weakness in person 2

"And talking about the devil , here she comes" Albert announced.

We all turned a heads to take a look at the intruder, it's was Julie smiling on her way to our table.

She's always smiling, like she never had a problem in life.

She sat beside me on my left ,with Leticia on my right.

She gave me a quick hug and said " please pardon me guys, I was trying to convince my sister to join us for break, but she decline"

"Stephanie?" I asked

"No, it's Ana" Julie calmly answered.

"Wait , so how many siblings do you have" Albert chipped in.

" Erhm, I have two sisters and a brother" Julie Answered while grinning and looking at me.

I smiled shyly.

" I think you have to introduce them to us one-day, .... You know" Albert said.

"Yeah, that was what I wanted to do today, but Ana wasn't in the mood I guess" Julie said.

"Okay, since she's here ,why do we try Albert's idea " Leticia suggested with a serious look.

"Oh yh, the free meal" Albert said

"Okay then let's get going before break's over." Malvin urged .

We All got up and walked to the free meal counter, and truly only 4 students were in line , so we joined them and got served with waakye with shito sauce and boiled egg.

We walked back to our table and got ready to dig into our test meal.

"Okay guys , this is it " Albert said eagerly ready to eat his free meal.

"But where's Malvin?" Leticia asked

"Who?" Albert blurtly asked while putting a spoon full of waakye uniformly mixed shito into his mouth.

"What do you mean by who?" I asked.

Albert has forgotten about Malvin just now? I thought in my head.

"The food isn't bad at all" Albert said.

"Albert!" Leticia and I chorusly said.

"Hi guys , there you go" Malvin said , putting cans of soda onto the table.

"I thought you guys might need a a drink afterwards" Malvin posing like he had saved us all from an incoming calamity.

"Thanks , bro ... You are a life saver" Albert said stretching his hands across the table to grab a soda.

Leticia and I looked at Albert shockingly while Julie sat down giggling.

"What?, what do I say wrong?" Albert asked when he noticed our stares.

After the meal ..

"The waakye was good but too much pepper in the sauce" Malvin said after he drank a mouthful of soda.

He looked like he was going to cry , I guess he was desperately trying to hold back his watery eye tears because of the girls, but for me , Leticia and Albert, we were okay, while I noticed how Julie slowly ate the shito sauce with waakye... I think she had felt that hot spicy experience Malvin was having before.

"Yeah, the food is tastes good" I said.

I felt a tap on my shoulder , I turned and saw Julie extending a spoon with a whole egg on it towards my mouth.

"Open" she simply said with a smile.

I obeyed .

"Good boy" she said while cleaning my lips with a tissue she had in her left hand.

To be honest, Julie made me remember my mom, she would be a very caring mom one-day, but with that thought I couldn't help but imagined her with big tummy..., she would look divine and delicate with a baby in her.

Suddenly the siren blew for break over.

" Bye guys" Julie stood up waved

"Bye Julie" we responded.

I watched her go and I couldn't help but notice how she walked gracefully and unknowingly shaking her bum .

She looked naive and hot the same time.

Malvin and I said our goodbyes to Leticia and Albert and hurried back to our class.