Chapter 149: Prohibition of Effort, The Child Cannot Be Taught!

"So what do you want?"

In the end, it was still Katsuragi who stood up, with a solemn expression:

"Falling to the last place in the big group is indeed detrimental to Class A, but Class B may not be able to seize the next opportunity to rise to Class A."

"And now we are just the first grade, even if it's temporarily promoted to Class A, no one can guarantee the future."

"Even if you drag us to the last place, it doesn't make sense, does it?"


Even if the distance can be shortened now, as long as you are not Class A at the moment of graduation, all efforts are undoubtedly in vain.

His sacrifice cannot be recovered anymore.


Ichinose may become discouraged because of this, and it may have a counterproductive effect. Hikigaya didn't think about dragging Class A to explode at once.

That's not realistic.

"It's simple."

Hikigaya didn't care and sat down on the chair in the middle.

He said indifferently.

"No matter what place this group gets in this exam, the people in Class A have to give me the individual points they got in this exam."

"In this way, as long as you don't deliberately target me, I won't do anything to disturb you."

"If this group falls below the fourth place, then forget it, you bear the deducted personal points."


With such a good opportunity.

He is definitely not going to take the exam.


"What did you say?"

Shinji Matoba doubted for a moment whether he had heard it wrong, and the short-haired glasses guy on the side laughed even more angrily:

"You not only don't take the exam, but also want us to give you all the personal points we get, is there something wrong with your brain, or do you think we are all fools, will agree to such unreasonable conditions?"

"Is that unreasonable?"

Hikigaya said somewhat speechlessly: "I can figure it out even with my poor math grades, can't you guys calculate?"

"Even if this group gets first place, there are at most 140,000 private points. These private points should not be a big deal for Class A, right?"


With him messing around here.

Class A is most likely not going to get first place, at most, at most second place, that would only be 70,000 individual points.

For Class A.

It's just the pocket money that a person in Class A can receive in a month.

It's not a big deal at all.


The people in Class A were slightly stunned, and turned their heads to look at Shinji Matoba.

Only after careful calculation did they know.

This little money is not much at all, it seems that it is not unacceptable, it's just a bit upset in my heart.


Shinji Matoba sighed, hesitated for a moment and said:

"Alright, as long as you don't disturb us anymore, wait until the exam is over, and let Katsuragi transfer these private points to you."


He wants Katsuragi to bear this loss alone.

This money is not much, even if Katsuragi bears it alone, it's not a problem.

"Ah, okay."

Katsuragi sighed and nodded in agreement.

It's just some private points, If it can bring greater benefits to Class A, so there is no objection.

After all, besides individual points.

What Class A wants more is the class points increased by the top two.

"No way."

Hikigaya quickly raised his right hand to stop them:

"How you calculate it, who will bear it in the end, I don't care, the private points obtained in this exam must be transferred to me by each of you alone."


The short-haired glasses guy was angry: "Give me a brak, they are all the same private points, aren't they all the same?"

"I don't care."

Hikigaya shook his head repeatedly: "What if you all push the responsibility to Katsuragi, what should I do? Anyway, you transfer it to me and then ask Katsuragi for it, that's your own business."


The students in Class A were so angry that they laughed, and they were about to be blown up by Hikigaya.


Shinji Matoba gritted his teeth with hatred: "Do you think you can provoke the relationship between Katsuragi and us in this way? Let Class A fall into the river? Katsuragi tell him that he is dreaming, right?"

"That's right."

Katsuragi nodded.

Since Sakayanagi can use Katsuragi's characteristic of caring about companions, then Hikigaya can naturally use it.

"Then it has nothing to do with me, sign the contract."

Hikigaya took out paper and pen, quickly wrote a contract.

No matter what place is obtained after the exam is over.

The people in Class A have to transfer the income of this individual point to him.

Hikigaya didn't play any word games either, after all, everyone present was a smart people from Class A, playing bad word games can only have a counterproductive effect.

"Sign it."

The people in Class A signed their names on the paper one by one, and the short-haired glasses guy glared at him fiercely after finishing writing.

"Hikigaya Hachiman, right, I remember you, remember, my name is Morishige Takuro, you won't have such a comfortable opportunity in the next exam."

It's really helpless.

Morishige Takuro just found out that they really look like idiots.

This guy doesn't even have to take the exam, but he still wants to enjoy all the benefits of individual points, and they can only sign such an unreasonable contract.

They really felt a sense of helplessness.

Is there something wrong with this world?

Why they have to suffer this unfair treatment.

"Oh oh, I really hope I won't run into you next time."

Hikigaya took the contract and ran, hurried back to the bed: "Okay, everyone go to sleep quickly."

