YOU: Calgeria belongs to one king Rovesian, even in dorne the sun does not rise twice in a day. Go tell your brother that.
Tinara: I will, but be rest assured that when I return here, it will be with steel and death.
You: Those are your words young elf. Ours are "beware the night". You can gather as many steel as you please young one. You can call up your great rage and in the blindness of it try to fight me. But if you dare to bring your forces to fort NEISER then I assure you that the night will fall on them and they will know the true meaning of fear.
Beware the night Tinara for something lurks within.
Step into the eyes of a charismatic game maker and a highly intelligent player as they navigate a world of steel, magic, schemes and sorcery in order to kill that which can never die.