Chapter 74: On My Own

After Hannah's phone call, I immediately checked the news broadcast video snippet that she had sent me.

"Here, in Amber City, a tragedy had befallen us, where the eldest son of the Cross family - the most prestigious family of attorneys and judges - was presumed to have been burned to death in his home," the news reporter announced, standing in front of a house that was severely damaged by fire. Firefighters were running to and from the house, the fire already extinguished.

My entire body felt cold as a chill ran down my spine. Danté's tired expression... the change in his clothes... the smell of smoke...

"A jogger noticed the smoke while on a run, and inspected the area to find his house completely engulfed in flames. His body had not been found and is assumed to have been destroyed in the fire. Whether this is a case of homicide remains in question. This is Mandy Talisman, reporting from--"