In a world teetering on the brink of apocalypse, the cataclysmic event known as "The Eclipse" has unleashed dark and mystical forces, making the world shake in fear.
A formidable black serpent deity, along with his sinister allies, seeks to claim the earth as his dominion, unleashing chaos and pushing humanity to the edge of despair.
Xinyi, raised by wolves and concealed in the shadows, emerges from obscurity when an elderly man adopts her. She hides her identity by pretending to be the elderly man's reunited son.
Xinyi conceals her extraordinary abilities as they prepare to face the looming apocalypse, with the elderly man serving as her mentor and guide.
As the world falls into chaos, Xinyi courageously assumes the role of an unexpected hero. She learns to harness her cultivated abilities, drawing from the ancient teachings of her adopted family and the mystical forces of The Eclipse. With newfound powers, she confronts the malevolent deity and his relentless creatures.
Along the way, she encounters allies with their own unique abilities and battles not only the physical threats but also her own inner demons.
I love the build up of this novel. I can't wait for Xinyi to gain power and avenge her parents. I need more chapters of this novel.. so the author should please feed me more.