In fact.

He really didn't think that much, let alone trying to provoke the relationship between Katsuragi and Class A, tens of thousands of individual points didn't mean much.

It's just that.

Hikigaya wanted tease them.

It would be best if this large group could fall to the fourth or fifth place.

Even if they try hard to take the exam, they won't get any benefits.

Even if there are a small number of class points rewards, but thinking about the individual points that are at hand have to be handed over to others, most people will be somewhat slack.

After all.

They are Class A, not the good people in Class B.

From the fact that they all want Katsuragi to bear the loss, it can be seen that Class A pays more attention to personal interests than other classes.

When there is no profit.

I believe that the mentality of Class A will change, even if the discipline is strong and can participate in the exam, there will definitely be some omissions.

At least, it's not as good as the hard-working group.


Thinking of this.

Hikigaya fell asleep heavily, he really won't disturb them anymore, as a corporate slave, he can only do so much.


In the morning.

Lively background music sounded in the room.

The people of Class A woke up leisurely, and Hikigaya also opened his blurred eyes. Damn, this garbage bed is not comfortable to sleep at all.

After washing.

Hikigaya followed everyone to the classroom, and a middle-aged teacher walked onto the podium.

"I am Onodera from Class B in the third year. After the roll call, you will go to the designated area outside for cleaning, and then clean the school building. This will be the course every morning."

"Starting today, the course will not only have school teachers, but also people in charge of various courses. Please pay attention to greet and treat with courtesy."

After speaking.

Everyone took up the cleaning tools and came to the school. Hikigaya casually found a step to sit down and rest.

It's not that I want to come, just confirm the process first.. ....

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Morishige Takuro and others gritted their teeth with hatred, but they didn't say much, they had already put Hikigaya on the blacklist in their hearts.

Even in Class B, there are such despicable and shameless people like Hikigaya.


Everyone came to the dojo to practice meditation, which seemed to be a course to temper the spirit. Hikigaya saw Kanzaki and others, it seemed to be conducted at the same time with other groups.

Hikigaya tried to sit cross-legged, feeling no difficulty.

He quickly gave up and sat casually on the ground.

"That student. Why don't you practice?"

The bald monk in charge of teaching asked with a smile.


Hikigaya nodded: "This is my combat method."

Because his mother at home believes in Buddhism, he respects monks.

"Combat method?"

"I and the other members of the group are in different classes."

As soon as these words came out.

Kanzaki and Shibata and others couldn't help frowning, and hurriedly looked over here, This was too obvious, Hikigaya want to drag class A.

If his group falls to the last place, Katsuragi would drag him to droup out together.

The two couldn't help but worry.

But looking at the appearance of Shinji Matoba and others who were gritting their teeth with hatred and not saying a word, it didn't seem to be the same.

They seemed to have been completely controlled by Hikigaya.

How did he do it?

"I see."

The monk nodded with a detailed face: "I don't know much about this school, but since I was invited to train you, I will be responsible to the end."

"You will eventually have to integrate into society, and you must never forget the feeling of thinking for others. Here are courses that have an impact on the spiritual level, one of which is meditation."

"Integrate into the group, consider others, and think at the end, think about what kind of person you are, and what you can do."

"Even if there are other reasons that require you to drag others down, you can choose to give up on the last day of the exam."

"Now try to maintain meditation, exercise your spirit, which is better for your future."

Yes, indeed.

"Even if you want to mess around, you just need to not participate on the last day, but you should still perform well normally."


Hikigaya put his hands together, with a respectful look on his face: "My dream is to become a househusband, this profession does not need to integrate into society, meditation is of no benefit to me."


Katsuragi and Shinji Matoba on the side were simply stunned.."

Originally they thought that Hikigaya was already despicable and shameless enough, now I found out that they was underestimating him, he was so shameless.


The monk also laughed and finally squeezed out a smile:

"Although I don't interact with the world that much, I also knows that it is not easy to become a househusband in today's society. You shouldn't really think you can succeed, right?"


The master is worthy of being a master.

The words spoken are so reasonable.

Hikigaya fell silent.

To be honest.

Hikigaya still has self-knowledge, it is too difficult for him to become a househusband with his conditions.

In the end, most of them will enter an ordinary company.

Being an ordinary salary man, marrying an ordinary woman, and living an ordinary life like father.


Hikigaya put his hands together and said: "Every company has that kind of guy who just takes money and doesn't do anything. If so, I hope to become that kind of salary thief who only takes salary."


The master laughed with a smile, and left with his sleeves.

"The child cannot be taught!"

What the hell.

The master's spiritual level is obviously not very high.

Hikigaya was angry and would never believe in Buddhism again.