Chapter 148: Midnight Singing, Do You Think I'm Afraid of Dropping Out?

Approaching noon.

The group led by Class A came to the cafeteria, which is the noon after the bus stopped, the first opportunity to meet with girls.

"Let's go."

Shinji Matoba and others spoke indifferently, as if there was no existence of Hikigaya Hachiman.

If you want to mess up, just mess up.

They just need to continue to work hard.

Just treat this shameless person as non-existent.

Looking at the departing people, Hikigaya's mouth was slightly triumphant. He was able to make a bad relationship with people on the first day.

I'm afraid he's the only one who can do that!


Hikigaya looked at the cafeteria, which was not as good as ANHS at all. Three grades squeezed together and the cafeteria was full all at once.

There is no such place suitable for loner.

After all, it's such an exam.

No matter what, I'm afraid I need to communicate with people.

Hikigaya saw Ichinose and others, whether it was Kobashi Yume and others or Kanzaki and others, they were all gathered around him at this moment.

Thinking for a moment.

It's not a solution to wait like this.

Hikigaya casually found a place to sit down and enjoy lunch. The people next to him glanced at him and didn't say much, after all, they didn't know him at all.


On the other side.

"Ichinose, over there."

Hearing Kanzaki's call.

Ichinose looked in the direction he was looking, and found Hikigaya Hachiman who was squeezed by Class A, watching him find a vacant seat and sit down.

"Eh? What's the matter?"

"I'm not very clear either."

Looking in the direction of Hikigaya Hachiman, Kanzaki frowned and said:

"Hikigaya is in a group composed of fourteen people in Class A. They also said that as long as he don't deliberately score low, they will be tolerant and will not let Katsuragi drag him to drop out."

"I really don't think they would lie at this time. After all, it's only the third semester of the first grade. Considering the future, losing credibility in strategic negotiations will be a big loss."

"I've just agreed to join Hikigaya's group from Class A. It shouldn't be a bad decision, right?"

After all.

Even in Class B, Hikigaya prefers to be alone, and he may also take the initiative to distance himself.

It's just.

Looking at Hikigaya, a lonely person, eating in a strange group.

It's really worrying.

"Let's go and see."

Ichinose quickly got up and said, she really didn't want to lose any one of the class, the two came to Hikigaya's table.



Hikigaya looked at Ichinose and Kanzaki standing next to him.

He was a little puzzled and said:

"What's the matter?"


Ichinose shook her head, her pretty face full of worry:

"I just saw you separated from the group. Hikigaya-kun, you shouldn't have been excluded by them, right?"

If you are excluded out by a group of people, this exam will probably become quite difficult.

"Oh, no."

It was him who squeezed Class A. Hikigaya raised his hand to indicate that it was okay: "The people in Class A are very good, I believe that in my heart."

"That's it."

Kanzaki stared at Hikigaya for a moment, then said: "Well, if you encounter any trouble, remember to find me at any time."

"That's right."

Ichinose also nodded firmly and said: "Hikigaya-kun, even if you are alone, you are not fighting alone."


Hikigaya was made a little uncomfortable, raised his hands and said:

"I can't guarantee anything else, but this exam should be very safe for me."

"Is that so, then we'll go first."

"If you have any problems, you can contact me at any time. You can also discuss with Yume-chan and others during lunch."

It took a good while to send Ichinose and others away.

Hikigaya watched the backs of the two leaving, although Ichinose still looked full of vitality, he inexplicably felt she was a bit tired.

I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it.

After all, girls are the kind of people who say 'just because your skin is better than mine, what's so proud of', who can say they dislike someone to their face.

On the girls' side.

It's probably harder than the boys' side.

But on the other hand.

Ichinose is also taking care of the feelings of others.

Now she.

At most, she can turn a blind eye in class.

When encountering someone who needs help, Ichinose will still reach out to help without hesitation.


Night falls.

Inside the boys' dormitory.

Hikigaya stood by the window, his back to the people of Class A. It must be said that Class A's work and rest time is very healthy, at least very self-disciplined.

It's only ten o'clock, and they're going to bed so early.

"Cough cough."

Hikigaya coughed lightly, looking up at the bright Moonlight.

