

POV: The royal chronicler

LOCATION: The capital

TIME: The present

As any avid student of history would know, the political divisions of MORELLA in the 1600s was nothing at all like what it is today. In that era due to the fall of the first Calgerian empire, the continent was divide into five powerful states that were often at war with one another. These states were

The Rovesians, The Parmarians, The Dornish, The Rhine and The Dharans.

The Rovesians: Located in the western region, the Rovesians was hailed as one of the most powerful kingdom in the 1600s. It had a predominant elvish population which were divide into twelve unequal districts. Each district was ruled by twelve elected viceroys who were led by an acendant and the decisions affecting the whole kingdom was taken by the twelve ascendant from each of the district. Their capital was at the city of dasarov where every lord ascendant must journey to three times a year in order to take part in the concleave and discuss on issues of national importance. Protected by the fierce griffin guards, the Rovesian republic dominated affairs in the Morelian continent until the winter of 1638 OIE.

They blazon a griffin and a rose on a blue field as their banner and their words are


The Parmarians: Located at the northern regions, the kingdom of parmaria was the only kingdom that could stand toe to toe with the Rovesians during the 1600s. It was mostly populated by dwarves who were separated into various families and clans. The kingdom was ruled by the king Englif wendwort who ruled from their capital city of oakwood. Every three year five of the most prominent families from across the kingdom journey to oakwood to form the council of five which advices the king on important matters. Protected by the beserkers, the technological heartbeat of the continent experienced a steady decline that was eventually halted by the grand alliance in 1664.

They blazon two crossed axes on a red field as their banner and their words are


The Dornish: Located at the eastern tip of the continent, This was the kingdom that was most closest to the forbidden dessert. It was mostly populated by humans who were divided into a very strict hierarchy that was based on land. The king rules from his capital in answick over the entire kingdom which is divided into five duches. The duches are then ruled by the dukes who further divided them into counties. The counties are in turn ruled by the various counts and were divided into earldoms. The earldoms were in turn ruled by the earls who received taxes from the local barons who collected them from the common people. Despite being called a third rate power, human interference was the only thing that was capable of keeping the dwarves and the elves from going to war with one another. In other words, the human infantry and paladins were the only ones keeping the peace for six centuries after the collapse of the first Calgerian empire. Of course this all changed after the disastrous winter campaign of 1617.

They blazon a sword and a tower on a field of green and yellow and their words are


The Rhine: Located at the southern islands off the coast, this kingdom was known for its fierce boats and able seamen. It is mostly populated by Orcs who were divided into various waring hords. The rulership of the clans was mostly in the hands of the peatrach/meatrach who is decided by trial by combat held every two years. The orchis fleet are known throughout MORELLA as fierce warriors who go around every corner of the Caspian sea in their raids. They dominated the seas in the 1600s and to a large extent still dominate the seas today. However their power has been drastically reduced after they bit off more than they could chew by offending an unforgiving enemy.

They blazon a six arm kraken on a black field and their words are


The Dharans: Initially located at the southern side of the continent, the kingdom of Dhara was the only kingdom that still willingly maintained her servitude to old calgera. This attitude quickly brought her the enemity of all the other kingdoms and her predominant beastfolk population almost found themselves wiped out. She was originally protected by the legendary vanguards and the terrifying cuirassiers of Calgerian empire but with the decline of the empire, Dhara was forced to look into herself for protection. So at the beginning of the 1600s the beast folks were protected by seventeen forts and the homeland guards who were trained to man them. Of course this was untill the "nightfall on ash heap."

They blazon the original Calgerian banner of a phoenix on a white field and their words are


The Calgerians: I believe the historical record of the 1600s would not be complete without talking about the Calgerian empire at the start of the century. Reeling from the collapse of the first Calgerian empire, the once dominant power on the continent with its predominant shade population was reduced to only three forts. Its vanguards were a mere shadow of their former selves and its cuirassiers were almost relegated to myth. Amoung the forts that was still in Calgerian hands at the start of the century only fort neisa which had often served as a military outpost for a long line of Calgerian kings was relatively speared from any sort of looting due to its hidden nature.

This was the situation in the early 1600s untill the golden king stepped on the scene.