Highway Talk

Soon we reached the N1 highway, 30 minutes since we left mom, not one word has been said since.

Until Uncle Simon decided to break the silence with a question.

"Erhm Jayden, your mother told me , you passed the B.E.C.E with flying colours, how did you do it?Uncle Simon asked

I smiled a little looking down at my shoes, I answered"I think it's by the grace of jehovah and the hard work of my school teachers who placed more efforts into teaching sessions"

"Well that nice of you to acknowledge the efforts of your teachers, that is a very good traits to have ,my boy"Uncle Simon praised me

"You know what?, I have two daughters within your age range who also the recent B.E.C.E just like you did" Uncle Simon said proudly.

"Wow thats nice sir" I simply said

"I have three beautiful daughters, they are very friendly,my eldest goes by the name Stephanie, the second is called Julie & the last one called Juliana but my wife and I calls her "Ana "mostly" Uncle Simon added.

Not knowing what to say I just said

"I hope we can be very good friends"

Not knowing what was laying ahead of me , I just imagined how they might look like since Uncle Simon said that they are also within my age range.

"So Jayden , have you choosen any senior high school yet? Uncle Simon asked me this time with a serious face.

"Yes sir, I choose Lexton Senior School"I answered

"Really?" Uncle Simon asked looking surprised taking his eyes off the road for a split second.

"Yes sir, but mom said she couldn't afford the feed, so I think I might choose another school soon" I sadly said

"My eldest daughter Stephanie attends school there , and am planning to also send my other two daughter Julie and Ana there too, I could get you the admission before next week Monday, if only you still fancy that school" Uncle Simon said in a conviencing manner.

I was instantly filled excitement, I wanted to hug Uncle Simon but since he was driving I couldn't.

"Thank you Uncle, you don't know what it means to me" I excitedly said

"If I may ask , why did you choose Lexton Senior high? Uncle Simon asked.

I hesitated a bit but uttered

"I choose that school because I heard they had ultra modern sporting facilities and other scholarships to students who passed the terminal examinations.

"That's a good reason boy" Uncle Simon said.

Soon we reached a nice pink coloured house , it had beautiful flowers and a big automated door.

Uncle Simon took a small remote with him and opened the huge gate.

He drove inside and closed the gate with the remote .

"Honey , welcome back but why didn't you wake up me before you left ?" A nice woman asked

"Am sorry sweetheart, but you slept very peacefully.., so I didn't want to disturb you"Uncle Simon apologized

"Ok, but who is  this young man? " The lady asked Uncle Simon

"Oh he's Jayden , the son of a very good friend of mine , he will be staying us" Uncle Simon simply answered

"Honey ..!