Habata itara modoranai to itte

Mezashita no wa shiroi shiroi ano kumo

Tsukinuketara mitsukaru to shitte

Furikiru hodo aoi aoi ano sora

Aoi aoi ano sora

Aoi aoi ano sora

Hikigaya's throat moved, and a song of bluebird echoed throughout the dormitory.

I don't know how the sound insulation of this forest school is, and I don't know if people in other dormitories can hear it.

In short, don't sleep, get up!

Singing in front of so many people, Hikigaya inexplicably felt a bit shy, but still sang it completely.


The voice of the irritable glasses guy sounded: "Hikigaya, what the hell are you doing, do you want to die?"


Hikigaya turned his head back a bit awkwardly: "A few days ago someone told me that my singing is pretty good, as long as I practice seriously, I can sing very well, so I want to try."

"Don't you see what time it is now."

Shinji Matoba was a bit speechless: "If you want to practice, you can practice later, we still have to sleep."


At this moment, a deep voice sounded, Katsuragi wearing slippers turned on the dormitory lights, and then stood in front of Hikigaya and said in a deep voice:

"What do you mean by this? If you refuse to take the exam, that's fine."

"But if you disturb our rest like this, you might really fall to the last place."

"By then, I will definitely drag you to drop out."

"Or do you think that using singing as an excuse, the school will recognize your illogical reason?"

As soon as these words came out.

The people in Class A also reacted immediately.

This guy is clearly trying to make trouble and disturb their rest.

After all, the forest camp is also a very physically demanding thing. If you can't rest well, the results will inevitably fall a thousand miles.


The irritable glasses guy couldn't help it in an instant.

Put on slippers, jumped off the bed and wanted to do it.

They have already allowed him to mess up and give up the exam, this shameless and shameless guy is still making trouble for them.


Several students from Class A hurriedly stopped him.

"Let him finish first."

"What does it matter?"

Hikigaya leaned against the window, not caring:

"Even if we falls to the last place, by then Class B will only be deducted 105 class points, and Class A will be deducted 170 points."

"If we are lucky, Class B can win in other groups, there's a high probability that we can be promoted to Class A."


The slower the decline, the victory.

"In that case."

Katsuragi was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "You will definitely be expelled, Ichinose and others will definitely not accept it, right?"


Hikigaya said indifferently: "But these are all my personal thoughts, they have nothing to do with them."

"So that's it... So you've always thought that way."

Katsuragi closed his eyes.

Since the last time he chose a gift for his sister, he felt that Hikigaya was somewhat like him.

Now he finally found out.

The other party might be the same kind of person as him.

For the class, even if he drop out of school, it doesn't matter.

Hearing their conversation, Shinji Matoba and others looked at Hikigaya with fear in their eyes.

They Originally thought that he was just bluffing, he just wanted to be lazy and drag their Class A.

Now They found out.

Hikigaya is really not afraid of dropping out of school.

It's nothing more than changing a place to be a wage slave, changing a school to let his father supply him to study.

And I can see Komachi again.

What's so scary?

"What should we do now?"

The short-haired glasses guy looked at Shinji Matoba, pointing at Hikigaya with an unhappy face:

"This guy really makes people angry, this is the first time I have seen such a disgusting guy, do you want to beat him up first."

Upon hearing this.

Everyone looked at Hikigaya, gritting their teeth with hatred.

They Really want to beat this guy up.

But seeing Hikigaya leaning against the window, with an indifferent attitude waiting for them to do it, they were a little scared.

As long as you dare to use violence, Hikigaya will tell the teacher.

By then.

It's not about competing with Classes B, C, and D, but 100% they will fall to Class B.


No matter how hard Horikita Manabu and others on top work, the first grade cannot rest well and cannot prepare for the exam with all their strength.

This big group.

It will inevitably fall to the last place.

Hikigaya is going to drag them to die together.

Sakayanagi's plan will inevitably destroyed.

The status of Class A is even more dangerous.

Thinking of this.

Shinji Matoba and others were extremely unwilling, and even more upset.

How could Class B have such a person.

He is simply despicable and shameless, without any moral bottom line.

How could they meet such a thing.