Chapter 4

It has already been a few weeks ever since i've been transported into this body. My motor skills had improved the first 4 days since I woke up. Before all of that, ever since that day when the two elderly couple, Ben and Sally, decided to take me in as I had no place to go, I've been given clothing, food, and especially books. Surprisingly, I was able to read the foreign letters in those texts. I spent most of the two weeks skimming through books after books. On the Third week however, Ben and Sally were just about to head out to town to buy stock of food for the coming winter.

That was the first time i've ever stepped out of the cabin. Outside was a forest that had a dirt path leading to the town. Ben luckily had a small Wagon that we were able to use, all he did was strap up one of his cattle and we were ready to go to the town.

Sally who was worried sick about what the people would say about my appearance tried making me wear a brown hood to hide my face. This idea was shut down almost immediately by Ben, "We cannot hide the boy forever, Sally."

"But what if they call him names?"

"Let them."

Sally looked at me anxious while Ben was focused on the road.

Maybe after about 15 minutes we finally reached the town. The sky was already about to set yet the town was still quite full, Its seemed more lively now that the street lights opened one after another.

The bustling noise of the town however was suddenly shushed as we entered. Ben took no time to think and headed straight to the small area next to the town entrance to leave the cattle and wagon there.

Me and Sally on the other hand were sat frozen on the wagon, anxious on what the people would say.

"Come on you two. We better get back before it turns too dark."

Sally was the one who first stood up bravely, extending her hand towards me to help me down the wagon. We both held hand in hand, shrinking each second from the stares and whispers we were hearing.

Ben was unbothered. He strided confidently on the streets, looking only forward, paying no heed to the groups of people whispering.

"Ben… is this really a good idea?" Sally asked.

Ben ignored her as he stopped in front of a fruit stand. The seller of this stand was completely focused on me, as if I was some sort of carnival show.

"How much for a bag of these apples?"

The seller snapped back to reality realizing there was a buyer.

"Uhh… 4 silver coins, Sir."

Ben fished out a small pouch filled with coins from his pockets and gave it to the seller.

After getting the bag of apples he continued walking with both me and Sally following closely from behind.

I looked left and right, the stares still had not stopped, I could see fear, curiosity, and disgust in the eyes of the people we passed by.

"Pay no attention to them boy, nothing is wrong with you."

He said as if he heard what exactly I was thinking. Upon hearing that, Ben stopped yet again, now in front of a store. He confidently walked up the few steps and entered the door. Sally followed suite as if knowing this place quite well.

I have not even gotten fully in yet when I heard a cheerful voice from inside.

"Ben! Sally! how have you two been doing?"

I entered the shop and coul slightly hear gasps from the customers inside. Some of them actually even went out their way to leave.

Even the owner himself was dumbstruck from what he was saying. I felt nervous making eye contact from anyone, and so I kept my head down most of the time.

"This is…?" The man asked.

"A boy we took in." Sally answered.


The man seemed like he wanted to ask something so badly but held back and kept his composure.

"What is his name?"

Ben and Sally looked at each other and then to me. Both realizing that there was still mo name for me to have.

Ben scratched his head thinking hard for a name.

The two were never blessed with a child so they have not really thought about such matters.

"How about we name him Ben Jr.?"

Ben looked annoyingly at Sally.

"Such an ugly name…"

"You think of one then." Sally replied.

The shop man stepped in jokingly, "why not your name then, Sally?"

"He's a boy, Edward."

The man seemed to have not taken in the idea yet that I was male. He looked even more shocked now despite Sally already telling him I was a boy.


"Have you thought of something Ben?"


Sally and the Man commended in joy and excitement. "Oh!!! that's a wonderful Idea… Sal… the saviour…" Sally mumbled to herself cheerfully.

"Perhaps he will be the one to save this town one day."