Chapter 109: We can't study together, it's too hard!

Inside the Sheep Shearing Club.

After Kobashi Yume and Himeno Yuki arrived, the tutoring work was temporarily put aside.

Amikura Mako and Kobashi Yume chatted non-stop, with Himeno Yuki occasionally joining in on the side.

Really, please.

If you want to chat, can you go somewhere else?

Forget it, this way is also more relaxed.

Hikigaya took out his earphones, plugged them into his phone, turned on the music, and decided to study alone.

After all, studying alone is more efficient, and if his math grades continue to decline, it will really be dangerous.


Kobashi Yume waved her hand in front of him, and Hikigaya took off his earphones.

"Listening to music helps with studying, and when you don't notice the music, it means you're really focused."

Hikigaya explained helplessly.

It's not because they don't need tutoring in liberal arts.

"Is that so?"

Kobashi Yume tilted her little head in confusion, "But I feel that this is more likely to distract people."


Amikura Mako on the side chimed in, "I remember that little Honami also likes to listen to music when she studies alone, could it be that smart people all have this habit?"


So that's how it is.

Hikigaya reacted, he likes to wear headphones not to block out noise, but because he is smarter.

Seeing Hikigaya's slightly raised corner of his mouth, Himeno Yuki knew that he was a bit proud because of Amikura Mako.

"But Hikigaya-kun's grades seem to be average, right?"

Himeno Yuki tilted her head in confusion.

Damn it.

Hikigaya can guarantee that Himeno Yuki, this woman with a bad personality, is deliberately attacking him.

"Hmm... indeed."

Kobashi Yume thought for a moment and nodded, his grades are only average in the class, not considered smart.

"Not necessarily only academic performance can represent intelligence, right?"

Amikura Mako observed Hikigaya and nodded, "Hikigaya has always made a great contribution in special exams, he must be considered one of the smart ones?"

That's right, that's it!

Although he's not very good at dealing with her, but worthy of being recognized by Ichinose, Hikigaya feels that she's pretty good.


Himeno Yuki glanced at the two of them and looked puzzled.

Maybe she's overthinking it, but why does it feel like Amikura Mako's attitude towards Hikigaya is a bit off, why is she always speaking up for Hikigaya?

Are you two very close?

Thinking about this, Himeno Yuki felt a bit uncomfortable, but due to the gentle and weak girl persona she had set up, she didn't want to probe too much.

But after a few seconds of contemplation.

Himeno Yuki still felt uncomfortable, as if there was a small lump in her heart.

It seemed worth it to take a little risk.


Himeno Yuki was a bit puzzled, "Could it be that Mako-chan likes Hikigaya-kun?"

Girls are very sensitive to this aspect, although directly asking this kind of question is not in line with her persona, it might cause others to doubt.

But at this moment, she couldn't care less.

Thinking about Hikigaya being taken away by someone else, Himeno Yuki felt unbearable, it was better to strike first.

"Not at all."

Amikura Mako was a bit speechless, waving her little hand jokingly:

"I just think Hikigaya is very mature and gives a sense of adulthood, and I'm just telling the truth, it's not what you said."

Hikigaya was almost crying.

Can you not joke in front of the person involved?

I really appreciate Amikura Mako's gentleness, the latter half of the sentence might be true, translating the first half would be, how could I like such an uncle.

"That's true~"

Himeno Yuki showed a smile of agreement, other than her, no one would like a twisted character like Hikigaya.

And Kobashi Yume on the side was deep in thought.

Just now in the library, she felt that Himeno Yuki was a bit abnormal today, so that's what happened...

Seeing the topic run away again, Hikigaya put on his headphones again, and Kobashi Yume waved her little hand in front of him again...

"Hikigaya-kun, it's fine when you're alone, but it's best not to wear headphones during a study meeting."

"Eh? Why?"

Hikigaya was a bit puzzled, speaking of which, you guys should start, this is just chatting.

"Because you can ask questions anytime you don't understand, and someone will help answer, avoiding pondering and flipping through books, isn't this more conducive to improving learning efficiency?"

"I'm fine alone..." Hikigaya habitually refused.

"Then Hikigaya has no problem with science?"

"That makes sense..."

Hikigaya fell silent.

As expected of Ichinose's best friend, completely logical, really can't refute.

But you guys should stop chatting, let's start!!!

Are we going to study or not...

"Shall we start?"

Hikigaya probed.

"Yes, let's start!"

Kobashi Yume held a neutral pen and pointed at her snow-white chin:

"Speaking of which, Hikigaya-kun's Japanese, I remember it's always second, occasionally surpassing Honami-san to take first place, English and history seem to be hovering around the top five, is there any special study method?"

"Memorize by force?"

Hikigaya was uncertain.

In liberal arts, you just need to memorize, at least he has always been like this.


Amikura Mako had a headache, "But I work hard every day, but my grades haven't changed much, and memorizing by force really wastes time."


Kobashi Yume also had a headache, "Isn't there a more efficient way, or some kind of trick?"

The implication: saying so is equivalent to not saying.

But it's really just like that, Hikigaya felt a bit embarrassed:

"Since you guys are often with Ichinose, she should have told you the method, right?"


