, he still feels a bit guilty.

If he hadn't eaten that bowl of ramen.

It shouldn't have turned out like this, right?

It's inevitable that Kobashi Yume and the others want to stay here to study...

Damn it.

Why do you have to take responsibility for eating a bowl of ramen?

Hikigaya feels that the world's malice towards him is a bit too much.

If there really is a bond.

Then he might become Uchiha Sasuke as well....