leaving mom

Leaving mom

It was almost 5:30am in the morning when mom woke me up with tears in her eyes

I wondered what the problem was again, I was alerted when I saw her shedding tears, so I asked her;

"Mom ,please why are you crying"?

Wiping her tears with my thumb.

"I know today is the day, you will be leaving for Tema with your Uncle,but I can't bear to see you leave" she answered

"Mom please don't cry , I know that you have been doing your very best for me and I'm also sad that I might not see you again for a very long time" I said trying to console my mom.

Actually this is the fourth time we have had a conversation like this ,this week.

Since I passed my B.E.C.E,my mom has been sad , because she knew that she can't afford to pay my senior high school fees.

My mom was a hairdresser by profession , Fair in complexion and was very kind to everyone, even though she wasn't a trouble marker, she had enemies who were envious of her beauty, and to top it all, giving birth to a halfcast like me;with curly hair was what they ridiculed her for.

Some people say that my Dad ran away to his country to avoid responsibility.

I never knew my Dad & never asked about him because I saw how my mom cried in her room whenever they ridiculed her.

I couldn't bear to see her shed tears.

So I always made sure not to say the word "Father".

My mom had been my closest friend from my day one on planet Earth ,she treated me like her co equal, telling me whatever happened during times I wasn't around,she sometimes shares her plans with me and asks for advice; guess you are surprised and be asking yourself..."WHY"???

Well she says  children are brutally honest , when something looks ugly , they don't hide their displeasure ;so when she wants an honest answer on things like her hairstyle,outfit,food and even friends ...am the judge.

Because of my mom's beauty she had many suitors who tried everything possible to win her heart but she turned their proposals down because she didn't want any stepfather of mine to treat me bad and different.

"I know .. but right now I will need you to take your bath before Mr.Simon comes for you .. okay?" mom said

"Okay Ma, I love you" I whispered into her ears

"I love you too "she said back

It was very cold outside but bathing around such time was normal to me because mom said it will help keep my skin fresh and give me enough time to go through my homework.

I took my towel and sponge ,went towards the bathroom we shared with other tenants quietly .(we live in a compound house)

I took off my clothes and felt the warmth of the water, my mom actually warmed the water which I was glad she did, I quickly scrubbed my body , cleaned myself and went back into my room to get dressed.