Uncle Simon Arrives

My mom entered the room after I did,holding a blue Lacoste and a black jeans.

"Jay I bought these clothes for you when I went to the market yesterday, I hope you like it?"Mom said with a smile.

"I like it mom, I think it will fit me perfectly " I said while putting on my new clothes.

"Wow it truly fits you my handsome boy" mom said trying to make my head swallow.

"Thanks mom" I shyly said.

"Now hurry up and eat your breakfast before Mr Simon comes for you" Mom edged me

After I finished my breakfast consisting of butterbread and Tea, my mom sat me down and gave me lot of advice and told me that she was doing  this for my own future.

A minute later I saw a man enter our compound house slowly walking towards my mom and I. He was wearing a suit which I knew right away that it was very expensive, with a silver wristwatch on his left wrist;it was Uncle Simon.

I didn't know much about Uncle Simon but I certainly knew that we were not related, but he was the one my mom usually turned to when she was critically in need.

My mom never liked to borrow but life sometimes was so hard and merciless,  she only called Uncle Simon for help because she didn't want me to go to bed hungry.

Mom stood up to meet Uncle Simon

"Good morning Mr Simon" mom greeted.

"Good morning Grace , how are you &your son? Uncle Simon asked

"We are fine sir"mom replied

"How many times have I told you to call me Simon?, please you don't need to make me feel like an old man " Uncle Simon said with a laughter.

"Am sorry, I always forget, please have a seat and let's have a cup of cafe" mom said with a smile while offering her plastic chair to Uncle Simon

"Oh my dear Grace, please no need for that, like I said on the phone last time, I would like to report to work very early ..,so please .. I will have breakfast with you another time" Uncle Simon said

"Okay , then let me get Jay's bag so that you guys can be on your way "mom said while entering the room

She brought out my bag and gave it to me  with a hug and a kiss to my cheek

"Shall we???" Uncle Simon asked

Mom escorted us to Uncle Simon's car; a Mercedes Benz, it looked very new .

We got into the car and said our goodbyes.

I tried to be strong and hold back my tears but seeing my mom's tears roll down hers cheeks made me too cry but silently .