Chapter 14

I wrapped the ragged bag around my body and started heading out. As I faced the entrance to a passage that was pitch black, I debated whether or not to continue. Then the shimmering crystal all over the room caught my eye. I took a few steps back into the cave and grabbed one of the crystals, "Just grabbing one, thank you." I mumbled, making sure to pay respect to whoever runs this cave. 

I went back to the entrance of the passage and continued my venture forward. 

As I held the crystal in front of me to provide a clear vision of where I was going. That is when I suddenly heard footsteps, coming from the front. 

"Who's there?!" A stern voice shouted. I flashed the crystal in front of my face and saw around five people running towards me. Instinct suddenly kicked in as I started running back where I came from. When I thought I finally got away a sudden ball of scorching fire passed by the side of my face just an inch more and I would've gotten burned. I retraced my footsteps and put both my hands up. "Don't make any sudden moves!" one of them yelled out. 

As they got closer and closer I could now clearly see their figures. They all wore long robes covering their inner clothing as they held onto their signature weapons. I saw the one holding a long staff and concluded that this girl must've been the one to shoot that fireball. 

"A human... here?" The girl mumbled. All of a sudden one of the guys beside her flashed the torch he was holding towards my face to get a good look. 

"He doesn't look human to me." He said.

I could see all their observing eyes staring me down completely, I just knew that they were trying to find out what exactly am I. Strangely though, one of them in the group, the guy behind all of them to be exact, didn't seem to be much interested in my face, but rather in what I was holding. 

"He doesn't seem to be anything other than human..." The girl mumbled to herself after a few seconds of thinking, "Wait, Elanour look at what he's holding!" One of the men next to her yelled out while pointing at one of my hands that were raised showing the blue crystal I held in my hand. 

"!!!" Upon hearing and realizing that fact, she pointed her staff directly at me as if ready to attack any second.

"W-wait!" I yelled out, as I thought all hope was lost, I simply closed both my eyes shut expecting the blast any moment.

But realizing that I was still in one piece, I slightly opened one of my eyes, to my surprise the staff of the girl they call Elanour is now being held down by the guy I just saw behind them.

"L-Layne!" She yelled out. That man Layne didn't give her a single glance and kept his gaze focused on me. "Let's hear him out." 

One of the men beside Elanour held Layne's shoulder back and said, "Didn't you hear what Lord Han said? dispose of anyone wandering around the cave!"

The man Layne still refused to give them his time of day and still kept his attention completely on me, to the point that even I felt uncomfortable. 

"Isn't it weird that despite completely holding onto that crystal he is perfectly fine?" Elanour now said, "I think Layne is right, Lord Han would surely like to know about this matter..." She continued on. Upon hearing that the two men beside her backed down and let go of Layne's shoulder. 

"Just tell that kid to drop the crystal." 

As I heard that, I looked at the crystal and at them, wondering why they got so scared of this crystal.

The man in front of me saw my uneasy expression and tried reassuring me, "You can put your hands down, trust me." Despite hearing his gentle tone, I couldn't bring myself to follow what they were saying. This is when, all of a sudden he grabbed ahold of my wrist. 

"Layne!!" Elanour yelled out, she extended her hand to Layne's arm to try grabbing him away, but Layne simply shrugged her hand off. He then looked towards my hand that was holding the crystal, he gently pulled each finger off, and it then just fell to the ground. 

I gazed at the crystal on the ground and now at the man who was still holding my wrist, now that I could see him clearly up close, I couldn't help but feel hot. Realizing that this man is quite attractive. 

Earlier when he observed the crystal in my hand he had a stern look on his face, but now that both our eyes were meeting, he didn't seem as bad as I thought he would be. Not to mention his dark eyes blended in quite attractively with his perfectly tanned brown skin, which was covered ones thst reminded me of tribal tattoos from my original world, his smooth wavy hair made his entire look, simply perfect. 

I soon realized just how hard I was staring at him that even he was caught by surprise. I immediately shot my head down, in embarrassment.

Not knowing that the man in front of me is finding all of this amusing. 
