Chapter 75: Hope

On my day off, I made my way to the nunnery, following the GPS coordinates that Zero had sent me. 

It was nestled in the countryside, about an hour away from my grandparents' home.

The buildings had walls decorated with stone, and I could see that it was old, despite how well they were taken care of. The biggest building was a church, and to the side were two other buildings - a small school and a building that appeared to be the living quarters.

There was a small playground and an open field with neatly cropped grass, as green as emeralds. Little kids were running around - playing ball or chasing each other.

Some nuns were standing close by, dressed in their black clothes and caps, keeping a close watchful eye on the children.

I took a deep breath before approaching one of them. She seemed fairly young.

"Good morning, Sister," I greeted her, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.