Himeno Yuki also nodded a bit disappointedly:

"She suggested increasing the amount of reading for Japanese, memorizing English, dictating every few days, and using English to communicate more often, as for history, she asked us to memorize according to cause and effect, I really don't know what it means."

"Is it just a difference in talent?"

Alright, alright.

Stop pretending, I know you're a delicate girl.

Hikigaya didn't bother to respond, I have to say Ichinose's opinion is quite correct, Kobashi Yume and Amikura Mako are not the type to slack off.

Speaking of which.

Out of a hundred, seventy is not low.

What more do these people want, after working so hard for so long and still not being able to improve, they will only feel regret.


Hikigaya nodded in agreement.

If it's a difference in talent, then there's nothing to be done.

Just accept it!

Just like he set the passing line for math at fifty.

Giving up directly is easier.

"That's not okay."

Kobashi Yume slapped her thighs with both hands, her body leaning forward with a serious look on her face:

"Even if it's just one point, we have to strive to improve our scores, only then can we increase our chances of moving up to Class A!"

"Oh oh."

Isn't it fine not to move up to Class A, this kind of thing definitely can't be said, Hikigaya reluctantly nodded.

Even if he doesn't have a high desire for Class A, other people obviously still want it.

Even if he doesn't work hard.

You can't stop other people from working hard, right?

Since Kobashi Yume and others want to study, just need to think about the method.

But... is there really none?


Amikura Mako looked a bit troubled, "Do you know what it means to remember according to cause and effect? Ichinose said she couldn't explain it well, I really don't understand."

"It's indeed not easy to explain."

Hikigaya pondered and nodded:

"An example might be better, like a long, long time ago, there was a Little Su and Little Mei, Little Su was a calm beauty and a flirt, Little Mei was an energetic cute flirt."


The three girls looked a bit disgusted, Himeno Yuki secretly kicked him under the table, you really dare to say it.

"Example, just an example..."

Feeling the fearful eyes of Yume-chan and Little Mako, Hikigaya felt a bit uncomfortable.

"The two flirts in the same class, chasing each other for the most popular position in the class, because both of them wanted to be number one, so they were hostile to each other."

"Eh? Why do they have to be like this?"

Kobashi Yume was a bit puzzled, "Isn't it good for everyone to get along well?"


Hikigaya was suddenly speechless.

Don't know if it's because Kobashi Yume's past environment was good enough, or this class is really different, why is there so much drama.

Aren't girls always friendly on the surface, but confrontational behind the scenes?

"In short, knowing that they both want to be number one is enough..."

Hikigaya stuttered in explanation, feeling that his past study methods were a bit untenable.

Why can't we get along well?

Because they are both flirts, but what if this class doesn't have any flirts?

Whether it's Kobashi Yume or Amikura Mako, they seem to be kind-hearted good kids, who haven't experienced the dangers of girl wars.

Himeno Yuki on the side seemed to understand, this guy is indeed a bad-tempered woman, she must have never chatted with girls in a group chat to say bad things about boys.

"Because of the eyes of the people around them, in order to pretend to be good... uh..."

Hikigaya rubbed his leg that was kicked by Himeno Yuki, it's not like he was deliberately insinuating her.

"And they can't show their hostility, so the two of them carried out a high-intensity information war, or secretly tried to fix each other."

"How can there be such people! That's terrible..."

"How can such people be popular, they can't possibly be supported by other girls, right? Hikigaya's example has no logic at all..."

Kobashi Yume and Amikura Mako were speechless, their worldviews completely overturned.


Hikigaya found it difficult: "In short, this is the struggle between capitalist countries and socialist countries, also known as the Cold War!"

"Then both sides have weaknesses that could completely destroy the other if revealed, so neither side can act rashly."

"The biggest secret is the so-called nuclear bomb, which is mutually assured destruction!"

After saying this, Hikigaya looked at the two of them. He had done his best, but both Amikura Mako and Kobashi Yume still looked confused.

"Well, even though Hikigaya gave an example, I still don't quite understand..."

Kobashi Yume pouted, somewhat dissatisfied: "Why don't Little Su and Little Mei strive to become the top of the class, but always try to frame each other? Wouldn't it be terrible if they were found out?"


Sorry, this question is beyond the scope...

"Maybe it's too tiring that way?"

"Why should such a person be the top of the class~"

Kobashi Yume was a bit unconvinced, she would definitely not support such a person.

Is this the key point?

Study hard!!!

Hikigaya was a bit tired, chatting with girls was indeed a troublesome thing, they always went off-topic.

"Me too."

Amikura Mako brought the topic back: "It seems like I understand a bit, but I also feel like I don't."


Himeno Yuki, who was on the side, tentatively said in a soft voice:

"It might be easier to understand if you think of the class as this school. Xiao Su and Xiao Mei both used disgraceful means to get into Class A, just like Ryuen and the others, right?"

"Oh, now I understand!"

Kobashi Yume clapped her hands, looking enlightened.

Amikura Mako, who was across from her, looked at Hikigaya, also somewhat excited:

"So that's what it means to remember according to cause and effect. Hikigaya is really reliable..."

"Um...uh huh..."

Hikigaya's voice was weak and he avoided eye contact.

This was probably why Himeno Yuki felt a bit out of place when she started school, feeling like an outsider in this class.

It's over, I'm starting to understand these normies more and more.

  It's really too hard.