

POV: JAYDEN (A bane casting mercenary)


The harsh late autumn sun was beating down on your head as you navigated your horse around the ruins of what must have once been a great road. Your butt was acheing from riding around, you could bearly feel your lower leg and he had no idea whatsoever of where he were going. If it wasn't for the weird voice in his head that kept giving him directions you could swear that you would have gotten lost since he began this entire journey.

I mean what in all the saints dose she even want in those ruins anyway?

You kept asking yourself

You eventually got to the place the voice was directing him to and the first thing you noticed was that it was a massive ruin of a fort that was blocked by a very narrow road.

You quickly dismounted from your horse and began approaching the place with a great deal of caution. However when you got to the entrance of the ruins every bit of caution in you would not let him enter the place.

"Well? What in creation are you waiting for?" The female voice in his head cried out impatiently in that annoying voice of hers.

"You mean besides the fact that I am standing in the most cursed place in all the Midlands?" You replied

"Are you afraid of a mere curse?" She jeered

"Despite having me protecting you?"

"Well given the fact that I have never seen you before, I do not see how that is reassuring." You pointed out

The voice kept quiet for a while then it said

"Did you forget who brought you here?" Her voice was suddenly calm

"Who have been protecting and aiding you àll this while?"

You could not refuse that.

"Did I ask you to?" You countered as you tried to use his strong suit

"I won't deny that you have been of great help to me ever since I got here but you must understand the point I am coming from."

"You still wish to see me?" Her voice became annoying once more

"What if I am not up to your standard?"

Youquickly realized what she was trying to do and you refused to fall for another one of her retorical traps.

"Does that mean you won't show yourself to me?"

"Come to the center of the fort and seek for yourself a falcon. There I will show myself to you." She said with finality

"Remember Jayden I gave you everything you have now and if you continue to follow me I will give so much more. However if you choose to differ, I have other means of getting what I wish."

So saying the voice went silent and moved to the back of your mind.

Even though you hated to admit it, every single thing that voice has said was true.

The truth was that the man known as Jayden nightfury was originally born as James wei chin, who rose from the slums to become a successful manager of one of the largest marketing company in China. You was on your way to America for a business trip when the bad weather in the Atlantic affected the plane and sent it crashing into the ocean. You must have died there because the next time you opened his eyes all he could see was a beautiful woman dressed in a resplendent armor in a place that could rightly be described as heaven.

"Who are you?" You remember asking

"I am the one who is called by many names."

She replied in a melodious yet deep voice

"The pale mistress, the huntress, the goddess of death, the mother of assension. You name it."

"Where am I?" You asked again

"In simple terms, the great divide between the living and the dead." She answered

"Normally you were supposed to cross over but I have decided to keep you behind because I have a special task for you."

"Special task?"

She nodded

"I will give you a second chance of life and the gifts you will need to make it worthwhile in return you will do a special task for me when the time comes. Are you interested?"

Normally you would not give such a blank check to anyone (or you could have at least tried to set some boundaries) but growing up in the slums have made you love your life too much to refuse. So you ended up accepting her offer and she caused you to be born as a fea into a common family in kingdom of , in the Morelian continent.

Your childhood was unremarkable (you were mostly avoided) but when you became an adult you chose the life of travel and became a successful leader of a large mercenary company due to the goddess help. This was all until a week ago when she asked you to leave your comfortable life behind and journey to the ruins of a place even you knew was cursed.

You snapped back to reality just in time to stop your head from hitting a low hanging beam as you carefully maneuvered the fallen rocks and debris until you came to the center of the ruin. There you saw a house that was kept in perfect condition despite being very very old.

Out of curiosity you entered into the house and you were quickly drawn to a large pool of water in the middle of the room. The strange thing about the pool was that even from afar you could still feel a strong pull due to the excessive bane inside it.

"Beautiful isn't it?" You turned to see a girl not much younger than you standing beside you.

"It is called the well of creation." She explains

"One of the few gateways between worlds that still works."

Her explanation shocked you for a bit but you quickly peel your eyes from the lake and turned to her

"Forgive my intrusion into your home good woman." You manage to say

"But I am looking for....."

"A bird of prey?" She completed in a familiar annoying voice

"Falcon?" You cried out in shock.

"It is good to finally see you again Jayden."

"How in creation are you like this?" You asked

"Not what you expected?" She said with a teasing smile

In truth? Yes

You answer within you

When she had told you that you would see her again, you were expecting the all powerful warrior woman who was clad in a gleaming armor. Instead what you were looking at was an average looking woman with a long golden hair, silver cloured eyes and ears that were part human/part elf who was still in her early twenties. The only thing you could say that was above average about her were the large sized melons that were hanging on her chest.

"Why did you bring me here?" You asked while struggling to keep your voice even

If she noticed where your attention was diverted to she made no show of it.

"What do you know about the great war?" The teasing tone was gone.

"Not much I am afraid." You reply

"All I know is that the Calgerian empire defeated the night King at the cost of their lives and their entire civilization. (You narrowed your eyes). Is that what this is about?"

" Yes." She replied bluntly

"The one who is dead cannot rule as king over the living. The veil between the living and the dead must remain shut."

"Okaayyy? But what does that have to do with me?"

"Everything!!" She boomed in a voice that was charged with power.

"Morella as it stands can not defeat the night King when he comes with Furies. Their bane casting is deplorable, their ambitions are relentless and foolish and their co-operation is none existant. They need someone who will drag them kicking and screaming into unification and lead against the night king when the time comes."

"And you want me to do it?" The disbelief was very clear in your voice

"With all due respect, I do not believe that is a task for one man. I can not do it alone"

Her lips quickly twisted into a thin slash

"And who said you will be doing it alone?"

She began walking towards an inconspicuous corner in the room and you quickly follow her.

"You were a sales man in your world correct?" She asked

"More like a manager, but the principle still applies"


She then touched a statue and it turned into a desktop computer right before your eyes.

"Holy mother of megazord!!!" You cried

"How in earth did you do that?"

"Is that all it takes to amaze you?" Her teasing tone was back

"How then will you handle the things I must show you?"

Another retorical trap?

You saw no reason to spring it.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" You asked

"It is rather simple when you look at it." She answered casually

"Since the veil between the world have already been broken, I mean to take advantage of that by summoning an army of willing workers and soldiers..... From your world."

It took you five minutes to get your jaw from the the floor. When you succeeded you could not help crying out

"You plan to get more people here?!!"

"No." She answered

"YOU are going to get them here. YOU are going to guide them, teach them, use them to rebuild Calgara and most importantly convince them that all they see and hear shall be an elaborate well crafted illusion."

"You want them to believe that this is all a game?"

Her lips curved into that thin slash and she raised her arms towards the sky.

"The grandest of all games. Let us call it NEISER."